992 research outputs found

    Dinuclear Lanthanide (III) coordination polymers in a domino reaction

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    A systematic study was performed to further optimise the catalytic room-temperature synthesis of trans-4,5- diaminocyclopent-2-enones from 2-furaldehyde and primary or secondary amines under a non-inert atmosphere. For this purpose, a series of dinuclear lanthanide (III) coordination polymers were synthesised using a dianionic Schiff base and their catalytic activities were investigated

    The Use of Story Book “Peewee at the Farm” in Introducing English to Kindergarten

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    . This research was conducted in Level B kindergarten students at TK Kristen Immanuel I Pontianak which is located at JL. Gajah Mada No. 250, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barattoprove that the use of story book “Pee Wee at the Farm” is an effective way to introduce English.In collecting the data, the researcher used qualitative and quantitative assessment by using interview and observation sheet as the qualitative assessment, and oral test as the quantitative assessment where the students were asked some questions and repeated them.In the result it can be found that introducing English to kindergarten students using story book “Pee Wee at the Farm” was an effective way to attract and motivate the students' interest in English.It was shown that all of the 20 students got the extraordinary score, means that the students were able to repeat and understand more than 7 simple sentences taught based on the story book. There were 18 students got the perfect score, means that the students were able to repeat and understand all 10 simple English sentences. There was only one student that was able to repeat and understand 7 sentences and only one student that was able for 8 sentences

    Identification of the Molecular Mechanism by which TLR Ligation and IFN-Îł Synergize to Induce Mig

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    Monokine Induced by Interferon- (MIG), a CXC chemokine, is a potent inducer of T-cell chemotaxis and activation and has been implicated in the host response to viral infections and tumor immunity as well as in the pathogenesis of autoimmunity and transplant rejection. Although it is known that the Toll-Like Receptor-4 (TLR-4) ligand LPS synergizes with IFN-Îł to induce MIG expression in macrophages, the molecular mechanisms responsible for the synergy have yet to be elucidated. We determined that the marked synergy between LPS and IFN-Îł on MIG mRNA expression in mouse macrophages is a result of LPS-induced NF-ÎșB and IFN-Îł-induced STAT. The synergy was not dependent on new protein synthesis, was independent of TNF-α, and occurred at the level of gene transcription. We identified 2 NF-ÎșB sites located at -154 and -129 of the MIG promoter proximal to the -responsive element that mediated this effect. Finally, we demonstrated that other TLR ligands (zymosan, double stranded RNA and CpG) synergized with IFN-Îł to induce MIG in an NF-ÎșB dependent fashion. These data emphasize the ability of bacterial and viral products to activate/modify immune responses and promote adaptive T cell immunity through the NF-ÎșB pathway

    Complexity Dynamics of Gumowski-Mira Map

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    In the context of nonlinear dynamics, interesting dynamic behavior of Gumowski-Mira Map has been noted under various feasible circumstances. Evolutionary phenomena are discussed through the study of bifurcation analysis leading to period-doubling and chaos. The appearance of chaos in the method is identified by plotting Lyapunov characteristic exponents (LCE) and Topological Entropy within certain parameter range. Dynamic Lyapunov Indicator (DLI) has been procured for further identification of regular and chaotic motions of the Gumowski-Mira Map. The numerical results through the indicator DLI clearly demonstrate the behavior of our map. The correlation dimension has been calculated numerically for the dimension of the chaotic attractor

    Teaching Reading Comprehension of Descriptive Text by Using Semantic Mapping

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    This research entitled Teaching Reading Comprehension of Descriptive text by Using Semantic Mapping. The purposes of this research are to find out the teaching learning process by using semantic mapping technique and how the technique improves students' ability on descriptive text. This research conducted by using Classroom Action Research (CAR). The researcher used observation table, field note and measurement test as tools of data collecting. This research conducted to 32 students of SMP Walisongo Pontianak. The result showed that the learning process of reading comprehension of descriptive text by using semantic mapping has run as the procedures. The students and teacher played their roles pretty well in first cycle and better in the second cycle. This technique has improved students' ability in comprehending descriptive text. The improvements are comprehension of details information, words reference and vocabulary on the text

    Fe y Sacramentos en el Concilio Vaticano II

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    Se analizan en este estudio textos conciliares que muestran las mutuas implicaciones entre los sacramentos y la fe. Los puntos sometidos a investigaciĂłn se refieren no sĂłlo a aquello que de modo directo y especĂ­fico habla de esas relaciones —el papel de la fe en la constituciĂłn de los sacramentos; la actuaciĂłn eficaz del signo sensible en la infusiĂłn y crecimiento de la fe— sino tambiĂ©n de lo que precede y acompaña esas relaciones: las implicaciones entre el munus docendi que conduce a la fe y el munus sanctifĂ­candi, que actualiza en la misiĂłn eclesial la economĂ­a sacramentarĂ­a

    Asupan Gizi dan Mengantuk pada Mahasiswa

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    Nutrient and energy intake, nutrition status, and daily activity could give impact for sleepiness problem. Sleepiness related to the decreasing of cognitive ability that caused by iron deficiency. A person who feels sleepy will have a lack of physical activities that lead to overweight and therefore has a higher risk to suffer degenerative diseases such as cardiovascular and diabetes mellitus. This study aimed to analyze dominant factor that can give influence to sleepiness problem among students. The cross sectional research used 139 students of Faculty of Public Health University of Indonesia. The percentage of students who is almost sleepy was 28,80%. This research showed the association between sleep duration and somnolence problem is significant (p value = 0,048). Students with sleep duration < 8 hours a day could be 0,50 times more sleepy than students with sleep duration Âł 8 hours a day. The dominant factor is sleep duration after controlled by protein and fat intake, physical activity, and media exposure. Students that frequently feels sleepy indicated low iron intake so that suggested to increase the iron intake through consuming heme contained food
