1,866 research outputs found


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    Siddha system is one of the primordial health sciences with historical, anthropological, archeological and geographical evidences. The medical philosophies of Siddha were presented in poetic forms in palm scripts which cannot be easily interpreted by common man. According to this system, the disease classification is based on the concepts of Tridosha pathology (Vatham, Pitham and Kabham) that seems poles apart from those of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) when viewed afar. This review article is an attempt to correlate clinically, the symptoms of “Kabaala Iya Azhalâ€, a disease given in the Siddha text Pararasasegaram with that of the common ailment Sinusitis mentioned in contemporary science. Through meticulous interpretation and parallel analysis of the condition it can be concluded that even the mediocre signs and symptoms of Kabaala Iya Azhal can be correlated well with that of Sinusitis. This parallel analysis would further pave way for better perceptive, diagnosis and management of the disease “Kabaala Iyya Azhal†as mentioned in Siddha literature.

    An Experimental study to Compare the effect of Dynamic Muscular Stabilization Technique (DMST) and Yoga Therapy along with Moist Heat Therapy on health status and Pain in Postural Low Back Pain patients

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    The purpose of the study is to compare the effect of Dynamic Muscular Stabilization Technique and yoga therapy along with Moist heat therapy on health status and pain in postural low back pain patients. 30 subjects with chronic low back pain are selected for this study. Age group varies between 19-30 years and they are assessed and selected following inclusion and exclusion criteria. A clear explanation is given to every individual subject and those who are willing are selected and randomly assigned to two equal groups. Proper consent is obtained from all the participants. Group A subjects underwent Dynamic Muscular Stabilization Techniques along with Moist heat therapy. Group B subjects underwent yoga therapy along with Moist heat therapy. Following the 4 weeks of interventions, the outcomes of health status and pain is measured. Pain is measured by Visual Analogue Scale and Health status is measured by Short Form -36 Health Survey quality of life questionnaire. Student ‘t’ test was used to find the difference between the two groups. Based on this statistical analysis the Group A patients showed a marked improvement in health status and pain when compared to Group B patients. CONCLUSION: There is a significant improvement in health status in both the groups. There is a significant reduction of pain in both the groups. When compared with Group B, the Group A shows a marked improvement of health status when compared with group B, the Group A shows a marked reduction of pain. So, this study concludes that the Dynamic Muscular Stabilization Techniques along with moist heat therapy is very helpful in reducing postural low back pain than the Yoga therapy with Moist heat therapy

    Study of Urinary Uric Acid and Creatinine Ratio as a marker of neonatal asphyxia, Government Rajah Mirasdar Hospital, Thanjavur

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    BACKGROUND: Perinatal asphyxia is a common neonatal problem at times devastating because of its potential for causing permanent damage and even death of the fetus or newborn infant. Only a third of deliveries in India are institutional and many asphyxiated babies are brought late to hospitals. In the absence of perinatal records, it is difficult to retrospectively diagnose perinatal asphyxia. There is a need to identify neonates with asphyxia who will be at high risk for hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy and multi-organ dysfunction. The value of the present biochemical parameters used for diagnosing asphyxia is inadequate and controversial. OBJECTIVES: The main objective of this study was to evaluate prospectively the value of measuring uric acid to creatinine (UA/Cr) ratio in early spot urine samples in diagnosing perinatal asphyxia, and to assess the relationship between the urinary uric acid to creatinine ratio and the severity of HIE. METHODS: The study was performed from January 2016 to July 2016 in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of Rajah Mirasdar Hospital, Thanjavur. The case group consisted of 50 asphyxiated full term neonates who fulfilled the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The control group consisted of 50 full term neonates with no signs of asphyxia after an uncomplicated pregnancy. The spot urine samples were collected within 6-24 hours of birth and sent for uric acid and creatinine analysis. Urinary uric acid to creatinine (UA/Cr) ratio value of >1.22 was taken as the cut-off level. Sensitivity, specificity, Positive predictive value (PPV), Negative predictive value (NPV) were calculated. RESULTS: The Urinary UA/Cr ratios were found to be higher in asphyxiated infants (2.59±1.04) when compared with those in the controls (0.72±0.16, P1.22 has a sensitivity of 86%, specificity of 92%, positive predictive value of 91.49%, negative predictive value of 86.49% and an accuracy of 89% in diagnosing asphyxia among term neonates. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSION: The urinary uric acid/creatinine ratio was found to be a quick, inexpensive, non invasive, reliable, early biochemical marker of perinatal asphyxia

    Evaluation of anticonvulsant activity of aqueous extract of Adhatoda vasica leaves by MES model in rats

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    Background: Epilepsy is the commonest neurological condition affecting people of all ages, race and social class. The present study was taken up to evaluate the anticonvulsant effect of aqueous extract of leaves of Adhatoda vasica in rats. To evaluate the effect of aqueous extract of Adhatoda vasica leaves on maximal electroshock model in albino rats and to compare the effect of aqueous extract of Adhatoda vasica leaves with standard dose of Phenytoin on Maximal electro shock model.Methods: Anticonvulsant activity of aqueous extract of Adhatoda vasica was analysed using MES (Maximal electroshock) model. Phenytoin (25mg/kg) as standard for Maximal electroshock, and two doses of aqueous extract of Adhatoda vasica (100mg/kg and 200mg/kg) were used as test drugs. Parameters observed in MES were abolition of hind limb tonic extension (HLTE) and time taken to regain righting reflex.Results: In MES model, control group showed 0% protection and standard phenytoin group showed 100% protection. Aqueous extract of Adhatoda vasica at 100mg/kg and 200mg/kg showed 33.33% and 50% protection from seizures respectively. The mean duration of time to regain righting reflex was significantly reduced in Adhatoda vasica groups when compared to control group (p 0.05) were obtained.Conclusions: Aqueous extract of leaves of Adhatoda vasica has shown significant anticonvulsant action in MES model

    Management of cervical heterotopic pregnancy with inevitable miscarriage

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    The objective is to report a case of successful treatment of heterotopic cervical pregnancy resulting from IVF–ICSI conception. Case report from Amrita Institute of Medical sciences: a tertiary care referral hospital. A 47-year-old Primigravida, diagnosed with heterotopic cervical pregnancy at 6 weeks of gestation, presented with significant first trimester vaginal bleeding. Under IV sedation, Transvaginal ligation of descending cervical branches of the uterine arteries arrested the bleeding. The cervical pregnancy was successfully aborted with minimal bleeding and the intrauterine pregnancy was successfully maintained till 32 weeks, after which she required emergency preterm LSCS in view of Severe preeclampsia superimposed on chronic hypertension a non-reassuring non-stress test (NST). The intervention applied maybe used in treatment of heterotopic cervical pregnancy in a low resource setting to control the bleeding

    VLSI Implementation of Barrel Distortion Correction in Endoscopic Images based on Least Squares Estimation

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    An efficient VLSI Implementation of Barrel Distortion Correction (BDC) in Endoscopic Images based on Least Squares Estimation is presented in this paper. Computational complexity is reduced by employing Odd order polynomial, as an approximation to Back-mapping expansion polynomial. This polynomial can be solved in monomial form, by Estrin\u27s algorithm. In Estrin’s algorithm, a high order expression can be factorized in to sub-expression, which can be evaluated in parallel. In our simulation, on comparison with some existing distortion correction techniques, 75% of hardware cost and 70% of memory requirement is reduced by using TSMC 0.18μm technology

    Total edge irregularity strength of join of path and complement of a complete graph

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    An edge irregular total k-labeling of a graph G is a labeling of the vertices and edges of G with labels from the set {1, 2, ..., k} in such a way that any two different edges have distinct weights. The weight of an edge uv is the sum of the label of uv and the labels of vertices u and v. The minimum k for which the graph G has an edge irregular total k-labeling is called the total edge irregularity strength of G. In this paper, we determine the exact value of the total edge irregularity strength of Pn + Km.Publisher's Versio
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