2,178 research outputs found

    Country Report The Netherlands 2010 : IEA Bioenergy Task 42

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    Rapport van het International Energy Agency (IEA) over de productie van bio-energie, het gebruik van biomassa en de toepassing van bioraffinage in Nederland

    Effects of Roads and Traffic on Wildlife Populations and Landscape Function Road Ecology is Moving toward Larger Scales

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    Road ecology has developed into a significant branch of ecology with steady growth in the number of refereed journal articles, books, conferences, symposia, and “best practice” guidelines being produced each year. The main objective of this special issue of Ecology and Society is to highlight the need for studies that document the population, community, and ecosystem-level effects of roads and traffic by publishing studies that document these effects. It became apparent when compiling this special issue that there is a paucity of studies that explicitly examined higher order effects of roads and traffic. No papers on landscape function or ecosystem-level effects were submitted, despite being highlighted as a priority for publication. The 17 papers in this issue, from Australia, Canada, the Netherlands, and USA, all deal to some extent with either population or community-level effects of roads and traffic. Nevertheless, many higher order effects remain unquantified, and must become the focus of future studies because the complexity and interactions among the effects of roads and traffic are large and potentially unexpected. An analysis of these complex interrelations requires systematic research, and it is necessary to further establish collaborative links between ecologists and transportation agencies. Many road agencies have “environmental sustainability” as one of their goals and the only way to achieve such goals is for them to support and foster long-term and credible scientific research. The current situation, with numerous small-scale projects being undertaken independently of each other, cannot provide the information required to quantify and mitigate the negative effects of roads and traffic on higher levels. The future of road ecology research will be best enhanced when multiple road projects in different states or countries are combined and studied as part of integrated, well-replicated research projects

    Opportunities for Dutch Biorefineries

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    Deze Roadmap Bioraffinage beschrijft een aantal mogelijke routes naar de ontwikkeling en implementatie van een bioraffinage-gerelateerde Bio-based Economy in Nederland. De Roadmap combineert korte- en middellange termijn mogelijkheden (commerciële implementatie, demonstratie plants, pilot plants en gerelateerd toegepast onderzoek) met strategisch onderzoek voor de langere termijn. Tevens zijn vier z.g. Moonshots uitgewerkt, als voorziene bioraffinagestrategieën met een grote potentie voor de Nederlandse economi

    Brandstof en plastic uit dezelfde biomassa

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    De productie van tweede generatie biobrandstoffen is nog te duur om aan de grote vraag naar duurzame brandstof te kunnen voldoen. Een consortium van internationale organisaties werkt daarom aan een beter productieproces en wil meer uit biomassa gaan halen dan alleen ethano

    Financieel-economische aspecten van Biobrandstofproductie : deskstopstudie naar de invloed van co-productie van bio-based producten op de financiële haalbaarheid van biobrandstoffen

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    Door uitvoering van een deskstop studie heeft WUR, in samenwerking met ECN, onderzocht of co-productie van biobrandstoffen en bio-based producten leidt tot meer marktcompetitieve biobrandstofproductie. De centrale vraagstelling van de studie was of aangetoond kan worden dat “co-productie” resulteert in realisatie van meer marktcompetitieve waardeketens voor grootschalige en duurzame inzet van biomassa in de biobased economy. De studie naar de financiële haalbaarheid van een twaalftal biobrandstofketens laten zien dat co-productie van biobrandstoffen tezamen met bio-based producten een goede methode is om additionele waarde toe te kennen aan de totale biomassa-product-keten. De co-producten die tezamen met biobrandstoffen geproduceerd kunnen worden zijn zeer divers. In het algemeen bestaat er voor deze co-producten een omvangrijke afzetmarkt, en gaat het om producten die op dit moment grotendeels uit aardolie vervaardigd worden. Technologieën voor productie en toepassing van hoogwaardige co-producten die naast biobrandstoffen uit biomassa geproduceerd kunnen worden bevinden zich in verschillende stadia van ontwikkeling

    De rol van de Bio-energiesector in de Biobased Economy : achtergronddocument voor het opstellen van een

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    Met name de niet energie gerelateerde onderdelen van de Biobased Economy nemen in de komende jaren naar verwachting een grote vlucht. Dit legt een druk op het gebruik van biomassastromen voor bio-energie.Een te radicale transitie waarbij de aandacht voor bio-energie zou verslappen, heeft potentieel negatieve gevolgen voor de introductiesnelheid van nieuwe Biobased Economy toepassingen. In deze analyse wordt geargumenteerd dat de bio-energie sector juist een belangrijke rol kan spelen in de transitie naar de bredere Biobased Economy, o.a. bij het in stand houden, ontwikkelen en uitbouwen van biomassaketens en bij het verwerken van biomassareststromen

    Scattering properties of a cut-circle billiard waveguide with two conical leads

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    We examine a two-dimensional electron waveguide with a cut-circle cavity and conical leads. By considering Wigner delay times and the Landauer-B\"{u}ttiker conductance for this system, we probe the effects of the closed billiard energy spectrum on scattering properties in the limit of weakly coupled leads. We investigate how lead placement and cavity shape affect these conductance and time delay spectra of the waveguide.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. E (Jan. 2001

    Molecular and immunological characterization of profilin from mugwort pollen

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    In late summer in Europe, pollen of mugwort is one of the major sources of atopic allergens. No information about the complete molecular structure of any mugwort allergen has been published so far. Here we report the isolation and characterization of mugwort pollen cDNA clones coding for two isoforms of the panallergen profilin. Thirtysix percent of the mugwort allergic patients tested displayed IgE antibodies against natural and recombinant profilin, and no significant differences were observed in the IgEbinding properties of the isoforms. One profilin isoform was purified to homogeneity and detailed structural analysis indicated that the protein exists in solution as dimers and tetramers stabilized by sulfydryl and/or ionic interactions. Profilin monomers were detectable only after exposure of multimers to harsh denaturing conditions. Dimers and tetramers did not significantly differ in their ability to bind serum IgE from mugwort pollenallergic patients. However, oligomeric forms might have a higher allergenic potential than monomers because larger molecules would have additional epitopes for IgEmediated histamine release. Profilin isolated from mugwort pollen also formed multimers. Thus, oligomerization is not an artifact resulting from the recombinant production of the allergen. Inhibition experiments showed extensive IgE crossreactivity of recombinant mugwort profilin and profilin from various pollen and food extracts

    The effect of phylogeny, environment and morphology on communities of a lianescent clade (Bignonieae-Bignoniaceae) in neotropical biomes

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    The influence of ecological traits to the distribution and abundance of species is a prevalent issue in biodiversity science. Most studies of plant community assembly have focused on traits related to abiotic aspects or direct interactions among plants, with less attention paid to ignore indirect interactions, as those mediated by pollinators. Here, we assessed the influence of phylogeny, habitat, and floral morphology on ecological community structure in a clade of Neotropical lianas (tribe Bignonieae, Bignoniaceae). Our investigation was guided by the long-standing hypothesis that habitat specialization has promoted speciation in Bignonieae, while competition for shared pollinators influences species co-occurrence within communities. We analyzed a geo-referenced database for 94 local communities occurring across the Neotropics. The effect of floral morphological traits and abiotic variables on species co-occurrence was investigated, taking into account phylogenetic relationships. Habitat filtering seems to be the main process driving community assembly in Bignonieae, with environmental conditions limiting species distributions. Differing specialization to abiotic conditions might have evolved recently, in contrast to the general pattern of phylogenetic clustering found in communities of other diverse regions. We find no evidence that competition for pollinators affects species co-occurrence; instead, pollinator occurrence seems to have acted as an "environmental filter'' in some habitats93FUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP2006/59916-0CCSD-Missouri Botanical Garden: Elizabeth E. Bascom Fellowships for Latin American Female Botanist