18 research outputs found

    Supported polysilsesquioxane membrane and production thereof

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    Membranes of the invention comprise a hybrid silica film on a organic polymer support. The silica comprises organic bridging groups bound to two or more silicon atoms, in particular at least 1 of said organic bridging groups per 10 silicon atoms. The membranes can be produced by dry chemistry processes, in particular plasma-enhanced vapour deposition of bridged silane precursors, or by wet chemistry involving hydrolysis of the bridged silane precursors. The membranes are inexpensive and efficient for separation of small molecules and filtration processes

    Cardiomyopathie Du Postpartum: A propos de cinq cas au Gabon.

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    Nous rapportons une analyse rétrospective de cinq cas de cardiomyopathie du postpartum traités en l’espace d’un an à l’hôpital d’instruction des armées Omar BONGO ONDIMBA de Libreville. Les patientes étaient âgées de moins de 32 ans et deux avaient une prééclampsie sévère. L’insuffisance cardiaque congestive avec oedème aigue du poumon, étaient le maître symptôme.La radiographie du thorax montrait toujours une cardiomégalie avec des signes de congestion pulmonaire. L’échocardiographie montrait un diamètre télédiastolique ventriculaire gauche de plus de 58 mm et une fraction de raccourcissement inférieure ou égale à 18%. Le traitement comportait, outre le repos au lit, la restriction hydrosodée, un digitalique, un diurétique et uninhibiteur de l’enzyme de conversion. Trois des patients ont guéri et chez deux persistait une altération échocardiographique de la fonction ventriculaire gauche. Les principaux problèmes posés par la cardiomyopathie du postpartum sont soulevés

    The devices, experimental scaffolds, and biomaterials ontology (DEB): a tool for mapping, annotation, and analysis of biomaterials' data

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    The size and complexity of the biomaterials literature makes systematic data analysis an excruciating manual task. A practical solution is creating databases and information resources. Implant design and biomaterials research can greatly benefit from an open database for systematic data retrieval. Ontologies are pivotal to knowledge base creation, serving to represent and organize domain knowledge. To name but two examples, GO, the gene ontology, and CheBI, Chemical Entities of Biological Interest ontology and their associated databases are central resources to their respective research communities. The creation of the devices, experimental scaffolds, and biomaterials ontology (DEB), an open resource for organizing information about biomaterials, their design, manufacture, and biological testing, is described. It is developed using text analysis for identifying ontology terms from a biomaterials gold standard corpus, systematically curated to represent the domain's lexicon. Topics covered are validated by members of the biomaterials research community. The ontology may be used for searching terms, performing annotations for machine learning applications, standardized meta-data indexing, and other cross-disciplinary data exploitation. The input of the biomaterials community to this effort to create data-driven open-access research tools is encouraged and welcomed.Preprin

    Snake Envenoming: A Disease of Poverty

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    Every year snake envenoming kills more people in the tropics than some of the world's recognised neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), including schistosomiasis and leishmaniasis. While lacking the epidemic potential of an infectious/vector-borne disease, snake envenoming in rural tropical communities has as great a medical mortality, if not morbidity, as the NTDs. The recent categorisation of snake envenoming as an NTD is an important advance that hopefully will result in the wider recognition and allocation of resources, particularly since death from snake envenoming is preventable; antivenom is very effective when the appropriate antivenom is correctly administered. Snake envenoming urgently requires international support to instigate the epidemiological, health education, and effective treatment initiatives that proved so potent in addressing the medical burden of NTDs such as leprosy and dracunculosis. All the global estimates of snake envenoming and deaths from snakebite indicate that mortality is highest in the world's tropical countries. Here we examined associations between the globally available data on (i) snakebite-induced mortality and (ii) socioeconomic markers of poverty. Our data unequivocally establishes that snake envenoming is globally associated with poverty, a distinctive characteristic of the neglected tropical diseases

    Supported polysilsesquioxane membrane and production thereof

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    Membranes of the invention comprise a hybrid silica film on a organic polymer support. The silica comprises organic bridging groups bound to two or more silicon atoms, in particular at least 1 of said organic bridging groups per 10 silicon atoms. The membranes can be produced by dry chemistry processes, in particular plasma-enhanced vapour deposition of bridged silane precursors, or by wet chemistry involving hydrolysis of the bridged silane precursors. The membranes are inexpensive and efficient for separation of small molecules and filtration processes

    Plasma-deposited hybrid silica membranes with a controlled retention of organic bridges

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    Hybrid organically bridged silica membranes are suitable for energy-efficient molecular separations under harsh industrial conditions. Such membranes can be useful in organic solvent nanofiltration if they can be deposited on flexible, porous and large area supports. Here, we report the proof of concept for applying an expanding thermal plasma to the synthesis of perm-selective hybrid silica films from an organically bridged monomer, 1,2-bis(triethoxysilyl)ethane. This membrane is the first in its class to be produced by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition. By tuning the plasma and process parameters, the organic bridging groups could be retained in the separating layer. This way, a defect free film could be made with pervaporation performances of an n-butanol–water mixture comparable with those of conventional ceramic supported membranes made by sol–gel technology (i.e. a water flux of 1.8 kg m2 h1, a water concentration in the permeate higher than 98% and a separation factor of >1100). The obtained results show the suitability of expanding thermal plasma as a technology for the deposition of hybrid silica membranes for molecular separations