11 research outputs found


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    Pengabdian masyarakat ini berlokasi di masjid jabal holimombo yang terletak di desa holimombo kecamatan wabula di mana masjid ini akan direhap sedang berupa rehap dinding dan rehap teras masjid dari awalnya kayu dengan atap seng dengan ukuran teras keluar 1,2 m kemudian di ganti dengan rabat beton dengan atap dak beton dan teras keluar di perbesar sampai 3m dan dalam tahap ini yang dihasilkan dari pengabdian ini yaitu gambar model untuk masjid baik dari model 3D, gambar tampak baik tampak depan, tampang samping, tampan belakang, dan potongan selain itu untuk gambar kerja yang dihasilkan yaitu gambar denah dari struktur, baik balok, kolom, maupun Plat dan juga gambar Detail untuk pelaksanaan

    Hubungan Usia Penyandang Diabetes Melitus Tipe 2 dan Disfungsi Ereksi

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    : Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a disease with high blood glucose level due to the inadequasy of insulin. Erectile dysfunction or inability to maintain an erection often occurs among males due to various factors. Males with DM have higher risk of erectile dysfunction compared to those without DM. This study was aimed to determine the relationship of the age of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patient and erectile dysfunction. This was an analytical survey study with a cross sectional design. Respondents were all patients with T2DM at the Endocrine Polyclinic of Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado from October 2015 to January 2016. There were 38 respondents in this study; most had mild erectile dysfunction (36.8%). The Chi-square analysis showed a significant relationship (p<0.05) between the age of T2DM patients and erectile dysfunction. Conclusion: There was a significant relationship between the age of T2DM patients and erectile dysfunction. The older the patient, the more severe the erectile dysfunction

    Ipteks Sistem Informasi Manajemen Keuangan Daerah pada Uptd Balai Pelatihan Kesehatan Provinsi Sulawesi Utara

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    Implementation of SIMDA at UPTD Health Training Center of North Sulawesi Province used method applied finance SIMDA2.7.0.12 accrual based at UPTD Health Training Center of North Sulawesi Province was based on the Ordinance Ministry of Home Affairs No. 13 2006 about financial management is started of stages of planning, administration, accounting and reporting. Application techniqueSIMDA2.7.0.12version accrual based : according to the Ordinance Ministry of Home Affairs No. 13 2006 IPTEKS technique who applied on manufacture of SIMDA are covers by Budgeting Planning : RKA, RAPBD and other of DPA. Administration :Letter of Provision of Funds (SPD), Letter of Request Payment (SPP). From implementation of examination result finance at UPTD Health Training Center of North Sulawesi Province is showed : implementation of SIMDA based has already done through the products produced, namely budgeting and administration have no constraints, while the obstacles faced in accounting and reporting products in producing Operational Reports (LO) and Budgeting and Administration is carried out according to the Ordinance Ministry of Home Affairs No. 13 2006about financial regional management, while the accounting reporting process is carried out according to the Ordinance Ministry of Home Affairs No. 642013 about the application of accrual based government accounting standards

    Model design of an architectural grid-connected photovoltaic system

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    Renewable energy sources such as solar, thermal and wind are high energy sources that meet the growing demand for electrical energy worldwide. Renewable energy sources can be stand-alone power generators or multi-generations systems forming a microgrid system that can also be integrated into the main power grid. The integration of renewable energy sources into the main grid system mostly occurs at distribution levels and depends on the scale and location of the renewable energy sources. Renewable energy sources with large-scale capacity can be integrated into the transmission system, while small-scale energy sources can be integrated directly into medium- and low-voltage distribution systems. Both sources have their characteristics, therefore strict planning and analysis is needed. Architecture of a small-scale photovoltaic (PV) system is designed to generate about 3 kW for local demand, such as an office building, with the implementation of microgrid system equipped with smart meters for energy monitoring, and a control scheme is proposed

    Infrared thermography for civil structural assessment: demonstrations with laboratory and field studies

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    A detailed investigation of infrared thermography (IRT) for civil structures is presented by considering different technologies, data analysis methods and experimental conditions in the laboratory and also in the field. Three different types of infrared (IR) camera were compared under active IRT conditions in the laboratory to examine the effect of photography angle on IRT along with the specifications of cameras. It is found that when IR images are taken from a certain angle, each camera shows different temperature readings. However, since each IR camera can capture temperature differences between sound and delaminated areas, they have a potential to detect delaminated area under a given condition in spite of camera specifications even when they are utilized from a certain angle. Furthermore, a more objective data analysis method than just comparing IR images was explored to assess IR data, and it is much easier to detect delamination than raw IR images. Specially designed laboratory and field studies show the capabilities, opportunities and challenges of implementing IRT for civil structures