3,574 research outputs found

    Universality in percolation of arbitrary Uncorrelated Nested Subgraphs

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    The study of percolation in so-called {\em nested subgraphs} implies a generalization of the concept of percolation since the results are not linked to specific graph process. Here the behavior of such graphs at criticallity is studied for the case where the nesting operation is performed in an uncorrelated way. Specifically, I provide an analyitic derivation for the percolation inequality showing that the cluster size distribution under a generalized process of uncorrelated nesting at criticality follows a power law with universal exponent γ=3/2\gamma=3/2. The relevance of the result comes from the wide variety of processes responsible for the emergence of the giant component that fall within the category of nesting operations, whose outcome is a family of nested subgraphs.Comment: 5 pages, no figures. Mistakes found in early manuscript have been remove

    Local minimal energy landscapes in river networks

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    The existence and stability of the universality class associated to local minimal energy landscapes is investigated. Using extensive numerical simulations, we first study the dependence on a parameter γ\gamma of a partial differential equation which was proposed to describe the evolution of a rugged landscape toward a local minimum of the dissipated energy. We then compare the results with those obtained by an evolution scheme based on a variational principle (the optimal channel networks). It is found that both models yield qualitatively similar river patterns and similar dependence on γ\gamma. The aggregation mechanism is however strongly dependent on the value of γ\gamma. A careful analysis suggests that scaling behaviors may weakly depend both on γ\gamma and on initial condition, but in all cases it is within observational data predictions. Consequences of our resultsComment: 12 pages, 13 figures, revtex+epsfig style, to appear in Phys. Rev. E (Nov. 2000

    2022 Proposed base case model for eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna assessment using stock synthesis.

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    This document presents the proposed base case for the assessment of Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean population of bluefin tuna using Stock Synthesis in 2022. The model runs from 1950 to 2020 and was fitted to length composition data, conditional age-at-length (otolith and spines–length-age pairs), 16 fishing fleets and 11 indices of abundance. Growth is modeled by a Richards function with Linf fixed at 271 cm, K fixed at 0.23387, and the shape parameter is estimated by the model. A Beverton-Holt stock recruitment relationship was estimated in the model with the steepness and sigmaR fixed at 0.9 and 0.6, respectively. R0 is freely estimated. Although the diagnostics indicate an acceptable stability of the model, there are important conflicts between the catch information, length composition and index data. The model fits to length compositions were not good, but the model followed most of the indices fairly fine. The model results showed that the SSB decreased since 1950 until 1970s, remaining relatively stable at low values during the 1980-2009 period, and showing a sharp and steady increased since 2010. Model diagnostics indicated that the different source of data provides contradicting information about the stock, resulting in biases in the results

    Fully relativistic calculation of magnetic properties of Fe, Co and Ni adclusters on Ag(100)

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    We present first principles calculations of the magnetic moments and magnetic anisotropy energies of small Fe, Co and Ni clusters on top of a Ag(100) surface as well as the exchange-coupling energy between two single adatoms of Fe or Co on Ag(100). The calculations are performed fully relativistically using the embedding technique within the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method. The magnetic anisotropy and the exchange-coupling energies are calculated by means of the force theorem. In the case of adatoms and dimers of iron and cobalt we obtain enhanced spin moments and, especially, unusually large orbital moments, while for nickel our calculations predict a complete absence of magnetism. For larger clusters, the magnitudes of the local moments of the atoms in the center of the cluster are very close to those calculated for the corresponding monolayers. Similar to the orbital moments, the contributions of the individual atoms to the magnetic anisotropy energy strongly depend on the position, hence, on the local environment of a particular atom within a given cluster. We find strong ferromagnetic coupling between two neighboring Fe or Co atoms and a rapid, oscillatory decay of the exchange-coupling energy with increasing distance between these two adatoms.Comment: 8 pages, ReVTeX + 4 figures (Encapsulated Postscript), submitted to PR

    Evolución de la intermediación turística en España tras la aparición de las TIC en el sector

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    En la década de los 90, Internet irrumpió con fuerza en el sector turístico español y las empresas del sector vieron este hecho con recelo. En especial, las agencias de viajes, que no pasaban por su mejor momento debido a la saturación del sector y el recorte en las comisiones, abrieron la puerta al debate sobre su futuro. El tiempo ha demostrado que Internet es una herramienta que, bien utilizada, puede mejorar la eficacia y rentabilidad de las empresas turísticas. En estos años se ha producido una transformación digital del sector y, particularmente, de la intermediación y la distribución turísticas. Los intermediarios turísticos tradicionales se han adaptado a los nuevos tiempos, convirtiendo a la tecnología en su aliada a la hora de comercializar sus productos y servicios. Por otro lado, Internet ha favorecido la aparición de nuevas figuras en la red que participan del negocio de la distribución, que lleva a preguntarnos si podemos considerarlas intermediarios o no. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la evolución que ha sufrido el sector de la intermediación turística desde los años 90, destacando la aparición de nuevos agentes turísticos. Además, ese análisis nos permitirá establecer una clasificación actualizada de los intermediarios y su papel dentro del sistema turístico.In the 90s, Internet appeared in the Spanish tourist industry, fact that preoccupied most companies and business in it; specially travel agencies, which were at that moment overcoming a difficult situation due to the economic crisis, the saturation of the industry and the reduction of their commissions. Time has demonstrated that Internet is just a tool that, when properly used, can enhance the efficiency and benefits of the tourist companies. This last decade we have witnessed the digital transformation of this sector and, specifically, of the distribution chain. Traditional tourist intermediaries have adapted to this new era, incorporating technology to their everyday life when commercializing their products and services. At the same time, new agents have appeared online, that make us ask ourselves if they can be considered as intermediaries or not. The main goal of this paper is to analize the evolution of the intermediation activity since the 90s, with special attention to the birth of new business models in this area. The results will help us establish an updated classification of tourist intermediaries and their role in the tourism system

    Data and initial model set-up for the 2022 stock synthesis stock assessment of the eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna.

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    This paper describes the data used for Stock Synthesis assessment for the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean bluefin tuna. The initial model configuration, fleet definitions, selectivity modeling and main parameterization are also outlined. The model runs from 1950 to 2020 and is fit to length composition data and pair age-length data treated as conditional age-at-length

    Compact Radio Sources in Orion: New Detections, Time Variability, and Objects in OMC-1S

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    We present the analysis of four 3.6 cm radio continuum archival observations of Orion obtained using the Very Large Array in its A-configuration, with 0.′′30\rlap.{''}3 angular resolution. The observations were made during the period 1994-1997. In a region of 4′×4′4' \times 4', we detect a total of 77 compact radio sources. Of the total of detected sources, 54 are detected in one or more of the individual observations and 36 of these show time variability (by more than 30%) between the observed epochs. A deep image made from averaging all data shows an additional 23 faint sources, in the range of 0.1 to 0.3 mJy. Of the total of 77 sources, 39 are new centimeter detections. However, only 9 of the 77 sources do not have a previously reported counterpart at near-infrared, optical, or X-ray wavelengths. In particular, we detect three faint sources in the OMC-1S region that may be related to the sources that power the multiple outflows that emanate from this part of the Orion nebula. %We discuss the nature of these sources and its relation with the %near-infrared, optical, and X-ray objects in the region.Comment: 29 pages, 9 figure

    Basins of attraction on random topography

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    We investigate the consequences of fluid flowing on a continuous surface upon the geometric and statistical distribution of the flow. We find that the ability of a surface to collect water by its mere geometrical shape is proportional to the curvature of the contour line divided by the local slope. Consequently, rivers tend to lie in locations of high curvature and flat slopes. Gaussian surfaces are introduced as a model of random topography. For Gaussian surfaces the relation between convergence and slope is obtained analytically. The convergence of flow lines correlates positively with drainage area, so that lower slopes are associated with larger basins. As a consequence, we explain the observed relation between the local slope of a landscape and the area of the drainage basin geometrically. To some extent, the slope-area relation comes about not because of fluvial erosion of the landscape, but because of the way rivers choose their path. Our results are supported by numerically generated surfaces as well as by real landscapes

    A regulated deficit irrigation strategy for hedgerow olive orchards with high plant density

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    Background & Aims There is not a consensus on the best irrigation approach for super-high density (SHD) olive orchards. Our aim was to design and test a regulated deficit irrigation (RDI) strategy for a sustainable balance between water saving, tree vigour and oil production. Methods We tested our RDI strategy for 3 years in an ‘Arbequina’ orchard with 1,667 trees ha−1. Two levels of irrigation reduction were applied, 60RDI and 30RDI, scaled to replacing 60 % and 30 %, respectively, of the of irrigation needs (IN). We also had a full irrigation (FI) treatment as control, with IN totalling 4,701 m3 ha−1 Results The 30RDI treatment showed the best balance between water saving, tree vigour and oil production. With a yearly irrigation amount (IA) of 1,366 m3 ha−1, which meant 72 % water saving as compared to FI, the reduction in oil yield was 26 % only. Conclusions Our results, together with recent knowledge on the effect of water stress on fruit development, allowed us to suggest a potentially improved RDI strategy for which a total IA of ca. 2,100 m3 ha−1 was calculated. Both some management details and the benefits of this suggested RDI strategy are still to be tested
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