3,841 research outputs found

    Universal quench dynamics of interacting quantum impurity systems

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    The equilibrium physics of quantum impurities frequently involves a universal crossover from weak to strong reservoir-impurity coupling, characterized by single-parameter scaling and an energy scale TKT_K (Kondo temperature) that breaks scale invariance. For the non-interacting resonant level model, the non-equilibrium time evolution of the Loschmidt echo after a local quantum quench was recently computed explicitely [R. Vasseur, K. Trinh, S. Haas, and H. Saleur, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 240601 (2013)]. It shows single-parameter scaling with variable TKtT_K t. Here, we scrutinize whether similar universal dynamics can be observed in various interacting quantum impurity systems. Using density matrix and functional renormalization group approaches, we analyze the time evolution resulting from abruptly coupling two non-interacting Fermi or interacting Luttinger liquid leads via a quantum dot or a direct link. We also consider the case of a single Luttinger liquid lead suddenly coupled to a quantum dot. We investigate whether the field theory predictions for the universal scaling as well as for the large time behavior successfully describe the time evolution of the Loschmidt echo and the entanglement entropy of microscopic models.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Universal nonequilibrium signatures of Majorana zero modes in quench dynamics

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    The quantum evolution after a metallic lead is suddenly connected to an electron system contains information about the excitation spectrum of the combined system. We exploit this type of "quantum quench" to probe the presence of Majorana fermions at the ends of a topological superconducting wire. We obtain an algebraically decaying overlap (Loschmidt echo) L(t)=<ψ(0)ψ(t)>2tα{\cal L}(t)=| < \psi(0) | \psi(t) > |^2\sim t^{-\alpha} for large times after the quench, with a universal critical exponent α\alpha=1/4 that is found to be remarkably robust against details of the setup, such as interactions in the normal lead, the existence of additional lead channels or the presence of bound levels between the lead and the superconductor. As in recent quantum dot experiments, this exponent could be measured by optical absorption, offering a new signature of Majorana zero modes that is distinct from interferometry and tunneling spectroscopy.Comment: 9 pages + appendices, 4 figures. v3: published versio

    The periodic sl(2|1) alternating spin chain and its continuum limit as a bulk Logarithmic Conformal Field Theory at c=0

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    The periodic sl(2|1) alternating spin chain encodes (some of) the properties of hulls of percolation clusters, and is described in the continuum limit by a logarithmic conformal field theory (LCFT) at central charge c=0. This theory corresponds to the strong coupling regime of a sigma model on the complex projective superspace CP11=U(21)/(U(1)×U(11))\mathbb{CP}^{1|1} = \mathrm{U}(2|1) / (\mathrm{U}(1) \times \mathrm{U}(1|1)), and the spectrum of critical exponents can be obtained exactly. In this paper we push the analysis further, and determine the main representation theoretic (logarithmic) features of this continuum limit by extending to the periodic case the approach of [N. Read and H. Saleur, Nucl. Phys. B 777 316 (2007)]. We first focus on determining the representation theory of the finite size spin chain with respect to the algebra of local energy densities provided by a representation of the affine Temperley-Lieb algebra at fugacity one. We then analyze how these algebraic properties carry over to the continuum limit to deduce the structure of the space of states as a representation over the product of left and right Virasoro algebras. Our main result is the full structure of the vacuum module of the theory, which exhibits Jordan cells of arbitrary rank for the Hamiltonian.Comment: 69pp, 8 fig

    Critical properties of joint spin and Fortuin-Kasteleyn observables in the two-dimensional Potts model

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    The two-dimensional Potts model can be studied either in terms of the original Q-component spins, or in the geometrical reformulation via Fortuin-Kasteleyn (FK) clusters. While the FK representation makes sense for arbitrary real values of Q by construction, it was only shown very recently that the spin representation can be promoted to the same level of generality. In this paper we show how to define the Potts model in terms of observables that simultaneously keep track of the spin and FK degrees of freedom. This is first done algebraically in terms of a transfer matrix that couples three different representations of a partition algebra. Using this, one can study correlation functions involving any given number of propagating spin clusters with prescribed colours, each of which contains any given number of distinct FK clusters. For 0 <= Q <= 4 the corresponding critical exponents are all of the Kac form h_{r,s}, with integer indices r,s that we determine exactly both in the bulk and in the boundary versions of the problem. In particular, we find that the set of points where an FK cluster touches the hull of its surrounding spin cluster has fractal dimension d_{2,1} = 2 - 2 h_{2,1}. If one constrains this set to points where the neighbouring spin cluster extends to infinity, we show that the dimension becomes d_{1,3} = 2 - 2 h_{1,3}. Our results are supported by extensive transfer matrix and Monte Carlo computations.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures, 2 table

    Les mots de la défaite et la fête des mots : Visages étranges de Rafael Courtoisie

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    Microstructure from ferroelastic transitions using strain pseudospin clock models in two and three dimensions: a local mean-field analysis

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    We show how microstructure can arise in first-order ferroelastic structural transitions, in two and three spatial dimensions, through a local meanfield approximation of their pseudospin hamiltonians, that include anisotropic elastic interactions. Such transitions have symmetry-selected physical strains as their NOPN_{OP}-component order parameters, with Landau free energies that have a single zero-strain 'austenite' minimum at high temperatures, and spontaneous-strain 'martensite' minima of NVN_V structural variants at low temperatures. In a reduced description, the strains at Landau minima induce temperature-dependent, clock-like ZNV+1\mathbb{Z}_{N_V +1} hamiltonians, with NOPN_{OP}-component strain-pseudospin vectors S{\vec S} pointing to NV+1N_V + 1 discrete values (including zero). We study elastic texturing in five such first-order structural transitions through a local meanfield approximation of their pseudospin hamiltonians, that include the powerlaw interactions. As a prototype, we consider the two-variant square/rectangle transition, with a one-component, pseudospin taking NV+1=3N_V +1 =3 values of S=0,±1S= 0, \pm 1, as in a generalized Blume-Capel model. We then consider transitions with two-component (NOP=2N_{OP} = 2) pseudospins: the equilateral to centred-rectangle (NV=3N_V =3); the square to oblique polygon (NV=4N_V =4); the triangle to oblique (NV=6N_V =6) transitions; and finally the 3D cubic to tetragonal transition (NV=3 N_V =3). The local meanfield solutions in 2D and 3D yield oriented domain-walls patterns as from continuous-variable strain dynamics, showing the discrete-variable models capture the essential ferroelastic texturings. Other related hamiltonians illustrate that structural-transitions in materials science can be the source of interesting spin models in statistical mechanics.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Logarithmic observables in critical percolation

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    Although it has long been known that the proper quantum field theory description of critical percolation involves a logarithmic conformal field theory (LCFT), no direct consequence of this has been observed so far. Representing critical bond percolation as the Q = 1 limit of the Q-state Potts model, and analyzing the underlying S_Q symmetry of the Potts spins, we identify a class of simple observables whose two-point functions scale logarithmically for Q = 1. The logarithm originates from the mixing of the energy operator with a logarithmic partner that we identify as the field that creates two propagating clusters. In d=2 dimensions this agrees with general LCFT results, and in particular the universal prefactor of the logarithm can be computed exactly. We confirm its numerical value by extensive Monte-Carlo simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures. V2: as publishe

    Synchronous dynamics of zooplankton competitors prevail in temperate lake ecosystems

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    Although competing species are expected to exhibit compensatory dynamics (negative temporal covariation), empirical work has demonstrated that competitive communities often exhibit synchronous dynamics (positive temporal covariation). This has led to the suggestion that environmental forcing dominates species dynamics; however, synchronous and compensatory dynamics may appear at different length scales and/or at different times, making it challenging to identify their relative importance. We compiled 58 long-term datasets of zooplankton abundance in north-temperate and sub-tropical lakes and used wavelet analysis to quantify general patterns in the times and scales at which synchronous/compensatory dynamics dominated zooplankton communities in different regions and across the entire dataset. Synchronous dynamics were far more prevalent at all scales and times and were ubiquitous at the annual scale. Although we found compensatory dynamics in approximately 14% of all combinations of time period/scale/lake, there were no consistent scales or time periods during which compensatory dynamics were apparent across different regions. Our results suggest that the processes driving compensatory dynamics may be local in their extent, while those generating synchronous dynamics operate at much larger scales. This highlights an important gap in our understanding of the interaction between environmental and biotic forces that structure communities

    Incompressible flow in porous media with fractional diffusion

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    In this paper we study the heat transfer with a general fractional diffusion term of an incompressible fluid in a porous medium governed by Darcy's law. We show formation of singularities with infinite energy and for finite energy we obtain existence and uniqueness results of strong solutions for the sub-critical and critical cases. We prove global existence of weak solutions for different cases. Moreover, we obtain the decay of the solution in LpL^p, for any p2p\geq2, and the asymptotic behavior is shown. Finally, we prove the existence of an attractor in a weak sense and, for the sub-critical dissipative case with α(1,2]\alpha\in (1,2], we obtain the existence of the global attractor for the solutions in the space HsH^s for any s>(N/2)+1αs > (N/2)+1-\alpha