481 research outputs found

    Thermoelectric Heat Pump Clothes Dryer using Secondary Loop Heat Exchangers: Experimental Evaluation and System Modeling

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    Past work has shown that thermoelectric clothes dryers are capable of much higher efficiency than electric resistance clothes dryers. In an effort to improve performance and reduce material utilization, this work explores a new secondary loop system configuration. In this configuration, heat is transferred between air and the thermoelectric heat pumps via two water loops and two water-to-air fin-tube type heat exchangers. Performance is investigated and analyzed using both experimental and thermodynamic simulation methods

    Fast Sorting on a Distributed-Memory Architecture

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    We consider the often-studied problem of sorting, for a parallel computer. Given an input array distributed evenly over p processors, the task is to compute the sorted output array, also distributed over the p processors. Many existing algorithms take the approach of approximately load-balancing the output, leaving each processor with Θ(n/p) elements. However, in many cases, approximate load-balancing leads to inefficiencies in both the sorting itself and in further uses of the data after sorting. We provide a deterministic parallel sorting algorithm that uses parallel selection to produce any output distribution exactly, particularly one that is perfectly load-balanced. Furthermore, when using a comparison sort, this algorithm is 1-optimal in both computation and communication. We provide an empirical study that illustrates the efficiency of exact data splitting, and shows an improvement over two sample sort algorithms.Singapore-MIT Alliance (SMA

    Model-Based Air Flow Path Optimization for Heat Pump Clothes Dryer

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    A heat pump clothes dryer (HPCD) is an innovative appliance that uses a vapor compression system to dry clothes. Air circulates in a closed loop through the drum, so no vent is required. The condenser heats air to evaporate moisture out of the clothes, and the evaporator condenses water out of the air stream. As a result, the HPCD can achieve 50% energy savings compared to a conventional electric resistance dryer. We developed a physics-based, quasi-steady-state HPCD system model with detailed heat exchanger and compressor models. The system model is able to simulate the inherently transient HPCD drying process, to size components, and to reveal trends in key variables (e.g. compressor discharge temperature, power consumption, required drying time, etc.) The system model was calibrated using experimental data on a prototype HPCD. Air leakages, in and out, along the closed air circulation path of HPCD cause varied effects on the performance. Understanding the location, magnitude, and direction of air leakage of the heat pump clothes dryer is critical for accurately characterizing the performance and developing a high-performance design. The system model was used to reveal the impacts. In addition, model-based parametric optimizations were conducted to design the HPCD air path and leak points for optimum performance

    Domestic Dishwasher Simulated Energy Efficiency Evaluation Using Thermoelectric Heat Pump for Water Heating and Dish Drying

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    A quasi-steady state, coupled thermoelectric and heat transfer model heat and mass transfer lumped model was developed to predict the energy consumption and drying performance of domestic dishwashers. A numerical finite element solution was applied, assuming that the following components could each be treated as a lumped thermal capacitance: dish load, tub, wash water, and air in tub. The model was used to predict the energy consumption savings of heating water using a thermoelectric heat pump that extracts heat from the surrounding air, and the drying performance of circulating tub air through the cold and then hot side of TE modules

    A Study on Internet and Gaming Addiction, Hikikomori Trait and Insomnia Status among Medical Undergraduates at one of Cities of Western India

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    Background: College students appear more vulnerable in developing a dependence on the internet. Individuals with hikikomori are frequently reported to have social contact predominantly via the internet. Objectives: To find the prevalence of Internet addiction, gaming Addiction, Hikikomori Trait and Insomnia amongst medical undergraduates and to study their association with various determinants. Methodology: The present Cross-Sectional study was conducted among first to final-year medical students studying at various medical colleges in Indian City from February to May 2021. Data collection was done after obtaining the ethical permission of the Institute. A total of 400 students who gave consent were sent an electronic questionnaire. Results: The mean age of study participants was 20 ± 1.58 years. Internet addiction was present in 189(47.2%) participants, gaming addiction in 128 (32%) students and Hikikomori Trait was found in 98(24.5%) students. There was a statistically significant association between different grades of insomnia and internet, gaming addiction, and hikikomori trait (<?0.0001) in the present study. Conclusion: Internet addiction was present in almost half of the medical students while gaming addiction was seen in nearly one third of the students. Male gender and hostel stay had a statistically significant association with internet addiction, gaming addiction, insomnia and hikikomori trait

    Experimental Measurements of Clothes Dryer Drum Heat and Mass Transfer Effectiveness

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    Accurate system modeling of a clothes dryer requires a drum component that displays correct trends with respect to changing conditions. In this work, a model of drum heat and mass transfer effectiveness is adopted. Within this framework, experimental measurements of drum effectiveness are investigated with respect to several variables: drum volume, load mass, cloth type, drum volumetric air flow rate, and drum entering air temperature. These data can inform the modeling and simulation of any clothes dryer with horizontal-axis, axial-flow tumble-type clothes dryer drum

    A Cross-sectional study on Out-of-Pocket expenditure towards Immunization and its consequences faced by families with under-five Children Residing at one of the Cities of Western India

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    Background: When immunization of under-five children results in Out-of-Pocket Expenditure (OOPE), it affects motivation of parents for vaccination inversely. Objectives: To assess determinants affecting preference for specific/mixed type of health facilities and to estimate out-of-pocket expenditure towards immunization of under-five children. To assess opinion of participants for prevention/decreasing OOPE towards immunization. Methods: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted at one of zones of Ahmedabad city, selected by simple random sampling. Following technique of “30×7 cluster survey” with necessary house-hold information received from Municipal Corporation, selection of 7 children was pursued from each cluster reaching to sample-size of 210 (30 X 7). Results: Of 211 children included in study, 124(58.77%), 68(32.23%) and 19(9%) had taken immunization services from government, private and mixed variety respectively. Majority of families (110, 88.71%) preferring government healthcare-facility for immunization incurred expenses <5000 INR/child as while in other two groups, all beneficiaries had expensed>5000 INR/child. Conclusions: Determinants like child’s gender, parents’ education, Type of family, Socio-economic status, delivery place of child and occupation of father had statistically significant association with preferred place of vaccination. Fixation of upper ceiling-limit of vaccines which are recommended by pediatricians but not covered in government run program was one of suggestions

    Risk factors of occupation related back pain and neck pain among patients attending tertiary care hospital, Ahmedabad, India

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    Introduction: Neck/back pain is one of the common health problems associated with significant impact on health resulting in sickness absenteeism. Neck/back pain is one of important causes of disability adjusted life years worldwide. The Objectives of study were: To identify various occupations related risk factors and their possible role in occurrence of back pain/neck pain and Visual analogue scale(VAS) assessment of their perceived pain. Methods: The study was conducted at one of the tertiary care hospital at Ahmedabad city, India. All patients above age of 18 years attending physiotherapy department for treatment of back pain/neck pain and gave consent were taken as study participants. Information about certain body postures in their lifestyle or at workplace which can have effects on back pain/neck pain were asked. VAS for perceived pain was anchored by “no pain” (score 0) and “pain as bad as it could be” (score 100). Data were entered in MS Excel and analyzed by frequency, contingency coefficient and Goodman & Kruskal’s Gamma test. Result and Conclusion: Total of 512 participants were included in study, among which 53 & 392 participants had Neck pain and Back pain alone, respectively, while 67 participants had both Neck and Back pain. Age, Marital status, socioeconomic class, BMI and type of occupation revealed statistically significant association with severity of pain. Various body postures like prolonged sitting/ standing, frequent bending at waist/knee, Pulling/Pushing heavy objects, frequent weight lifting > 10 kg. and repetitive movement of back/neck revealed as statistically significant risk factors for back/neck pain

    Dynamic Query Forms for Non-Relational Database

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    With quick advancement of investigative databases and web data databases are turning out to be exceptionally colossal in size and complex in nature. These databases hold extensive and heterogeneous information, with huge number of relations and qualities. So it is exceptionally hard to outline an arrangement of static inquiry structures to answer different specially appointed database inquirieson these cutting edge databases. Along these lines there is need of such framework which create Query Forms powerfully as indicated by the clients need at run time. The proposed framework Dynamic Query Form i.e.DQF framework going to give an answer by the inquiry interface in extensive and complex databases. In proposed framework, the center idea is to catch client intrigues all through client associations and to adjust the inquiry sort iteratively. Each cycle comprises of 2 sorts of client collaborations: Query Form Enrichment and Query Execution. In Query Form Enrichment DQF would prescribe a positioned rundown of question structure part to client so he/she can choose sought structure segments into current inquiry structure. In Query Execution client fills current inquiry shape and submit question, DQF going to show result and take input from client on gave question results. A client would have office to fill the inquiry frame and submit questions to see the inquiry result at every cycle. So that a question structure could be progressively refined till the client fulfills with the inquiry results
