15,964 research outputs found

    Count three for wear able computers

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    This paper is a postprint of a paper submitted to and accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the IEE Eurowearable 2003 Conference, and is subject to Institution of Engineering and Technology Copyright. The copy of record is available at the IET Digital Library. A revised version of this paper was also published in Electronics Systems and Software, also subject to Institution of Engineering and Technology Copyright. The copy of record is also available at the IET Digital Library.A description of 'ubiquitous computer' is presented. Ubiquitous computers imply portable computers embedded into everyday objects, which would replace personal computers. Ubiquitous computers can be mapped into a three-tier scheme, differentiated by processor performance and flexibility of function. The power consumption of mobile devices is one of the most important design considerations. The size of a wearable system is often a design limitation

    Pengelolaan Pelabuhan Cartagena Spanyol sebagai Kerangka Optimalisasi Pelabuhan di Negeri Sendiri

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    Dampak ekonomi dari pengembangan Pelabuhan Cartagena sangat pesat dalam kurun waktu 10 tahun terakhir. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan adanya kenaikan Product Domestic Regional Bruto(PDRB) sektor kelautan dengan Gross Value Added(GVA) dari nilai 1,1% menjadi 3,81% dan nilai 0,1% menjadi 2,11% untuk sektor tenaga kerja. Dengan metode Regional Input-Output Tables(R-IOT) dan metode  pendekatan Input-Output(I-O) didapat data dan angka – angka yang bisa memberikan beberapa terobosan pengembangan dari sektor forex pelabuhan maupun sektor pariwisata maritim, sehingga Pelabuhan Cartagena sebagai pemberi impact terbesar ke 5 dari 28 pelabuhan yang ada di Spanyol dan menempatkan Spanyol menduduki peringkat 2 dalam hal kedatangan turis dengan kapal pesiar di Eropa setelah Italia.Indonesia juga mencontoh dengan strategi yang sama sektor-sektor yang mempengaruhi PDRB,tenaga kerja pada sektor kelautan,keringanan bidang pajak, kemudahan bidang tenaga kerja, jaminan keamanan bagi investor yang menanam modalnya disektor kelautan, dengan didukung oleh akses-akses transportasi yang mudah, cepat, dan simpul-simpul kemacetan ditiadakan. Seluruh akses yang menuju kepusat-pusat ekonomi kelautan diperbaiki, industri pendukung baik dari sektor swasta maupun Badan Usaha Milik Negara(BUMN) juga berbenah. Indonesia mulai memandang laut sebagai masa depan,tidak lagi membelakangi laut, seluruh aktifitas dan kebijakannya bersifat sustainable .Potensi kelautan yang demikianlah yang dapat menjamin masa depan generasi mendatang menjadi lebih baik

    Socio-cultural factors influencing male involvement in home-based care for people living with HIV and AIDS in Maseno Division, Western Kenya

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    Background: Home-based care has emerged as an effective method of providing costeffective and compassionate care to those infected with HIV and AIDS. Traditionally, women have been in the forefront in the provision of care for those infected with HIV and AIDS. However, there was low male involvement in home-based care services and little research has been done.Objective: To investigate socio-cultural factors that influence male involvement in home-based HIV and AIDS care in Western Kenya.Design: Cross-sectional, descriptive study.Setting: Maseno division Western Kenya.Subjects: Two hundred and fourty eight (248) caregivers selected fromregistered support groups in Maseno Division, Western Kenya.Results: Overall, 29% of the caregivers were male, 75% took care of close relatives and 59.7% of the respondents had not received formal training on home-based care. Those respondents who had no employment indicated low levels of male involvement than those who had employment (χ2=17.18, p=0.001). Male caregivers performed fewer nursing activities such as changing soiled beddings (μ =1.97, SD=0.95) compared to the general activities like buy and carry food home (μ=2.95, SD=1.15). Respondents who had high number patients were statistically more likely to report lower levels of male involvement than those who had lower number of patients χ2=61.69, p= 0.025. Although 92% agreed that men should be involved in care giving, over 50% said that it is taboo for men to cook or fetch water, that care giving is for women, and the men who participate in housework are considered weak or bewitched. Male involvement in home-based care variables were negatively correlated with socio-cultural variables. For example, there was a significant strong negative relationship between taboo for married man to cook with men cook and feed HIV patients (r =- 0.69, P=0.01). Conclusion: Full participation of males’ in HIV home care is hindered by the current socio-cultural constraints. There is need to address it through health education using context-specific and culturally-sensitive messages