1,117 research outputs found

    Hybrid reasoning on OWL RL

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    fuzzySim: applying fuzzy logic to binary similarity indices in ecology

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    Binary similarity indices are widely used in ecology, for example for detecting associations between species occurrence patterns, comparing regional and temporal species assemblages, and assessing beta diversity patterns, including spatial and temporal species loss and turnover. Such indices have widespread applications in biogeography, global change biology and biodiversity conservation. Similarity indices are commonly calculated upon binary presence/absence (or sometimes modelled suitable/unsuitable) data, which are generally incomplete and more categorical than their underlying natural patterns. Probable false absences are disregarded, amplifying the effects of data deficiencies and the scale dependence of the results. Fuzzy occurrence data, with a degree of uncertainty attributed to localities where presence or absence cannot be safely assigned, could better reflect species distributions, compensating for incomplete knowledge and methodological errors. Similarity indices would therefore also benefit from accommodating such fuzzy data directly. This study proposes fuzzy versions of the binary similarity indices most commonly used in ecology, so that they can be directly applied to continuous (fuzzy) rather than binary occurrence values, thus producing more realistic similarity assessments. Fuzzy occurrence can be obtained with several methods, some of which are also provided. The procedure is robust to data source disparities, gaps or other errors in species occurrence records, even for restricted species for which slight inaccuracies can affect substantial parts of their range. The method is implemented in a free and open-source software package, fuzzySim, which is available for the R statistical software and under implementation for the QGIS geographic information system. It is provided with sample data and an illustrated tutorial suitable for non-experienced users

    Concomitant infections with canine parvovirus type 2 and intracellular tick-borne pathogens in two puppy dogs

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    In this report the concomitant infection with canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2), Hepatozoon canis and Ehrlichia canis in two puppy dogs from Southern Italy is described. Dogs were referred to a veterinary university hospital for the acute onset of lethargy and gastrointestinal signs. A complete clinical and clinicopathological evaluation was carried out and the multiple infection was confirmed by microscopic detection of inclusion bodies in peripheral blood smear, rapid immunoenzymatic tests, indirect fluorescent antibody tests, and molecular assays. Sequence analysis revealed that the CPV-2 identified belonged to the 2c variant and had amino acid residues in the predicted VP2 protein typical of "Asian-like" strains widespread in Asia and occasionally reported in Romania, Nigeria and Italy, particularly in the region of Sicily. Numerous monocytes were infected by both H. canis gamonts and E. canis morulae, suggesting that this co-infection is not accidental and that E. canis preferably infects those cells parasitized by H. canis. The clinical presentation of these animals was severe but supportive cares associated with early etiological therapy allowed a good prognosis. Movement of puppies from geographic areas where vector-borne pathogens are endemic must be carefully evaluated and core vaccinations and ectoparasite prevention treatments must be rigorously adopted

    What influences prescribing in General Practice? : an ethnographic exploration

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    Prescribing accounts for 11% of the total NHS budget. In the UK, there is an aging population who receive nearly half of all prescriptions, with the increasing age of the population, the prevalence of long-term conditions, cost and complexity of prescribing is likely to rise. Prescribing is influenced by numerous factors such as new drugs; aging populations; polypharmacy; and increased concern about adverse reactions. Although numerous initiatives are targeted at general practitioners to encourage application of research evidence the significant variation in prescribing quality and cost is difficult to explain. Previous studies have explored the influences of type of drug, focused clinical area, guidelines and the doctor/patient relationship. No study was found which has explored the details of the prescribing process using the ethnographic approach. This ethnographic study of three different general practices, involved participant observation, documentary review and semi-structured interviews. Analysis was an iterative process conducted in Atlas.ti by borrowing on grounded theory techniques and interpretative description. Practices were selected using prescribing quality indicators developed by Audit Scotland via PRISMS (Prescribing Information System for Scotland), which collects prescribing data for all practices in Scotland. Two practices which were ranked highly and one practice which was ranked low were observed. Practices made two different kinds of prescribing decision; macro and micro. Macro prescribing decisions are strategic, influenced by EBM and practice data, and consider the „average patient?. Micro prescribing decisions are made with an individual patient, considering their unique biology, context and perspectives. Practice pharmacists were instrumental in leading prescribing quality improvement in the larger practices and had an important role interpreting practice level data in light of the changing evidence. In the high ranking practices these changes were formulated into macro prescribing policy to rationalise and standardise their prescribing. The lower ranking practice suggested practices had to value collective decision-making and consistency in their prescribing behaviour to formulate a macro prescribing policy. Consistency in prescribing behaviour was facilitated by effective communication, which was important for shared values and practice identity. Practice identity influenced practice values, communication and organisation thus had a direct impact on their macro prescribing policy formulation and implementation. GPs used mindlines when making prescribing decisions at the micro prescribing level. GPs did not refer to explicit sources when seeking information but used personal prescribing formularies. These mindlines were iteratively developed from social networks with colleagues, secondary care and patient specific information from the practice pharmacist and from past experience. Through effective communication with colleagues these mindlines were shared.In conclusion, practices made two different kinds of prescribing decision; macro and micro. Both types of prescribing were dependent on effective communication channels, organisation, values and practice identity, illustrating the importance of communication for shared values, collective behaviour and prescribing decision-making.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceChief Scientisits OfficeGBUnited Kingdo

    Atrial natriuretic factor in essential hypertension : echocardiographic and humoral correlates

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    Aim of this study was to assess the relationship between plasma concentration of atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) and its two-dimensional echocardiographic (left ventricular mass, left atrium diameter) and humoral (plasma renin and aldosterone) variables in essential hypertension (EH). We evaluated 32 patients with uncomplicated mild to moderate EH and 10 controls. They were studied in the supine position after 7 days of constant dietary sodium intake and were off therapy since at least 3 weeks. ANF values overlapped between EH patients and controls (27.8 +/- 11.5 vs. 19.5 +/- 7.4 pg/ml, p = NS). In EH, no significant correlation was found between ANF values and left ventricular mass (r = 0.29), left atrial diameter (r = 0.04), mean arterial blood pressure (r = 0.26), plasma renin activity (r = 0.00), and aldosterone (r = 0.26). In EH, ANF values overlapped between the 15 patients with hypertrophy and the 17 patients with normal ventricular mass: 30.3 +/- 17 vs. 25.6 +/- 10.6 pg/ms (p = NS). We conclude that there is a substantial overlap in plasma ANF values between mild to moderate uncomplicated EH and controls, and left ventricular hypertrophy is not a major independent stimulus to ANF release in EH

    Canine circovirus and Canine adenovirus type 1 and 2 in dogs with parvoviral enteritis

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    Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2) is one of the most relevant pathogens associated with enteritis in dogs and is frequently reported in association with the detection of other pathogens in faeces. In this study the concomitant presence of Canine circovirus (CanineCV) and Canine adenovirus (CAdV) DNA in faecal or intestine samples of 95 dogs with parvovirus enteritis sampled in Italy (1995–2017) was investigated and the viruses identified were genetically characterised. Potential correlations with the antigenic variant of CPV-2 and with signalment data and outcome were evaluated. Twenty-eight of 95 (29.5%) CPV-2 infected dogs tested positive to other viruses: 7/28 were also positive to CanineCV, 1/28 to CAdV-1, 18/28 to CAdV-2, 1/28 to CanineCV and CAdV-2, and 1/28 to CAdV-1 and CAdV-2. The frequency of CAdV DNA detection and coinfections was significantly higher in purebred dogs compared to mixed breed ones (P = 0.002 and 0.009, respectively). The presence of coinfection was not associated with any other relevant data available, including CPV-2 variant and final outcome. The detection of CanineCV in a dog sampled in 2009 allowed to backdating its circulation in dogs. The eight CanineCV completely sequenced were phylogenetically related to the CanineCV identified in dogs, wolves and a badger from Europe, USA, Argentina and China. Nine CAdV were partially sequenced and phylogenetic analysis showed a separate branch for the oldest CAdV-2 identified (1995). From the results obtained in this study population, CanineCV and CAdV coinfections in dogs with parvoviral enteritis did not result in more severe disease

    Produksi Video Klip Multiplek Lagu “Semalam di Cianjur” Berbasis Multimedia

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    Abstract :  Multiplex is a special type of karaoke songs that have the ultimate guide vocal, which helps to learn the track. Vocals were recorded on only one side of the stereo channels, making it possible to be processed with Sony Vegas software into a video clip. The issues raised in the study is not much research on the production of a video clip discusses the multiplex, so the lack of a reference sample for the study multiplex. The goal for the Produce video clips multiplex song "Semalam di Cianjur" based multimedia. The benefits of research to obtain additional material for the song karaoke box and the object of research at the University of Surakarta and give a variant repertoire multiplex video Production for the University of SurakartaThe research methodology used is literature, Observation, Interview, Design, Implementation and Documentation. Formulation of the production steps multiplex video clip consists of the Pre-Production, Production and Post Production. Production multiplex video clip "Semalam di Cianjur" based multimedia is expected to be an inspiration as well as a reference to produce video clips multiplex.Keywords: multimedia journal  audio video, multiplex, karaoke, song memoriesAbstrak: Multiplek adalah tipe khusus dari lagu karaoke yang memiliki panduan utama vokal, yang membantu  untuk belajar trek. Vokal tersebut dicatat hanya pada satu sisi dari saluran stereo,sehingga memungkinkan untuk diolah dengan perangkat lunak Sony Vegas menjadi sebuah video klip. Masalah yang diangkat dalam  penelitian  adalah belum banyak penelitian yang membahas tentang produksi video klip multiplek,sehingga kurangnya sample penelitian untuk referensi multiplek. Tujuannya untuk Menghasilkan video klip multiplek lagu “Semalam di Cianjur” berbasis  multimedia. Manfaat dari penelitian untuk memperoleh tambahan materi lagu untuk karaoke box dan objek penelitian di Universitas Surakarta serta memberikan varian khasanah produksi video multiplek untuk Universitas Surakarta Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah Kepustakaan, Observasi, Wawancara, Perancangan, Implementasi dan Dokumentasi. Perumusan langkah-langkah  produksi video klip multiplek terdiri dari proses Pra Produksi, Produksi, dan Pasca Produksi.Produksi video klip multiplek “Semalam di Cianjur” berbasis multimedia diharapkan dapat menjadi inspirasi serta acuan untuk memproduksi video klip multiplek.Kata kunci : Jurnal multimedia, audio video,multiplek ,karaoke, tembang kenanga

    New development: Directly elected mayors in Italy: creating a strong leader doesn’t mean creating strong leadership

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    More than 20 years after their introduction, directly elected mayors are key players in Italian urban governance. This article explains the main effects of this reform on local government systems and provides lessons for other countries considering directly elected mayors

    Overview of the design of the ITER heating neutral beam injectors

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    The heating neutral beam injectors (HNBs) of ITER are designed to deliver 16.7MWof 1 MeVD0 or 0.87 MeVH0 to the ITER plasma for up to 3600 s. They will be the most powerful neutral beam\uf0a0(NB) injectors ever, delivering higher energy NBs to the plasma in a tokamak for longer than any previous systems have done. The design of the HNBs is based on the acceleration and neutralisation of negative ions as the efficiency of conversion of accelerated positive ions is so low at the required energy that a realistic design is not possible, whereas the neutralisation ofH 12 andD 12 remains acceptable ( 4856%). The design of a long pulse negative ion based injector is inherently more complicated than that of short pulse positive ion based injectors because: \u2022 negative ions are harder to create so that they can be extracted and accelerated from the ion source; \u2022 electrons can be co-extracted from the ion source along with the negative ions, and their acceleration must be minimised to maintain an acceptable overall accelerator efficiency; \u2022 negative ions are easily lost by collisions with the background gas in the accelerator; \u2022 electrons created in the extractor and accelerator can impinge on the extraction and acceleration grids, leading to high power loads on the grids; \u2022 positive ions are created in the accelerator by ionisation of the background gas by the accelerated negative ions and the positive ions are back-accelerated into the ion source creating a massive power load to the ion source; \u2022 electrons that are co-accelerated with the negative ions can exit the accelerator and deposit power on various downstream beamline components. The design of the ITER HNBs is further complicated because ITER is a nuclear installation which will generate very large fluxes of neutrons and gamma rays. Consequently all the injector components have to survive in that harsh environment. Additionally the beamline components and theNBcell, where the beams are housed, will be activated and all maintenance will have to be performed remotely. This paper describes the design of theHNBinjectors, but not the associated power supplies, cooling system, cryogenic system etc, or the high voltage bushingwhich separates the vacuum of the beamline fromthehighpressureSF6 of the high voltage (1MV) transmission line, through which the power, gas and coolingwater are supplied to the beam source. Also themagnetic field reduction system is not described

    Single-shot X-ray phase-contrast computed tomography with non-microfocal laboratory sources

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    We present a method that enables performing x-ray phase-contrast imaging (XPCI) computed tomography with a laboratory setup using a single image per projection angle, eliminating the need to move optical elements during acquisition. Theoretical derivation of the method is presented, and its validity conditions are provided. The object is assumed to be quasihomogeneous, i.e., to feature a ratio between the refractive index and the linear attenuation coefficient that is approximately constant across the field of view. The method is experimentally demonstrated on a plastics phantom and on biological samples using a continuous rotation acquisition scheme achieving scan times of a few minutes. Moreover, we show that such acquisition times can be further reduced with the use of a high-efficiency photon-counting detector. Thanks to its ability to substantially simplify the image-acquisition procedure and greatly reduce collection times, we believe this method represents a very important step towards the application of XPCI to real-world problems