568 research outputs found

    Abdimas di Bajawa-NTT

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    Surat Tugas Abdimas an. R Shanti D Ottemoesoe., dan Nanik Linawati

    Adaptation on a Budget: How Vietnamese innovators are trying to design their way out of climate change

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    In the rapidly developing Mekong Delta of Vietnam, young innovators are facing a challenge far greater than simply trying to catch up with the wealthier world. In a growing trend, the next generation of Vietnamese is acting under a common understanding: climate change is real, it’s here and the time to respond is growing short. For over a decade, Southern Vietnam has consistently been ranked by international organizations like the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change as one of the most vulnerable places in the world to the impacts of climate change. That vulnerability is heightened by the fact that the country is still developing economically and is deeply committed to following the industrial path of wealthy nations—the same path that led to climate change in the first place. Unlike in the United States, the powers that govern Vietnam have acknowledged the problem and, at least in theory, expressed the political will to support efforts to adapt. Given the urgency of the situation, global entities like 350, Live & Learn and the Union of Concerned Scientists have started paying close attention to the response in Vietnam. But even with outside financial support, local activists face an uphill battle in their quest to adapt to climate change. Recognizing the problem is perhaps the easiest step. Designing solutions is harder, but still doable. It’s implementing them, and in time, where the odds become nearly insurmountable—and expensive

    Parallel Wavefront Analysis for a 4D Interferometer

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    This software provides a programming interface for automating data collection with a PhaseCam interferometer from 4D Technology, and distributing the image-processing algorithm across a cluster of general-purpose computers. Multiple instances of 4Sight (4D Technology s proprietary software) run on a networked cluster of computers. Each connects to a single server (the controller) and waits for instructions. The controller directs the interferometer to several images, then assigns each image to a different computer for processing. When the image processing is finished, the server directs one of the computers to collate and combine the processed images, saving the resulting measurement in a file on a disk. The available software captures approximately 100 images and analyzes them immediately. This software separates the capture and analysis processes, so that analysis can be done at a different time and faster by running the algorithm in parallel across several processors. The PhaseCam family of interferometers can measure an optical system in milliseconds, but it takes many seconds to process the data so that it is usable. In characterizing an adaptive optics system, like the next generation of astronomical observatories, thousands of measurements are required, and the processing time quickly becomes excessive. A programming interface distributes data processing for a PhaseCam interferometer across a Windows computing cluster. A scriptable controller program coordinates data acquisition from the interferometer, storage on networked hard disks, and parallel processing. Idle time of the interferometer is minimized. This architecture is implemented in Python and JavaScript, and may be altered to fit a customer s needs

    Enhanced photothermal displacement spectroscopy for thin-film characterization using a Fabry-Perot resonator

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    We have developed a technique for photothermal displacement spectroscopy that is potentially orders of magnitude more sensitive than conventional methods. We use a single Fabry-Perot resonator to enhance both the intensity of the pump beam and the sensitivity of the probe beam. The result is an enhancement of the response of the instrument by a factor proportional to the square of the finesse of the cavity over conventional interferometric measurements. In this paper we present a description of the technique, and we discuss how the properties of thin films can be deduced from the photothermal response. As an example of the technique, we report a measurement of the thermal properties of a multilayer dielectric mirror similar to those used in interferometric gravitational wave detectors

    Penerapan Model Turnamen dengan Fun Frame In Physics Pada Pembelajaran Tentang Hukum Induksi Elektromagnetik Faraday

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    Abstract – Learning media is indispensable in the phase of consolidation with an effort involving students actively and assist student in understanding the material. This research aims to make Fun Frame in Physics (FFP) learning media design and investigate the effectiveness of FFP with the topic of electromagnetic induction at the consolidation stage. This research is a descriptive research. Respondents to this study were 14 - 16 junior high school students of class IX. The research instruments include questionnaire for material experts, questionnaires for media expert, student observation sheets, student activity observation sheets and student reponse observation sheets. All data obtained were analyzed qualitative decriptive. Based on student answers, the average value of each group ranges from 75 to 87,5. Based on the results of the validation, material experts and media experts gave a positive response, 83,38% and 93,6% respectively. Based on the questionnaires, 86,68% of students responded positively to the FFP media. Based on student activity observation sheets, 86,81% of student were active in group activity. So FFP is effective to assist students in understanding the topic of electromagnetic induction and can be a reference in the consolidation phas

    A Case Report - Effect OfSaliparni ThailaDhara (PseudarthriaViscida Linn) And Dasanga Agada In The Management Of Vrischika Damsha (Scorpion Sting).

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    Scorpion sting being major public health problem is an acute life threatening, time limiting medical emergency especially in rural parts of India. Though the annual incidence rate of scorpion sting cases in India exceeds 1.23 millions, in which over 32,250 are fatal. There are ample treatment modalities and medicines in keraliyavishachikitsagranthas and in ayurvedic classics which are described for managing vrischikavisha. . This is a case study conducted during the period 2022-2023 at pappinissheryvishachikitsa Kendra under the department of Agad Tantra ,MVR Ayurveda Medical College, Kannur. The main characteristics of scorpion venom poisoning explained in ayurvedic classics are vahnivatdahanam (Burning sensation like fire).Kshipramurdwarohanam (quick spreading in upward diection) ,Damsha Sopha (swelling), Damshesadyoatiruk( instant severe pain). This is a case report of a 27 year old male diagnosed as vrischikadamsha  presenting with pain, burning sensation, erythema and swelling was treated with Shaliparnithailadhara externally and internally with Dasanga agada. Total duration of treatment was for two days third day was observation and fourth day was follow up. Thorough clinical assessment was done before and after the treatment on the cardinal symptoms, pain, erythema, burning sensation and swelling. Based upon the result of the study saliparnithailadhara has shown assuring results in the management of acute scorpion envenomation. This case is an evidence to demonstrate the effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatment in case of vrischikadamsha and as a proposition for further research on more number of patients

    A Comparative Clinical Trial To Evaluate Efficacy Of Shaliparni Thaila Dhara (Pseudarthria Viscid Linn) Against Gritha Saindava Dhara In The Management Of Vrischika Damsha. (Scorpion Sting).

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    Background: Scorpion sting being a major public health problem is an acute life threatening, time limiting medical emergency especially in rural parts of India. Ayurveda recommend several medicinal preparations for the management of scorpion sting but so far very little statistical data is available regarding the efficacy of these medicines. The prevailing situation is in need of revalidation of ayurvedic formulation. Hence two varieties of dhara yoga such as saliparni thaila dhara and gritha saindava dhara have been selected to compare effectiveness in the management of vrischika damsha along with dasanga agada. Aims: To evaluate comparative effect of saliparni thaila dhara against gritha saindava dhara along with dasanga agada in the management of vrischika damsha. Methods: A comparative clinical trial was conducted at a tertiary Ayurveda centerwith 100 subjects satisfying inclusion and diagnostic criteria. They were selected by simple random lottery method and divided in to two groups. In group 1 diagnosed case of vrischika damsha received saliparni thaila dhara externally, group 2 was given gritha saindava dhara externally for two days and dasanga gulika (2gm) TDS was administered orally in both groups for two days. Ordinal numerical rating scale was utilized to record intensity of cardinal symptoms pain, erythema, swelling and burning sensation. Statistical analysis was done in single group by Friedman test within the group by wilcoxon signed ranks test and in between the group by Mann- Whitney U Test Results: - The study showed significant improvement within the group in reducing the 4 four cardinal symptoms with P<0.001.A significant result was obtained between the group with P<0.05. Conclusion: Saliparni thaila dhara is more or equal effective when compared to gritha saindava dhara along with dasanga agada in the management of vrischika damsha.   &nbsp
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