168 research outputs found

    Biopsychosocial effects of competition preparation in natural bodybuilders.

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    Bodybuilders are judged on the subjective visual assessment of their muscular size, proportion, and leanness. This case series tracked four drug-free bodybuilders (3 male) during the off-season, pre-competition and recovery phases. This study aimed to comprehensively profile key biopsychosocial changes occurring pre/post competition in a group of British natural bodybuilders. We measured: resting metabolic rate (RMR), body composition (via BIA, ultrasound and sum of 7 skinfolds), lipid profiles, fasted glucose, blood pressure, power output (Wingate), grip strength, and carried out psychometric questionnaires (EAT-26, STAI, BUT) over an eight-month period. Mean weight loss from 5 months (5M) to pre-contest (PRE) was 8.6 +/- 4.1 kg, followed by an increase of 7.9 +/- 1.6 kg two months post contest (POST). The mean RMR of the cohort was stable from 1899 +/- 630 kcal (5M) to 1897 +/- 598 kcal (PRE), before decreasing to 1797 +/- 242 kcal (POST). Mean peak power declined from 770 +/- 113.0 w (5M), to 700.0 +/- 134.4 w (PRE), before increasing to 816.0 +/- 116.2 w (POST). Competition dieting had no effect on EAT-26 or BUT scores, suggesting no body dysmorphic or eating disorder concerns, although trait anxiety was elevated in three out of the four participants throughout the observation. Many of the biopsychosocial changes that occur to bodybuilders as they prepare for competition return to baseline measurements 2 months post competition

    Bradykinin improves postischaemic recovery in the rat heart: role of high energy phosphates, nitric oxide, and prostacyclin

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    Objective: The aim was to define: (1) whether bradykinin administration during reperfusion improves postischaemic myocardial recovery; (2) whether high energy phosphate compounds are involved in the protective effects of bradykinin; and (3) whether bradykinin-induced release of prostacyclin and nitric oxide mediate the protective effects of bradykinin. Methods: In the Langendorff rat heart preparation, coronary flow, left ventricular developed pressure, and, using 31P magnetic resonance spectroscopy, the high energy phosphate compounds phosphocreatine and β-ATP were assessed during 15 min of global ischaemia and 30 min of reperfusion. Administration of 10−7 M bradykinin was started before ischaemia and maintained throughout the experiment (BK-pre). This was compared to 10−7 M bradykinin given exclusively with reperfusion (BK-post). Then 10−7 M bradykinin was given simultaneously with 10−4 M Nω-nitro-L-arginine-methyl ester (BK-LNAME) or 10−5 M indomethacin (BK-indo). Results: In comparison to control hearts, BK-pre exerted a significant protective effect on the postischaemic recovery of coronary flow [71(5)% v 43(4)%, P < 0.05], left ventricular pressure [81(8)% v 42(5)%, P < 0.05], phosphocreatine [105(4)% v 67(8)%, P < 0.05], and β-ATP [78(9)% v 48(7)%, P < 0.05]. With BK-post, recovery of coronary flow [71(4)% v 43(4)%, P < 0.05] and left ventricular pressure [78(4)% v 42(5)%, P < 0.05] significantly improved; however the recovery of phosphocreatine [70(4)% v 67(8)%, NS] and β-ATP [58(2)% v 48(7)%, NS] was not different from control. When bradykinin and L-NAME or indomethacin was given the beneficial effects of bradykinin on ischaemic hearts were abolished. Conclusions: (1) Bradykinin improved postischaemic myocardial recovery when given before ischaemia or starting exclusively with reperfusion; (2) this was only partially related to a protective action on the high energy phosphate compounds during ischaemia; (3) the beneficial effects of bradykinin on ischaemic hearts are dependent from an unrestrained action of prostacyclin and nitric oxid

    Solitary fibrous tumour of the genitourinary tract: a clinicopathological study of 11 cases and their association with the NAB2-STAT6 fusion gene

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    Aims To characterise clinicopathological features and clinical outcomes of the genitourinary tract solitary fibrous tumours, incorporating NAB2-STAT6 gene fusion status. Methods The presence of the molecular hallmark NAB2-STAT6 gene fusion and for the defining fusion partner product STAT6 was assessed in 11 cases of the genitourinary tract solitary fibrous tumours. NAB2-STAT6 gene fusion analysis was performed using a break-apart fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) probe using a probe cocktail with Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clones for STAT6 and NAB2. Results Eleven solitary fibrous tumours were diagnosed in eight male patients and three female patients with a mean age of 46 years (range: 11–64 years). Four of the tumours had malignant histological features, and three were considered moderate risk for metastasis. With a mean follow-up time of 61 months, 1 recurred locally and 2 presented at distant metastatic sites. Using a break-apart FISH probe cocktail, we found the NAB2-STAT6 gene fusion and nuclear STAT6 expression in 58% and 91% of cases, respectively. However, the NAB2-STAT6 fusion status was not correlated with STAT6 expression or useful in discriminating between malignant histological features or subsequent clinical outcomes in the genitourinary solitary fibrous tumours. Conclusions A subset of solitary fibrous tumours of the genitourinary tract behaved aggressively. Using a break-apart FISH probe cocktail, we found the NAB2-STAT6 gene fusion in 64% of cases. However, the NAB2-STAT6 fusion status was not correlated with STAT6 expression or useful in discriminating between low-risk or high-risk tumours and subsequent clinical outcomes

    Contribution of Recipient-Derived Cells in Allograft Neointima Formation and the Response to Stent Implantation

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    Allograft coronary disease is the dominant cause of increased risk of death after cardiac transplantation. While the percutaneous insertion of stents is the most efficacious revascularization strategy for allograft coronary disease there is a high incidence of stent renarrowing. We developed a novel rabbit model of sex-mismatched allograft vascular disease as well as the response to stent implantation. In situ hybridization for the Y-chromosome was employed to detect male cells in the neointima of stented allograft, and the population of recipient derived neointimal cells was measured by quantitative polymerase chain reaction and characterized by immunohistochemistry. To demonstrate the participation of circulatory derived cells in stent neointima formation we infused ex vivo labeled peripheral blood mononuclear cells into native rabbit carotid arteries immediately after stenting. Fourteen days after stenting the neointima area was 58% greater in the stented vs. non-stented allograft segments (p = 0.02). Male cells were detected in the neointima of stented female-to-male allografts. Recipient-derived cells constituted 72.1±5.7% and 81.5±4.2% of neointimal cell population in the non-stented and stented segments, respectively and the corresponding proliferation rates were only 2.7±0.5% and 2.3±0.2%. Some of the recipient-derived neointimal cells were of endothelial lineage. The ex vivo tagged cells constituted 9.0±0.4% of the cells per high power field in the stent neointima 14 days after stenting. These experiments provide important quantitative data regarding the degree to which host-derived blood-borne cells contribute to neointima formation in allograft vasculopathy and the early response to stent implantation

    Citrulline malate supplementation does not improve German Volume Training performance or reduce muscle soreness in moderately trained males and females

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    Background Use of supplements to aid performance is common practice amongst recreationally active individuals, including those without a sufficient evidence base. This investigation sought to assess whether acute supplementation with 8 g of citrulline malate (CM) (1.11: 1 ratio) would improve anaerobic performance. Methods A randomised double blind placebo control trial was employed, using a counterbalanced design. We recruited recreationally active men and women to take part in an isokinetic chair protocol, based on German Volume Training (GVT) whereby participants attempted to perform 10 sets of 10 repetitions against a force representing 70% of their peak concentric force. Results The number of repetitions achieved over the course of the GVT was 94.0 ± 7.9 and 90.9 ± 13.9 for placebo and CM respectively. There was no significant difference between the placebo and CM treatment for number of repetitions (P = 0.33), isometric (P = 0.60), concentric (P = 0.38), or eccentric (P = 0.65) peak force following the GVT. Total muscle soreness was significantly higher in the CM compared to the placebo treatment following the GVT protocol over 72 h (P = 0.01); although this was not accompanied by a greater workload/number of repetitions in the CM group. Conclusions We conclude that an acute dose of CM does not significantly affect anaerobic performance using an isokinetic chair in recreational active participants. Practical implications include precaution in recommending CM supplementation. Coaches and athletes should be aware of the disparity between the chemical analyses of the products reviewed in the present investigation versus the manufacturers’ claims

    Histone modification profiling in breast cancer cell lines highlights commonalities and differences among subtypes

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    Abstract Background Epigenetic regulators are frequently mutated or aberrantly expressed in a variety of cancers, leading to altered transcription states that result in changes in cell identity, behavior, and response to therapy. Results To define alterations in epigenetic landscapes in breast cancers, we profiled the distributions of 8 key histone modifications by ChIP-Seq, as well as primary (GRO-seq) and steady state (RNA-Seq) transcriptomes, across 13 distinct cell lines that represent 5 molecular subtypes of breast cancer and immortalized human mammary epithelial cells. Discussion Using combinatorial patterns of distinct histone modification signals, we defined subtype-specific chromatin signatures to nominate potential biomarkers. This approach identified AFAP1-AS1 as a triple negative breast cancer-specific gene associated with cell proliferation and epithelial-mesenchymal-transition. In addition, our chromatin mapping data in basal TNBC cell lines are consistent with gene expression patterns in TCGA that indicate decreased activity of the androgen receptor pathway but increased activity of the vitamin D biosynthesis pathway. Conclusions Together, these datasets provide a comprehensive resource for histone modification profiles that define epigenetic landscapes and reveal key chromatin signatures in breast cancer cell line subtypes with potential to identify novel and actionable targets for treatment

    Histone modification profiling in breast cancer cell lines highlights commonalities and differences among subtypes

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    Abstract Background Epigenetic regulators are frequently mutated or aberrantly expressed in a variety of cancers, leading to altered transcription states that result in changes in cell identity, behavior, and response to therapy. Results To define alterations in epigenetic landscapes in breast cancers, we profiled the distributions of 8 key histone modifications by ChIP-Seq, as well as primary (GRO-seq) and steady state (RNA-Seq) transcriptomes, across 13 distinct cell lines that represent 5 molecular subtypes of breast cancer and immortalized human mammary epithelial cells. Discussion Using combinatorial patterns of distinct histone modification signals, we defined subtype-specific chromatin signatures to nominate potential biomarkers. This approach identified AFAP1-AS1 as a triple negative breast cancer-specific gene associated with cell proliferation and epithelial-mesenchymal-transition. In addition, our chromatin mapping data in basal TNBC cell lines are consistent with gene expression patterns in TCGA that indicate decreased activity of the androgen receptor pathway but increased activity of the vitamin D biosynthesis pathway. Conclusions Together, these datasets provide a comprehensive resource for histone modification profiles that define epigenetic landscapes and reveal key chromatin signatures in breast cancer cell line subtypes with potential to identify novel and actionable targets for treatment.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/142394/1/12864_2018_Article_4533.pd

    Heart Valve Tissue Engineering: Concepts, Approaches, Progress, and Challenges

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    Potential applications of tissue engineering in regenerative medicine range from structural tissues to organs with complex function. This review focuses on the engineering of heart valve tissue, a goal which involves a unique combination of biological, engineering, and technological hurdles. We emphasize basic concepts, approaches and methods, progress made, and remaining challenges. To provide a framework for understanding the enabling scientific principles, we first examine the elements and features of normal heart valve functional structure, biomechanics, development, maturation, remodeling, and response to injury. Following a discussion of the fundamental principles of tissue engineering applicable to heart valves, we examine three approaches to achieving the goal of an engineered tissue heart valve: (1) cell seeding of biodegradable synthetic scaffolds, (2) cell seeding of processed tissue scaffolds, and (3) in-vivo repopulation by circulating endogenous cells of implanted substrates without prior in-vitro cell seeding. Lastly, we analyze challenges to the field and suggest future directions for both preclinical and translational (clinical) studies that will be needed to address key regulatory issues for safety and efficacy of the application of tissue engineering and regenerative approaches to heart valves. Although modest progress has been made toward the goal of a clinically useful tissue engineered heart valve, further success and ultimate human benefit will be dependent upon advances in biodegradable polymers and other scaffolds, cellular manipulation, strategies for rebuilding the extracellular matrix, and techniques to characterize and potentially non-invasively assess the speed and quality of tissue healing and remodeling

    Endothelial cells and pulmonary arterial hypertension: apoptosis, proliferation, interaction and transdifferentiation

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    Severe pulmonary arterial hypertension, whether idiopathic or secondary, is characterized by structural alterations of microscopically small pulmonary arterioles. The vascular lesions in this group of pulmonary hypertensive diseases show actively proliferating endothelial cells without evidence of apoptosis. In this article, we review pathogenetic concepts of severe pulmonary arterial hypertension and explain the term "complex vascular lesion ", commonly named "plexiform lesion", with endothelial cell dysfunction, i.e., apoptosis, proliferation, interaction with smooth muscle cells and transdifferentiation