800 research outputs found

    ‘Who will employ them? ’Questions as engagement strategies in Nigerian job portals online

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    This study investigates the use of questions for engagement by writers in discussions in online job portals. Based on a mini corpus of 40 postings together with their comments consisting of 139,104 words extracted from Naijahotjobs and Nairaland job portal discussions, the study addresses the functional use of questions in the presentation of writer's stance, the possible variation of questions with the topics being discussed, the rhetorical functions of questions and the use of question clusters in discussions. The analysis shows that two major kinds of questions were frequently used for engagement – wh- and yes-no questions. This represents two levels of complexity in interrogation – open-ended and closed-ended levels. It also reveals that the two most prominent groups in the discussions (motivational writers and graduate job seekers) used questions differently for engagement purposes. Motivational writers who typically assumed the position of experts used questions to engage the cognition of readers and sometimes to threaten their face, while graduate job seekers tended to ask information-seeking and confirmation questions based on issues agitating their minds about their unemployment situation. In addition, graduate job seekers asked what I refer to as ‘protest questions’, which focus on social issues connected with unemployment. This study therefore shows that beyond networking and getting relevant information about how to secure employment and advance in a career, job portals have provided a space for interrogating, confronting and guiding job seekers on the social problem of unemployment in Nigeria.Key words: questions, engagement strategy, job portal, Nigeria, unemploymen

    Exploring the experiences of African refugees and asylum seeking women in a northern town in the UK

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    This research aims to gain an insight into the experiences of African women refugees and asylum seekers, in order to provide an in-depth perspective of their experiences since arriving in the UK. Purposeful sampling was used to recruit 5 participants in a northern town in the UK; this means participants were selected due to their specific characteristics to fit in with the study design. The main criteria for the subjects of the study were that they are African women refugees or asylum seekers, aged 21 and above. Participants were recruited through a drop-in centre in a northern town in the UK and were interviewed in the English Language, using semi-structured interviews in order to generate in-depth information. The interviews were hand written as the women in the study did not consent to tape recording as originally planned. However, this allowed a deeper flow of information, and I was able to immerse myself in the interview contexts and gained a robust understanding of the responses. Thematic analysis was the most appropriate method for analysis. Major interpretation from this study revealed themes of restricted access to state welfare provisions as well as employment restrictions. The study further reveals other themes such as, communication difficulties, racism, uncertainties, powerlessness, segregation and isolation, provision of help through voluntary organisations, choice of destination and finally theme of peace and safety. The themes in this study reflect existing academic literature on asylum seekers. However, this research added to the existing body of knowledge by exploring how women who participated in the study felt about the UK. They believed it is more peaceful and secure than where they have come from. They also believe that the UK is a good choice of destination based on the justice and welfare system, also because their countries were colonised by the UK. The main limitation of this study was that the samples were small and not representative of all African women refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. Therefore, recommendations are made for a larger scale project that will gather information from more refugees and asylum seeking women. This research should look for examples of lack of social and economic engagement within the environment and the community. It should compare the experiences of asylum seekers and refugees in different parts of the UK in order to ascertain the impact of current dispersal policy on asylum seekers in the UK. Moreover, studies that examine the long-term effects of the entire asylum processes on health and well-being of asylum seekers in the UK are also deemed important. Finally, recommendations are made that Social Workers who work with these groups of people should endeavour to work in an anti-discriminatory way and try as much as possible to offer emotional support in form of counselling services for these groups of individuals

    Inheritance of resistance to blackeye cowpea mosaic virus in Vigna unguiculata

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    Abstract: Crosses between the resistant cowpea line TVU 2480 obtained from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (llTA), Ibadan, Nigeria and the susceptible domestic cultivar Early Ramshorn were used to determine the inheritance of resistance to blackeye cowpea mosaic virus (B1CMV). Evaluation of F1, F2, and reciprocal backcross populations by symptomatology and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) clearly indicated that a single recessive gene controls the high level of resistance. The symbol bcm (blackeye cowpea mosaic) is assigned to this factor. llTA cowpea lines TVU 2740, TVU 3273, TVU 2657, and TVU 2845 seem to possess this same gen

    Inheritance of resistance to blackeye cowpea mosaic and cowpea aphid-borne mosaic viruses in Phaseolus vulgaris

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    In populations from crosses of resistant and susceptible plants of the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivar Black Turtle Soup, resistance to blackeye cowpea mosaic virus (BICMV) and to cowpea aphidborne mosaic virus (CAbMV) was conferred independently by single dominant factors that appear to be closely linked. The symbol Bcm was assigned to the gene for BICMV resistance and Cam to that for CAbMV. Linkage was determined by separately inoculating plants of the testeross with both viruses on different leaves. Since BICMV and CAbMV Incite identical symptoms, but do not cross protect against each other, their presence in each susceptible plant was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). This detection method was highly specific because the two viruses are distantly related serologically. The normally resistant plants responded with a lethal systemic hypersensitive reaction when approach-grafted to BICMV or CAbMV-infected plants, or when mechanically in oculated and held constantiy at 35°

    Perception and Awareness of Preventive Practices Against Breast Cancer Among Women in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria

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    The prevalence of breast cancer which is the second deadly disease in the world, has affected the peace of women as the vulnerable group in the society, thus has attracting more global and scholarly attention. While researches have focused largely on the symptoms and consequences of breast cancer among women, few have focused on women’s perception and awareness about the preventive practices of this disease especially in Oyo state. This forms the focus of this paper. Marxist feminist theory formed the framework of the study. A descriptive survey was conducted among 400 women selected from two local governments in Ibadan through multi stage sampling. Ten in-depth interviews were also conducted among women. Quantitative data was analyzed using inferential statistics such as percentages and chi-square, while the qualitative data were content analyzed. The study revealed that women’s perception of breast cancer was based on poor knowledge and the ‘belief’ that breast cancer is not only caused by supernatural forces but can be cured by it (God/gods) even without medical intervention. Eighty-three (83) percent were aware of breast self-examination, 66% were aware of clinical breast examination and 28% of mammography. However,  awareness about other preventive practices like exercise, avoidance of alcohol intake, weight loss and diet was low and awareness was significantly related to women’s level of education with X2=44.0, P = 0.00. There is need for awareness programs and health education on breast cancer to reduce the myth about breast cancer and encourage early detection and treatment of this deadly disease. Keywords: Awareness, Breast examination, Perception, Preventive Practice

    Knowledge and Effect of Sex Education on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health in Oyo State, Nigeria

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    Adolescence is an important aspect of human development and so is their sexual health. Several studies have focused on prevalence of sexual practices and pregnancies among this unique group, very few have however, focused on the knowledge and effect of sex education on their sexual health especially in Oyo state. Social Action theory and health belief model were utilized as framework for explanation. A survey was carried out on 400 secondary school adolescent students in Ibadan North Local Government Area selected through multi-stage sampling procedure. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information on content of sex education received, knowledge and effect of sex education on adolescents’ sexual and reproductive health. Ten in-depth interviews were conducted with parents of the adolescents. Quantitative Data was analyzed using inferential statistics while the qualitative data were content analyzed. Findings revealed that adolescents were aware of pubertal changes with more females having higher knowledge of their sexuality than their male counterparts. But when asked other questions, adolescents showed incomplete knowledge on sexuality. About 42% got informed from their schools, 17% from their homes, 15% from friends and 20% from the internet. Adolescents reported that teachers and parents/guardians had taught them on the need to practice abstinence during interactions on sexual issues. Sex education taught at home was reported to be more emotional and moral-laden.  Hence large proportions (over 60%) reported they had not initiated sexual activities although not because of sex education received. There is need to establish more programs that target both knowledge and behavioral change for adolescents’ sexual health, while increased parent-adolescence communication on sexual issues should be encouraged for more positive impact. Keywords: adolescent sexual health, sex education, abstinence, reproductive healt

    Numerical solution of Boundary Value Problems by Piecewise Analysis Method

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    In this paper, we use an efficient numerical algorithm for solving two point fourth-order linear  and nonlinear boundary value problems, which is based on the homotopy analysis method (HAM), namely, the piecewise – homotopy analysis method ( P-HAM).The method contains an auxiliary parameter that provides a powerful tool to analysis strongly linear and nonlinear ( without linearization ) problems directly. Numerical examples are presented to compare the results obtained with some existing results found in literatures. Results obtained by the RHAM performed better in terms of accuracy achieved. Keywords:            Piecewise-homotopy analysis, perturbation, Adomain decomposition method, Variational Iteration, Boundary Value Problems

    Effect of Plant Population Density on Growth and Weed Smothering Ability of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.)

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    Akidi (cowpea), a landrace of Vigna unguiculata, was grown at densities of 30,121 (D1), 40,323 (D2), 50,000 (D3), 60,976 (D4), 80,645 (D5), and 0 (D6) plants/hectare in a randomized complete block design to assess the effect of intraspecific (between cowpeas) on its performance and weed smothering ability in the instance of utilizing it in intensive fallow management. At 10 weeks after sowing (WAS), the low-density plants (D1) were shorter (127.55 ± 1.84cm), produced highest stem diameter of 11.59 ± 0.86mm, and shoot dry weight/plant (12.46 ± 0.70g). The high-density cowpea treatment (D5) had the longest vines (197.93 ± 1.54cm) and relatively low shoot dry weight/plant (9.22 ± 0.64g). The D5 treatment was significantly better than other treatments in weed control and dry matter yield per unit area. Tithonia diversifolia and Sida acuta which are heliophytes were encountered in low-density treatments of D1 and D3, where the highest light intensities reached the soil

    Investigating the effect of thermal gradients on stress in solid oxide fuel cell anodes using combined synchrotron radiation and thermal imaging

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    Thermal gradients can arise within solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) due to start-up and shut-down, non-uniform gas distribution, fast cycling and operation under internal reforming conditions. Here, the effects of operationally relevant thermal gradients on Ni/YSZ SOFC anode half cells are investigated using combined synchrotron X-ray diffraction and thermal imaging. The combination of these techniques has identified significant deviation from linear thermal expansion behaviour in a sample exposed to a one dimensional thermal gradient. Stress gradients are identified along isothermal regions due to the presence of a proximate thermal gradient, with tensile stress deviations of up to 75Â MPa being observed across the sample at a constant temperature. Significant strain is also observed due to the presence of thermal gradients when compared to work carried out at isothermal conditions

    Integration of geophysics and remote sensing techniques in mapping zones mineralised with disseminated gold and sulphide minerals in Lolgorien, Narok County, Kenya

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    Even though ground geophysical surveys (especially Induced polarization and resistivity) are applied in mineral exploration, their effectiveness in identification of mineralised zones is often enhanced by integrating other mineral exploration techniques such as remote sensing and geological investigations. Integrating different techniques helps in reducing uncertainty that is often associated with mineral exploration. The methods being integrated also depend on characteristics of mineralisation and those of host rock. In this study, geophysical survey methods (induced polarization and resistivity) were integrated with remote sensing and geological methods to delineate mineralised zones in Lolgorien beyond reasonable doubt. By integrating these methods, it was found that Lolgorien’s gold and sulphide minerals (disseminated minerals) are hosted in massive quartz veins and auriferous quartz veins hosted in Banded Iron Formations. It was also found that this mineralisation was controlled by faults which mainly trend in two directions (NW-SE) and (NE-SW). Keywords: hydrothermal alteration, chargeability, resistivity, band ratio, lineament densit