541 research outputs found

    Diurnal and seasonal variations of <i>hm</i>F2 deduced from digitalionosonde over New Delhi and its comparison with IRI 2001

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    International audienceUsing digital ionosonde observations at a low mid-latitude station, New Delhi (28.6°N, 77.2°E, dip 42.4°N), we have derived hourly monthly values of hmF2 (the real height corresponding to the peak electron density in the F2-region), employing both the Dudeney (1983) and Bilitza (1990) empirical formulations for the period from January 2001 to August 2002. The diurnal and seasonal variations of hmF2 are analyzed. Further, to assess the predictability of the latest available model, International Reference Ionosphere, (IRI-2001), we have obtained the median values of hmF2 derived from M(3000)F2 for each hour during different seasons and compare these with the model. Our results show that both the Dudeney (1983) and Bilitza (1990) formulations reveal more or less a similar diurnal trend of hmF2, with higher values around midnight and lower during sunrise, in all the seasons. It is also noted that the hmF2 shows a larger variability around midnight than by daytime, in all the seasons. Further, the study shows that median values of observed hmF2, using both formulations, are somewhat larger than those predicted by the IRI, in all seasons and at all local times. During summer, the IRI values agree comparatively well with the observations, especially during daytime. Major discrepancies occur when the IRI underestimates observed hmF2 for local times from about 14:00 LT to 18:00 LT and 04:00 LT to 05:00 LT during winter and equinox, where the percentage deviation of the observed hmF2 values with respect to the IRI model varies from 15 to 25%. The difference between the model and observations, outside this time period, remains less than 20% during all the seasons. Key words. Ionosphere (modelling and forecasting; equatorial ionosphere

    Clinicopathological study of benign ovarian tumuors

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    Background: The incidence of ovarian tumor amongst gynecological admissions have been reported to vary from 1-3 %. About 75% of these tumors have been found to be benign. Ovarian malignancies represent the greatest clinical challenge of all the gynecological malignancies. During the reproductive years most of the ovarian tumors encountered are benign. About 2/3 of the ovarian tumors are encountered in this group only. The chance that an ovarian tumor is malignant in a patient younger than 45 years is 1 in 15. The differentiation of the benign from malignant tumors can go wrong even with imaging modalities.CA125 along with ultrasound are useful in differentiating benign from malignant tumors. Histopathological examination is gold standard for diagnosis of ovarian neoplasm.Methods: The present study includes consecutive cases of histopathologically proven ovarian tumors of 3 years from June 2010 to May 2013 reported by the Department of Pathology of our tertiary care center. It includes total 150 cases. After careful study of gross findings, appropriate bits were taken from received ovarian specimen, followed by routine paraffin processing to make H and E stained slides. Special stains were used wherever needed.Results: Majority of the cases 91 (60.67%) were benign, 53 (35.33%) were malignant and 6 (4.0%) were borderline. Surface epithelial tumours were the most common type (68.13%) of ovarian neoplasm in this study. Most of tumours in our study occurred in the age group of 21-40 years. Mucinous cystadenomas were most common benign surface epithelial tumour and most common benign tumors overall. There were 22 cases of benign germ cell tumor, all were mature teratoma. All the sex-cord stromal tumours were diagnosed in women older than 40 years. Most common benign lesion in our study is surface epithelial tumour and in age group of 21-40 years. 84% patients studied had symptoms at presentation, out of which 26% of patient presented with dull/dragging pain. Pan hysterectomy was the most common procedure for surgical management.Conclusions: Most of ovarian neoplasm are benign with mucinous cystadenoma being commonest entity. Commonest age group is 21-40 years. Commonest benign germ cell tumor is Mature cystic teratoma. Commonest clinical symptom is dull/dragging pain. Pan hysterectomy was the most common procedure for surgical management.

    Optimal and Robust Mechanism Design with Interdependent Values

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    Susceptibility of hamsters to clostridium difficile isolates of differing toxinotype

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    Clostridium difficile is the most commonly associated cause of antibiotic associated disease (AAD), which caused ~21,000 cases of AAD in 2011 in the U.K. alone. The golden Syrian hamster model of CDI is an acute model displaying many of the clinical features of C. difficile disease. Using this model we characterised three clinical strains of C. difficile, all differing in toxinotype; CD1342 (PaLoc negative), M68 (toxinotype VIII) and BI-7 (toxinotype III). The naturally occurring non-toxic strain colonised all hamsters within 1-day post challenge (d.p.c.) with high-levels of spores being shed in the faeces of animals that appeared well throughout the entire experiment. However, some changes including increased neutrophil influx and unclotted red blood cells were observed at early time points despite the fact that the known C. difficile toxins (TcdA, TcdB and CDT) are absent from the genome. In contrast, hamsters challenged with strain M68 resulted in a 45% mortality rate, with those that survived challenge remaining highly colonised. It is currently unclear why some hamsters survive infection, as bacterial and toxin levels and histology scores were similar to those culled at a similar time-point. Hamsters challenged with strain BI-7 resulted in a rapid fatal infection in 100% of the hamsters approximately 26 hr post challenge. Severe caecal pathology, including transmural neutrophil infiltrates and extensive submucosal damage correlated with high levels of toxin measured in gut filtrates ex vivo. These data describes the infection kinetics and disease outcomes of 3 clinical C. difficile isolates differing in toxin carriage and provides additional insights to the role of each toxin in disease progression

    Two new records of Plagiothecium

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    The dilemma of arranged marriages in people with epilepsy. An expert group appraisal

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    INTRODUCTION: Matrimony remains a challenging psychosocial problem confronting people with epilepsy (PWE). People with epilepsy are less likely to marry; however, their marital prospects are most seriously compromised in arranged marriages. AIMS: The aim of this study was to document marital prospects and outcomes in PWE going through arranged marriage and to propose optimal practices for counseling PWE contemplating arranged marriage. METHODS: A MEDLINE search and literature review were conducted, followed by a cross-disciplinary meeting of experts to generate consensus. RESULTS: People with epilepsy experience high levels of felt and enacted stigma in arranged marriages, but the repercussions are heavily biased against women. Hiding epilepsy is common during marital negotiations but may be associated with poor medication adherence, reduced physician visits, and poor marital outcome. Although divorce rates are generally insubstantial in PWE, divorce rates appear to be higher in PWE undergoing arranged marriages. In these marriages, hiding epilepsy during marital negotiations is a risk factor for divorce. CONCLUSIONS: In communities in which arranged marriages are common, physicians caring for PWE are best-equipped to counsel them about their marital prospects. Marital plans and aspirations should be discussed with the family of the person with epilepsy in a timely and proactive manner. The benefits of disclosing epilepsy during marital negotiations should be underscored

    Length of carotid stenosis predicts peri-procedural stroke or death and restenosis in patients randomized to endovascular treatment or endarterectomy.

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    BACKGROUND: The anatomy of carotid stenosis may influence the outcome of endovascular treatment or carotid endarterectomy. Whether anatomy favors one treatment over the other in terms of safety or efficacy has not been investigated in randomized trials. METHODS: In 414 patients with mostly symptomatic carotid stenosis randomized to endovascular treatment (angioplasty or stenting; n = 213) or carotid endarterectomy (n = 211) in the Carotid and Vertebral Artery Transluminal Angioplasty Study (CAVATAS), the degree and length of stenosis and plaque surface irregularity were assessed on baseline intraarterial angiography. Outcome measures were stroke or death occurring between randomization and 30 days after treatment, and ipsilateral stroke and restenosis ≥50% during follow-up. RESULTS: Carotid stenosis longer than 0.65 times the common carotid artery diameter was associated with increased risk of peri-procedural stroke or death after both endovascular treatment [odds ratio 2.79 (1.17-6.65), P = 0.02] and carotid endarterectomy [2.43 (1.03-5.73), P = 0.04], and with increased long-term risk of restenosis in endovascular treatment [hazard ratio 1.68 (1.12-2.53), P = 0.01]. The excess in restenosis after endovascular treatment compared with carotid endarterectomy was significantly greater in patients with long stenosis than with short stenosis at baseline (interaction P = 0.003). Results remained significant after multivariate adjustment. No associations were found for degree of stenosis and plaque surface. CONCLUSIONS: Increasing stenosis length is an independent risk factor for peri-procedural stroke or death in endovascular treatment and carotid endarterectomy, without favoring one treatment over the other. However, the excess restenosis rate after endovascular treatment compared with carotid endarterectomy increases with longer stenosis at baseline. Stenosis length merits further investigation in carotid revascularisation trials
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