273 research outputs found

    O formoterol e uma dose média/ elevada de corticosteróides inalados são mais eficazes do que uma dose elevada de corticosteróides na asma moderada e grave

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    RESUMO: As normas internacionais para o tratamento da asma brônquica recomendam que os doentes com sintomatologia mal controlada com doses baixas/ /intermédias de corticosteróides (CT) inalados sejam submetidos a doses mais elevadas de CT e, se necessário, deverá ser adicionado um β2 agonista de longa duração. No entanto, estudos mais recentes demonstraram que a adição deste fármaco a doses baixas/moderadas de CT inalados permite um melhor controlo da sintomatologia do que a duplicação da dose de CT. O formoterol constitui o β2 agonista de eleição devido ao seu início de acção rápida.O objectivo do presente trabalho foi comparar a eficácia da associação do β2 agonista formoterol a doses médias/elevadas de CT inalados com a duplicação da dose do CT em indivíduos com asma moderada/grave mal controlada.Foram avaliados doentes com idade superior a 18 anos com asma moderada e grave que apresentavam um FEV1â¥50% do previsto e um aumentoâ¥15% do referido parâmetro após inalação de um broncodilatador de curta duração, tendo sido submetido a terapêutica com CT inalados diariamente (dipropionato de beclometasona 1000 μ - budesonida 800 μg) no mês que precedeu o início do estudo em análise. A existência de, pelo menos, dois dos parâmetros seguintes, nos últimos 7 dias do período de run-in, foi imprescindível: sintomatologia interferindo com as actividades de vida diária; interrupção do sono por sintomas nocturnos, necessidade de terapêutica de alívio numa doseâ¥4 puffs salbutamol/dia; variabilidade diária do PEF (Peak Expiratory Flow)â¥15%.Foram critérios de exclusão: doentes cuja dose do CT inalado diária foi alterada no último mês; indivíduos submetidos a CT oral ou β2 agonista de longa duração no mês precedente; doentes com dificuldade de utilizar o aerolizer apesar da instrução adequada.Tratou-se de um estudo randomizado, duplamente cego, envolvendo 203 indivíduos: 102 submetidos a formoterol 12 μg e dipropionato de beclometasona 500 μg duas vezes/dia; 101 sob este corticosteróide na dose de 1000 μg duas vezes/dia e placebo. Ambos os grupos foram tratados com os referidos fármacos durante 12 semanas. Os doentes estudados apresentavam um FEV1 72% do previsto, uma reversibilidade desencadeada pelo (β2 agonista de curta duração de 27%, scores de sintomas moderados e necessidade de terapêutica de alívio na doseâ¥5 puffs de salbutamol/ dia.A diferença do PEF entre os dois grupos foi de 27,78 1/minuto, sendo favorável à associação formoterol/beclometasona (p=0,0002). Foi observada, também, uma diferença estatisticamente significativa na relação cortisol/ creatinina urinário após o tratamento de 12 semanas (p=0,001), indicando supressão do eixo hipotalâmico-hipofisário nos doentes sob 1000 μg de dipropionato de beclometasona duas vezes/ dia. Os scores de sintomas foram significativamente mais baixos nos doentes sob terapêutica combinada, sendo a proporção de doentes livres de sintomas durante o dia duas vezes superior neste grupo e a utilização de terapêutica de alívio inferior. COMENTÃRIO: Este estudo demonstra que, no tratamento de doentes com asma moderada/grave não controlada com dipropionato de beclometasona 1000 μg/dia, a adição de formoterol 12 μg duas vezes/dia é mais eficaz do que a duplicação da dose de beclometasona.A terapêutica combinada melhora significativamente os parâmetros objectivos da obstrução das vias aéreas quando comparada com altas doses de corticosteróides inalados. O efeito benéfico de adição de formoterol na função pulmonar tornou-se evidente após quatro semanas de tratamento e permaneceu inalterada até ao fim do estudo. Este efeito pode dever-se ao antagonismo funcional do formoterol à contracção do músculo liso, à sua capacidade de estabilizar os mastócitos ou de reduzir o edema da parede brônquica.As exacerbações ligeiras e moderadas ocorreram com maior frequência no grupo sob altas doses de CT inalados. Estes resultados foram sobreponíveis aos observados anteriormente em doentes com asma ligeira submetidos à associação formoterol/budesonido (dose baixa/intermédia) ou a doses elevadas deste último fármaco. Também neste estudo se verificou um maior número de exacerbações no segundo grupo.Elevadas doses de CT inalados estão relacionadas com significativos efeitos suprarrenais. Assim, a associação de um β2 agonista de longa acção (formoterol) permite o controlo da doença sem necessidade de doses altas de CT inalados. Neste estudo, o quociente cortisol/creatinina urinário foi significativamente menor no grupo sob corticoterapia em dose elevada do que nos indivíduos submetidos a terapêutica combinada, traduzindo uma maior supressão do risco hipotalâmico-hipofisário no primeiro caso. Estes achados vieram confirmar a observação de que o dipropionato de beclometasona na doseâ¥1500 μg/dia exerce um efeito supressor significativo na libertação de cortisol endógeno.A terapêutica combinada de CT inalados e β2 agonistas de longa acção permitiu um bom controlo da asma brônquica, comparativamente a baixas doses de CT, e conduziu à administração dos fármacos inalados em doses fixas através de um dispositivo único. Ringdal e colaboradores compararam a eficácia do salmeterol 50 μg/ fluticasona 250 μg utilizando Diskus duas vezes/dia com o formoterol 12 μg/ budesonido 500 μg administrados separadamente através do Turbohaler duas vezes/ /dia. A primeira associação foi significativamente superior na redução das exacerbações de asma e dos sintomas nocturnos, apesar da dose mais baixa de fluticasona comparada com a de budesonido. Estes resultados não são, no entanto, inesperados, visto a fluticasona ser mais potente do que o budesonido.Apesar de a administração de fármacos em doses fixas num único dispositivo ter vantagens adicionais em termos de aderência ao tratamento e conveniência, não apresenta grande flexibilidade no ajuste da dose durante as exacerbações. São, assim, necessários novos estudos para avaliar os dispositivos mais apropriados, de forma a obter o maior sinergismo de acção entre β2 agonista de longa duração e os CT inalados. Palavras-chave: Asma moderada/grave, β2 agonista de longa acção, formoterol, corticosteróides inalados, beclometason

    Millstones as indicators of relative sea-level changes in northern Sicily and southern Calabria coast lines, Italy

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    New data are presented for late Holocene relative sea-level changes in two coastal sites of Sicily and Calabria, southern Italy. Reconstructions are based on precise measurements of submerged archaeological remains that are valuable indicators of past sea-level position. The archaeological remains are millstone quarries carved on sandstone coastal rocks and nowadays partially submerged which, to the authors’ knowledge, are used for the first time as sea-level markers. Millstones of similar typology are located on the coast of Capo d’Orlando (northern Sicily) and Capo dell’Armi (southern Calabria). When the archeologically-based sea-level position is compared with the shoreline elevation provided by geological markers (Holocene beachrock, Late Pleistocene marine terraces), a refined understanding of relative sea-level changes and rates of vertical tectonic movements for these coastline locations is gained

    Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in Hypertension: Methodological Considerations and Clinical Implications

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    The assessment of left ventricular (LV) diastolic function should be an integral part of a routine examination of hypertensive patient; indeed when LV diastolic function is impaired, it is possible to have heart failure even with preserved LV ejection fraction. Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction (LVDD) occurs frequently and is associated to heart disease. Doppler echocardiography is the best tool for early LVDD diagnosis. Hypertension affects LV relaxation and when left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) occurs, it decreases compliance too, so it is important to calculate Doppler echocardiography parameters, for diastolic function evaluation, in all hypertensive patients. The purpose of our review was to discuss about the strong relationship between LVDD and hypertension, and their relationship with LV systolic function. Furthermore, we aimed to assess the relationship between the arterial stiffness and LV structure and function in hypertensive patients

    Maxon is an Optimal Suture for Bile Duct Anastomoses in Pigs

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    Background. Three commonly used sutures were tested in a pig model of bile duct anastomosis to assess their relative contributions to inflammation and scarring

    Inflammatory and Autoimmune Reactions in Atherosclerosis and Vaccine Design Informatics

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    Atherosclerosis is the leading pathological contributor to cardiovascular morbidity and mortality worldwide. As its complex pathogenesis has been gradually unwoven, the regime of treatments and therapies has increased with still much ground to cover. Active research in the past decade has attempted to develop antiatherosclerosis vaccines with some positive results. Nevertheless, it remains to develop a vaccine against atherosclerosis with high affinity, specificity, efficiency, and minimal undesirable pathology. In this review, we explore vaccine development against atherosclerosis by interpolating a number of novel findings in the fields of vascular biology, immunology, and bioinformatics. With recent technological breakthroughs, vaccine development affords precision in specifying the nature of the desired immune response—useful when addressing a disease as complex as atherosclerosis with a manifold of inflammatory and autoimmune components. Moreover, our exploration of available bioinformatic tools for epitope-based vaccine design provides a method to avoid expenditure of excess time or resources

    When should cardiovascular prevention begin? The importance of antenatal, perinatal and primordial prevention

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    Cardiovascular diseases represent a major health problem, being one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Therefore, in this scenario, cardiovascular prevention plays an essential role although it is difficult to establish when promoting and implementing preventive strategies. However, there is growing evidence that prevention should start even before birth, during pregnancy, aiming to avoid the onset of cardiovascular risk factors, since events that occur early in life have a great impact on the cardiovascular risk profile of an adult. The two pillars of this early preventive strategy are nutrition and physical exercise, together with prevention of cardio-metabolic diseases during pregnancy. This review attempts to gather the growing evidence of the benefits of antenatal, perinatal and primordial prevention, discussing also the possibility to reverse or to mitigate the cardiovascular profile developed in the initial stages of life. This could pave the way for future research, investigating the optimal time and duration of these preventing measures, their duration and maintenance in adulthood, and the most effective interventions according to the different age and guiding in the next years, the best clinical practice and the political strategies to cope with cardiovascular disease

    Preclinical atherosclerosis, metabolic syndrome and risk of cardiovascular events

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    Atherosclerotic disease is a chronic disorder developing insidiously throughout the life and usually progressing to an advanced stage by the time symptoms occur. In order to realize cardiovascular (CV) prevention, the detection of asymptomatic but diseased patients is crucial for an early intervention, since in these subjects there are opportunities to alter the progression of disease and the outcome (1). However, the simply analysis of risk factors don’t permits to identify always these subjects since it doesn’t informs about the effect that risk factors (RF) had already provoked and may more provoke on the individual vasculature. Besides, the risk factors known predict can explain only the 90 percent of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and traditional algorithms for prediction of CV risk failed to predict a proportion of cardiovascular events (CVE), realizing a “risk factors prediction gap” (2). It may be explained by several reasons: the epidemiology-derived models, based on the prediction of long-term risk, may not accurately predict short-term events, they don’t take into consideration emerging and novel risk factors; risk algorithms don’t identify, among patients with neither a previous history of CVD nor an high risk for atherosclerotic disease, those who will develop acute myocardial infarction and/or sudden coronary death as first CVD manifestation, and this may be due to the fact that the factors responsible of plaque formation and growth are not necessarily the same responsible of its instability and rupture, being the latter related to inflammation, thrombosis and plaque morphology (3).So, a possible approach to evaluate the individual global cardiovascular risk with more accurateness is to identify risk factors combination that more easily produces vascular damage, or alternatively, to evaluate directly the arterial wall and its damage degree. The former approach is performed by the evaluation of metabolic syndrome, the latter by the non-invasive study of pre-ATS markers

    Tidal notches in Mediterranean Sea: a comprehensive analysis

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    Recent works (Evelpidou et al., 2012) suggest that the modern tidal notch is disappearing worldwide due sea level rise over the last century. In order to assess this hypothesis, we measured modern tidal notches in several of sites along the Mediterranean coasts. We report observations on tidal notches cut along carbonate coasts from 73 sites from Italy, France, Croatia, Montenegro, Greece, Malta and Spain, plus additional observations carried outside the Mediterranean. At each site, we measured notch width and depth, and we described the characteristics of the biological rim at the base of the notch. We correlated these parameters with wave energy, tide gauge datasets and rock lithology. Our results suggest that, considering \u2018the development of tidal notches the consequence of midlittoral bioerosion\u2019 (as done in Evelpidou et al., 2012) is a simplification that can lead to misleading results, such as stating that notches are disappearing. Important roles in notch formation can be also played by wave action, rate of karst dissolution, salt weathering and wetting and drying cycles. Of course notch formation can be augmented and favoured also by bioerosion which can, in particular cases, be the main process of notch formation and development. Our dataset shows that notches are carved by an ensemble rather than by a single process, both today and in the past, and that it is difficult, if not impossible, to disentangle them and establish which one is prevailing. We therefore show that tidal notches are still forming, challenging the hypothesis that sea level rise has drowned them

    Multidisciplinary assessment and prediction tools addressing coastal vulnerability to erosion and sea level rise. Lesson learnt from the RITMARE Project

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    Natural processes and human activities are strongly connected, and sometimes con icting, in the evolution of coastal and transitional environments. The strong anthropic pressure on coastal regions, together with the e ects of a changing climate, demands nowadays more pressingly for e cient tools to characterise and predict the behaviour of such systems in order to de ne appropriate response strategies. This requires a deep understanding of the connections among di erent drivers and di erent scales, a multidisciplinary challenge in which heterogeneous data, approaches and scales need to be framed within a consistent dynamical description. To this aim, a speci c research line was dedicated to \u201cCoastal Vulnerability to Erosion and Sea Level Rise\u201d within the RITMARE Project, supported by the Italian Ministry of University and Research with the purpose of integrating the Italian Marine community in shared research elds in the period 2012-2017. The activities carried out in this framework have been moving along interconnected branches tackling the themes related with sea level rise, ocean modelling, and geomorphological assessment in present conditions and in di erent climate change scenarios, with an eye on the exploitation of marine sand as a strategic resource. In this contribution we review the main outcomes of this multidisciplinary and coordinated research. Besides discussing the advances and the possibilities from state-of-the art technologies and methodologies, we point out that a coordinated use of the described tools should be promoted in the design of survey and monitoring activities, as well as in the exploitation of already collected data. Expected outcomes of this strategy include the implementation of improved policies and infrastructures for coastal protection, anked by reliable short-term forecasting systems and e cient rapid response protocols, in the framework of an integrated coastal planning at the multi-decadal scale