18 research outputs found

    User's guide and description of the streamline divergence computer program

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    The streamline divergence program was developed to demonstrate the capability to trace inviscid surface streamlines and to calculate outflow-corrected laminar and turbulent convective heating rates on surfaces subjected to exhaust plume impingement. The analytical techniques used in formulating this program are discussed. A brief description of the streamline divergence program is given along with a user's guide. The program input and output for a sample case are also presented

    Summary of nozzle-exhaust plume flowfield analyses performed in support of space shuttle applications

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    Results are summarized of various analyses of the exhaust plumes of the space shuttle. Specific topics discussed included: the development of the two-phase plume flow field model, including finite rate chemistry and free molecular effects; analyses of exhaust plume simulation studies; verification of the analytical two-phase plume flow field model; and complete documentation of the two-phase plume computer code

    Assessment of analytical and experimental techniques utilized in conducting plume technology tests 575 and 593

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    Since exhaust plumes affect vehicle base environment (pressure and heat loads) and the orbiter vehicle aerodynamic control surface effectiveness, an intensive program involving detailed analytical and experimental investigations of the exhaust plume/vehicle interaction was undertaken as a pertinent part of the overall space shuttle development program. The program, called the Plume Technology program, has as its objective the determination of the criteria for simulating rocket engine (in particular, space shuttle propulsion system) plume-induced aerodynamic effects in a wind tunnel environment. The comprehensive experimental program was conducted using test facilities at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center and Ames Research Center. A post-test examination of some of the experimental results obtained from NASA-MSFC's 14 x 14-inch trisonic wind tunnel is presented. A description is given of the test facility, simulant gas supply system, nozzle hardware, test procedure and test matrix. Analysis of exhaust plume flow fields and comparison of analytical and experimental exhaust plume data are presented

    Supersonic flow of chemically reacting gas-particle mixtures. Volume 1: A theoretical analysis and development of the numerical solution

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    A numerical solution for chemically reacting supersonic gas-particle flows in rocket nozzles and exhaust plumes was described. The gas-particle flow solution is fully coupled in that the effects of particle drag and heat transfer between the gas and particle phases are treated. Gas and particles exchange momentum via the drag exerted on the gas by the particles. Energy is exchanged between the phases via heat transfer (convection and/or radiation). Thermochemistry calculations (chemical equilibrium, frozen or chemical kinetics) were shown to be uncoupled from the flow solution and, as such, can be solved separately. The solution to the set of governing equations is obtained by utilizing the method of characteristics. The equations cast in characteristic form are shown to be formally the same for ideal, frozen, chemical equilibrium and chemical non-equilibrium reacting gas mixtures. The particle distribution is represented in the numerical solution by a finite distribution of particle sizes

    Supersonic Flow of Chemically Reacting Gas-Particle Mixtures. Volume 2: RAMP - A Computer Code for Analysis of Chemically Reacting Gas-Particle Flows

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    A computer program written in conjunction with the numerical solution of the flow of chemically reacting gas-particle mixtures was documented. The solution to the set of governing equations was obtained by utilizing the method of characteristics. The equations cast in characteristic form were shown to be formally the same for ideal, frozen, chemical equilibrium and chemical non-equilibrium reacting gas mixtures. The characteristic directions for the gas-particle system are found to be the conventional gas Mach lines, the gas streamlines and the particle streamlines. The basic mesh construction for the flow solution is along streamlines and normals to the streamlines for axisymmetric or two-dimensional flow. The analysis gives detailed information of the supersonic flow and provides for a continuous solution of the nozzle and exhaust plume flow fields. Boundary conditions for the flow solution are either the nozzle wall or the exhaust plume boundary

    General Surgery and Surgery: Textbooks for Training Foreign Medical Students

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    The most important thing in education is the development of future doctor is method of preliminary diagnosis of any disease, including surgical. The previously used textbooks on surgery has been described mainly the clinical manifestations of diseases and their treatment techniques, without clarifying the principles and preliminary diagnosis capabilities for students. After medical education the doctors of the general medical practice tasks determinations basic requirements of scope of knowledge and practical skills for graduating student of institute of higher education of IV level of accreditation: goal-directed methodical algorithm of questioning of the patient (getting anamnesis), physical examination, substantiation of provisional diagnosis, determinate algorithm of additional methods of investigations with analysis of received results, differential diagnosis, forming clinical diagnosis, substantiation of treatment program and it’s realization. In the future the young doctor can work not only the doctor of family medicine, but also the expert of other directions, for example - the surgeon. For preparation to practical workies application textbook “General Surgery” for students 2-3 years education and textbooks “General Surgery” and “Surgery” for 2-6 years education English language foreign students and including information on methods and principles of forming of preliminary diagnosis, differential diagnosis, clinical diagnosis and treatment of surgical patients (Ed: Bereznytskyy, Zakharash, & Mishalov, Shidlovskyj, 2016, 2019)

    Lessons Learned from Adaptive Management Practitioners in British Columbia, Canada

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    Direct and Indirect Effects of Habitat Disturbances on Caribou Terrestrial Forage Lichens in Montane Forests of British Columbia

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    Cumulative effects of increased forest harvesting, mountain pine beetle (Dendroctonus ponderosae; MPB) outbreaks, and wildfire in low-elevation lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) forests could limit long-term winter habitat supply for the northern group of southern mountain caribou (Rangifer tarandus). In a 17 year longitudinal study of vegetation remeasurements at eight sites in north-central and west-central British Columbia (BC), we assessed responses of terrestrial caribou forage lichen abundances to nine forest harvesting treatments and one prescribed burn 8–14 years following treatment, as well as to MPB attack. Overall, after initially declining following forest harvesting, mean forage lichen abundance increased between 1 and 2 years post-harvest and 13 and 14 years post-harvest at 10 of 11 site/treatment combinations. Mean forage lichen abundance decreased following MPB attack at all sites. Biophysical factors influencing rates of lichen recovery post-disturbance include site type (transitional vs. edaphic), a reduction in favourable conditions for moss recovery, level of MPB attack, and both seasonal timing and method of forest harvesting. When considering effects of forest harvesting on forage lichens, objectives of silvicultural management strategies should focus on protecting and retaining terrestrial lichens at edaphic sites and on re-establishing terrestrial lichens at transitional sites

    Construction and Utilization of a Beowulf Computing Cluster: A User's Perspective

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    Lockheed Martin Space Operations - Stennis Programs (LMSO) at the John C Stennis Space Center (NASA/SSC) has designed and built a Beowulf computer cluster which is owned by NASA/SSC and operated by LMSO. The design and construction of the cluster are detailed in this paper. The cluster is currently used for Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations. The CFD codes in use and their applications are discussed. Examples of some of the work are also presented. Performance benchmark studies have been conducted for the CFD codes being run on the cluster. The results of two of the studies are presented and discussed. The cluster is not currently being utilized to its full potential; therefore, plans are underway to add more capabilities. These include the addition of structural, thermal, fluid, and acoustic Finite Element Analysis codes as well as real-time data acquisition and processing during test operations at NASA/SSC. These plans are discussed as well

    Использование препаратов гиалуроновой кислоты при лечении остеоартроза крупных суставов

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    The authors of the article analyzed the experience of domestic and foreign experts in the effectiveness of the use of HA preparations in the treatment of osteoarthritis of major joints. Background  and  Objective. To analyze the literature sources in order to determine the effectiveness of the use of HA preparations in the treatment of osteoarthritis of major ligaments. Materials and methods. Articles in specialized scientific journals and collections, Internet resource.Results. The analysis of literature sources determined the important role of HA preparations in the supplying and functioning of the articular cartilage. Researchers are inclined to believe that the ideal HA preparation should be as close as possible to the physiological HA of the synovial fluid of the joint. The developed domestic drug Artro-Patch fully corresponds to these parameters. Conclusions. The use of modern injectable HA preparations is advisable at stages 1–3 of OA. Anti-inflammatory effect of HA preparations makes it possible to reduce the dose and time of administration of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and, as a consequence, reduce the risk of developing many adverse side effects of NSAIDs. The high level of safety of HA preparations, the absence of serious side effects during their long-term use determine their widespread use in the clinical practice of modern orthopedists.Авторами статті проаналізовано досвід вітчизняних та зарубіжних спеціалістів з ефективності використання препаратів ГК в лікуванні остеоартрозу великих суглобів. Мета дослідження. Провести аналіз джерел літератури з метою визначення ефективності використання препаратів ГК в лікуванні остеоартрозу великих суглобів. Матеріали і методи. Статті в профільних наукових журналах та збірках, інтернет-ресурс. Результати. Проведений аналіз літературних джерел визначив важливу роль ГК у живленні та функціонуванні суглобового хряща. Дослідники схиляються до думки, що ідеальний препарат ГК повинен бути максимально наближеним до фізіологічної ГК синовіальної рідини суглоба. Цим параметрам повністю відповідає розроблений препарат Артро-Патч. Висновки. Застосування сучасних ін’єкційних препаратів ГК доцільно використовувати при 1–3 стадії ОА. Протизапальний ефект препаратів ГК обумовлює можливість зменшення дози і часу прийому нестероїдних протизапальних засобів і як наслідок – зниження ризику розвитку багатьох несприятливих побічних ефектів НПЗЗ. Високий рівень безпеки препаратів ГК, відсутність серйозних побічних ефектів при їх тривалому застосуванні обумовлюють їх широке використання в клінічній практиці сучасних ортопедів.Авторами статьи проанализирован опыт отечественных и зарубежных специалистов по эффективности использования препаратов ГК в лечении остеоартроза крупных суставов. Цель исследования. Провести анализ источников литературы с целью определения эффективности использования препаратов ГК в лечении остеоартроза крупных суставов.Материалы  и  методы. Статьи в профильных научных журналах и сборниках, интернет-ресурс.Результаты. Проведенный анализ литературных источников определил важную роль ГК в питании и функционировании суставного хряща. Исследователи склоняются к мнению, что идеальный препарат ГК должен быть мак-симально приближен к физиологической ГК синовиальной жидкости сустава. Этим параметрам полностью со-ответствует разработанный отечественный препарат Артро-Патч. Выводы. Применение современных инъекционных препаратов ГК целесообразно использовать при 1–3 стадии ОА. Противовоспалительный эффект препаратов ГК обу словливает возможность уменьшения дозы и длительности приема нестероидных противовоспалительных средств и как следствие – снижение риска развития многих неблагоприятных побочных эффектов НПВС. Высокий уровень безопасности препаратов ГК, отсутствие серьезных побочных эффектов при их длительном применении обусловливают их широкое использование в клинической практике современных ортопедов