660 research outputs found

    Work and non-work adjustments of public sector expatriates

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    Version of RecordResearch on public sector expatriates is not very common, despite their increasing numbers. This is lamentable, since our much more advanced knowledge about private sector expatriates may be less applicable to their public sector counterparts. To rectify this deficiency, U.S. Department of Defense administrators assigned to U.S. embassies worldwide were targeted for this study. Results indicated that, in contrast to recent studies of private sector expatriates, stress experienced by the respondents outside work may only have a limited cross-domain effect on the level of stress in the work place. Interaction adjustment had a positive association with work adjustment but general adjustment had no relationship with the adjustment to work. Additionally, the extent of self-efficacy of the public sector expatriates was not associated with work adjustment, neither directly or indirectly. Implications of these findings are discussed in detail.Fenner, C. R. & Selmer, J. (2007, October). Work and non-work adjustments of public sector expatriates. Presented at the Academy of International Business U.S. Northeast Chapter Regional Meeting, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. Retrieved from http://academicarchive.snhu.ed

    Formation of Siderite in peat

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    I torva langs det NV utløpet fra Glesmyra er det funnet et 15 - 20 cm tykt lyst grått sjikt l, 5 m nede i profilet. Aldersbestemmelse, røntgenbestemmelse og kjemiske analyser viser at dette er jernkarbonat (sideritt) dannet for 5700 år siden. Det er diskutert hvordan dette sjiktet kan ha blitt dannet. Som konklusjon, har en kommet fram til at det har vært en utfelling av jernhydroksyd i bekkeløpet. I løpet av et visst tidsrom har pH i vannet steget noe ved at jernet ha blitt redusert og hydroksydene gått i løsning. Ved kombinasjonen av stor konsentrasjon av Fe2+ og noe CO3-- (på grunn av CO2 fra lufta og pH økning) så overstiges løselighetsproduktet til FeCO3 og det blir felling. Innholdet av 13C indikerer at karbonatet stammer fra luften og ikke fra omsatt torv. Det lyse sjiktet av FeCO 3 inneholder også en del organiske forbindelser som er noe yngre. Det antas at disse er transportert nedover i profilet og er adsorbert til jernkarbonatfellingen. 13C indikerer at disse forbindelsene stammer fra en meget godt omsatt torv rett over utfellingssjiktet. Vann-nivået har i senere år sunket noe på grunn av utgraving i bekkeløpet. Det lyse laget som derved ble avdekket og gjort tilgjengelig for vann og luft, har blitt oksydert til FeOOH (gøthitt) og kan sees langs lange strekninger av bekkeløpet

    The Frobenius number in the set of numerical semigroups with fixed multiplicity and genus

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    Electronic version of an article published as International Journal of Number Theory, 2017, Vol. 13, No. 04 : pp. 1003-1011 https://doi.org/10.1142/S1793042117500531 © copyright World Scientific Publishing Company http://www.worldscientific.com/We compute all possible numbers that are the Frobenius number of a numerical semigroup when multiplicity and genus are fixed. Moreover, we construct explicitly numerical semigroups in each case.Both authors are supported by the project MTM2014-55367-P, which is funded by Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional FEDER, and by the Junta de Andalucía Grant Number FQM-343. The second author is also partially supported by Junta de Andalucía/Feder Grant Number FQM-5849

    Iran transport and accumulation in profiles of a cuitivated peat land area

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    En mindre del av et stort dyrket myrareal på eiendommen Vivang, Våler i Solør, har uvanlig jernrik torv. Her har havre hatt god vegetativ vekst, men meget dårlig kjerneutvikling (5,10). Det siste har vist seg å skyldes molybdenmangel, som særlig må antas å ha årsakssammenheng med det store jerninnholdet i torva. I denne artikkelen er arealet med molybdenmangel kalt A og et tilgrensende areal uten synlige tegn til slik mangel B. Tabellene 1-3 viser kjemiske analyseresultater for torv fra 3 profiler på A og ett på B. Torv fra A har ekstremt stort Fe-innhold opp til 71 tonn/ dekar i et ca. 0,75 m torvlag og 37 tonn i et ca. 0,1 m tykt sjikt under plogsjiktet. Det store Fe-innholdet må skrive seg fra forekomster av Fe-rike gabbroide bergarter og Fe-rike sandavsetninger i omgivelsene. […

    "Don't call it a disease"– adolescents with asthma

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    The aim of this study was to describe how adolescents experience having asthma. Data was recorded from 39 adolescents, 18 girls and 21 boys, interviewed by using Focus Groups. Mean age was 14 year (12 to 16 years). They were observed and interviewed within 7 groups. Most (80 %) had had asthma for more than 10 years. All but two, used inhaled steroids. Only 33 % had experienced respiratory symptoms more than once a week during the last 14 days. The adolescents did not experience themselves as having a disease, and to discuss having asthma with other youths were unusual for most. Some felt that they had to deal with a demanding environment without the aid of a supportive network. They expressed mistrust by teachers and friends related to physical training and school activities as most traumatically. Adolescents are at high risk for poor outcomes from asthma owing to lifestyle and developmental changes. The result of the study suggest a need to better inform the people in the adolescent´s surrondings (i.e. school teachers and friends) about asthma. Teachers and parents have an important task: to find physically challenging activities as well as leisure activities that strengthen the adolescent´s selfesteem and ability to cope with their asthma. The focus group´s methods allowed the adolescents to experience a supportive social enviroment and created openness conserning their health problems. There is a need for further studies about the adolescents, chronic disease and quality of life

    CATS Near Real Time Data Products: Applications for Assimilation Into the NASA GEOS-5 AGCM

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    From February 2015 through October 2017, the NASA Cloud-Aerosol Transport System (CATS) backscatter lidar operated on the International Space Station (ISS) as a technology demonstration for future Earth Science Missions, providing vertical measurements of cloud and aerosols properties. Owing to its location on the ISS, a cornerstone technology demonstration of CATS was the capability to acquire, process, and disseminate near-real time (NRT) data within 6 hours of observation time. CATS NRT data has several applications, including providing notification of hazardous events for air traffic control and air quality advisories, field campaign flight planning, as well as for constraining cloud and aerosol distributions in via data assimilation in aerosol transport models. Recent developments in aerosol data assimilation techniques have permitted the assimilation of aerosol optical thickness (AOT), a 2-dimensional column integrated quantity that is reflective of the simulated aerosol loading in aerosol transport models. While this capability has greatly improved simulated AOT forecasts, the vertical position, a key control on aerosol transport, is often not impacted when 2-D AOT is assimilated. Here, we present preliminary efforts to assimilate CATS aerosol observations into the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System version 5 (GEOS-5) atmospheric general circulation model and assimilation system using a 1-D Variational (1-D VAR) ensemble approach, demonstrating the utility of CATS for future Earth Science Missions

    CATS Version 2 Aerosol Feature Detection and Applications for Data Assimilation

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    The Cloud Aerosol Transport System (CATS) lidar has been operating onboard the International Space Station (ISS) since February 2015 and provides vertical observations of clouds and aerosols using total attenuated backscatter and depolarization measurements. From February March 2015, CATS operated in Mode 1, providing backscatter and depolarization measurements at 532 and 1064 nm. CATS began operation in Mode 2 in March 2015, providing backscatter and depolarization measurements at 1064 nm and has continued to operate to the present in this mode. CATS level 2 products are derived from these measurements, including feature detection, cloud aerosol discrimination, cloud and aerosol typing, and optical properties of cloud and aerosol layers. Here, we present changes to our level 2 algorithms, which were aimed at reducing several biases in our version 1 level 2 data products. These changes will be incorporated into our upcoming version 2 level 2 data release in summer 2017. Additionally, owing to the near real time (NRT) data downlinking capabilities of the ISS, CATS provides expedited NRT data products within 6 hours of observation time. This capability provides a unique opportunity for supporting field campaigns and for developing data assimilation techniques to improve simulated cloud and aerosol vertical distributions in models. We additionally present preliminary work toward assimilating CATS observations into the NASA Goddard Earth Observing System version 5 (GEOS-5) global atmospheric model and data assimilation system