1,363 research outputs found
Hadronic Equation of State and Speed of Sound in Thermal and Dense Medium
The equation of state and speed of sound squared are
studied in grand canonical ensemble of all hadron resonances having masses
GeV. This large ensemble is divided into strange and non-strange
hadron resonances and furthermore to pionic, bosonic and femionic sectors. It
is found that the pions represent the main contributors to and other
thermodynamic quantities including the equation of state at low
temperatures. At high temperatures, the main contributions are added in by the
massive hadron resonances. The speed of sound squared can be calculated from
the derivative of pressure with respect to the energy density, , or from the entropy-specific heat ratio, . It is
concluded that the physics of these two expressions is not necessarily
identical. They are distinguishable below and above the critical temperature
. This behavior is observed at vanishing and finite chemical potential. At
high temperatures, both expressions get very close to each other and both of
them approach the asymptotic value, . In the HRG results, which are only
valid below , the difference decreases with increasing the temperature and
almost vanishes near . It is concluded that the HRG model can very well
reproduce the results of the lattice quantum chromodynamics (QCD) of and , especially at finite chemical potential. In
light of this, energy fluctuations and other collective phenomena associated
with the specific heat might be present in the HRG model. At fixed
temperatures, it is found that is not sensitive to the chemical
potential.Comment: 19 pages, 6 figures with 13 eps graph
Particle Yields and Ratios within Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Statistics
In characterizing the yields and ratios various of well identified particles
in the ALICE experiment, we utilize extensive {\it additive} thermal
approaches, to which various missing states of the hadron resonances are taken
into consideration, as well. Despite some non-equilibrium conditions that are
slightly driving this statistical approach away from equilibrium, the
approaches are and remain additive and extensive. Besides van der Waals
repulsive interactions (assuming that the gas constituents are no longer
point-like, i.e. finite-volume corrections taken into consideration), finite
pion chemical potentials as well as perturbations to the light and strange
quark occupation factors are taken into account. When confronting our
calculations to the ALICE measurements, we conclude that the proposed
conditions for various aspects deriving the system out of equilibrium notably
improve the reproduction of the experimental results, i.e. improving the
statistical fits, especially the finite pion chemical potential. This points
out to the great role that the non-equilibrium pion production would play, and
the contributions that the hadron resonance missing states come up with, even
when the principles of statistical extensivity and additivity aren't violated.
These results seem to propose revising the conclusions propagated by most of
the field, that the produced particles quickly reach a state of local
equilibrium leading to a collective expansion often described by fluid
dynamics. This situation seems not remaining restrictively valid, at very large
collision energies.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures, submitted to EP
Extensive/nonextensive statistics for distributions of various charged particles produced in p+p and A+A collisions in a wide range of energies
We present a systematic study for the statistical fits of the transverse
momentum distributions of charged pions, Kaons and protons produced at energies
ranging between 7.7 and 2670 GeV to the extensive Boltzmann-Gibbs (BG) and the
nonextensive statistics (Tsallis as a special type and the generic axiomatic
nonextensive approach). We also present a comprehensive review on various
experimental parametrizations proposed to fit the transverse momentum
distributions of these produced particles. The inconsistency that the BG
approach is to be utilized in characterizing the chemical freezeout, while the
Tsallis approach in determining the kinetic freezeout is elaborated. The
resulting energy dependence of the different fit parameters largely varies with
the particle species and the degree of (non)extensivity. This manifests that
the Tsallis nonextensive approach seems to work well for p+p rather than for
A+A collisions. Drawing a complete picture of the utilization of Tsallis
statistics in modeling the transverse momentum distributions of several charged
particle produced at a wide range of energies and accordingly either disprove
or though confirm the relevant works are main advantages of this review. We
propose analytical expressions for the dependence of the fit parameters
obtained on the size of the colliding system, the energy, as well as the types
of the statistical approach applied. We conclude that the statistical
dependence of the various fit parameters, especially between Boltzmann and
Tsallis approaches could be understood that the statistical analysis ad hoc is
biased to the corresponding degree of extensivity (Boltzmann) or nonextensivity
(Tsallis). Alternatively, the empirical parameterizations, the other models,
and the generic (non)extensive approach seem to relax this biasness.Comment: 42 pages, 17 figures, IX tables, submitted to JSTA
Matter-Antimatter Asymmetry in the Large Hadron Collider
The matter-antimatter asymmetry is one of the greatest challenges in the
modern physics. The universe including this paper and even the reader
him(her)self seems to be built up of ordinary matter only. Theoretically, the
well-known Sakharov's conditions remain the solid framework explaining the
circumstances that matter became dominant against the antimatter while the
universe cools down and/or expands. On the other hand, the standard model for
elementary particles apparently prevents at least two conditions out of them.
In this work, we introduce a systematic study of the antiparticle-to-particle
ratios measured in various and collisions over the last three
decades. It is obvious that the available experimental facilities turn to be
able to perform nuclear collisions, in which the matter-antimatter asymmetry
raises from at AGS to at LHC. Assuming that the final
state of hadronization in the nuclear collisions takes place along the
freezeout line, which is defined by a constant entropy density, various
antiparticle-to-particle ratios are studied in framework of the hadron
resonance gas (HRG) model. Implementing modified phase space and distribution
function in the grand-canonical ensemble and taking into account the
experimental acceptance, the ratios of antiparticle-to-particle over the whole
range of center-of-mass-energies are very well reproduced by the HRG model.
Furthermore, the antiproton-to-proton ratios measured by ALICE in
collisions is also very well described by the HRG model. It is likely to
conclude that the LHC heavy-ion program will produce the same particle ratios
as the program implying the dynamics and evolution of the system would not
depend on the initial conditions. The ratios of bosons and baryons get very
close to unity indicating that the matter-antimatter asymmetry nearly vanishes
at LHC.Comment: 9 pages, 5 eps-figures, revtex4-styl
The QCD phase diagram: A comparison of lattice and hadron resonance gas model calculations
We compare the lattice results on QCD phase diagram for two and three flavors
with the hadron resonance gas model (HRGM) calculations. Lines of constant
energy density have been determined at different baryo-chemical
potentials . For the strangeness chemical potentials , we use two
models. In one model, we explicitly set for all temperatures and
baryo-chemical potentials. This assignment is used in lattice calculations. In
the other model, is calculated in dependence on and
according to the condition of vanishing strangeness. We also derive an
analytical expression for the dependence of on by applying
Taylor expansion of . In both cases, we compare HRGM results on
diagram with the lattice calculations. The agreement is excellent,
especially when the trigonometric function of is truncated up to the
same order as done in lattice simulations. For studying the efficiency of the
truncated Taylor expansion, we calculate the radius of convergence. For zero-
and second-order radii, the agreement with lattice is convincing. Furthermore,
we make predictions for QCD phase diagram for non-truncated expressions and
physical masses. These predictions are to be confirmed by heavy-ion experiments
and future lattice calculations with very small lattice spacing and physical
quark masses.Comment: 25 pages, 8 eps figure
MCADSS is a multi-criteria allocation decision support system for
assisting in the task of partitioning a set of individuals into groups.
Based upon multiple criteria, MCADSSâs goal is to maximize the diversity of
members within groups, while minimizing the average differences between
groups. (The project may be viewed from several perspectives: as a multi-criteria
decision making problem, as a "reverse" clustering problem, or as a
personnel assignment problem). The system is currently being used to
allocate MBA students into sections and study teams at INSEAD, a leading
European business school. This paper describes the rationale for MCADSS,
design criteria, system methodology, and application results. It also
suggests how the approach outlined here might be used for further
applications.Information Systems Working Papers Serie
Transverse Energy per Charged Particle and Freeze-Out Criteria in Heavy-Ion Collisions
In relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions the transverse energy per charged
particle, E_T/N_ch, increases rapidly with beam energy and remains
approximately constant at about 800 MeV for beam energies from SPS to RHIC. It
is shown that the hadron resonance gas model describes the energy dependence,
as well as the lack of centrality dependence, qualitatively. The values of
E_T/N_ch are related to the chemical freeze-out criterium E/N about 1 GeV valid
for primordial hadrons.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure
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