88 research outputs found

    Regulatory T cells promote myelin regeneration in the central nervous system

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    Regeneration of CNS myelin involves differentiation of oligodendrocytes from oligodendrocyte progenitor cells. In multiple sclerosis, remyelination can fail despite abundant oligodendrocyte progenitor cells, suggesting impairment of oligodendrocyte differentiation. T cells infiltrate the CNS in multiple sclerosis, yet little is known about T cell functions in remyelination. We report that regulatory T cells (Treg_{reg}) promote oligodendrocyte differentiation and (re)myelination. Treg_{reg}-deficient mice exhibited substantially impaired remyelination and oligodendrocyte differentiation, which was rescued by adoptive transfer of Treg_{reg}. In brain slice cultures, Treg_{reg} accelerated developmental myelination and remyelination, even in the absence of overt inflammation. Treg_{reg} directly promoted oligodendrocyte progenitor cell differentiation and myelination in vitro. We identified CCN3 as a Treg_{reg}-derived mediator of oligodendrocyte differentiation and myelination in vitro. These findings reveal a new regenerative function of Treg_{reg} in the CNS, distinct from immunomodulation. Although the cells were originally named 'Treg_{reg}' to reflect immunoregulatory roles, this also captures emerging, regenerative Treg_{reg} functions.This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BB/J01026X/1 and BB/N003721/1, to D.C.F.), The Leverhulme Trust (ECF-2014-390, to Y.D.), QUB (QUB - Lucy McGuigan Bequest, to D.C.F.), The UK Multiple Sclerosis Society (941 and 50, to R.J.M.F. and C.Z.), MRC UK Regenerative Medicine platform (MR/KO26666/1, to A.C.W.), University of Edinburgh Wellcome Trust Multi User Equipment Grant (WT104915MA, to A.C.W.), by a core support grant from the Wellcome Trust and MRC to the Wellcome Trust - Medical Research Council Cambridge Stem Cell Institute (097922/Z/11/Z to R.J.M.F.), studentship support from Dept. for the Economy (Northern Ireland) and British Pathological Society, US National Multiple Sclerosis Society (RG5203A4, to J.R.C.), NIH/NINDS (NS095889, to J.R.C.), NIH/NIGMS IRACDA Postdoctoral Fellowship (K12GM081266, to S.R.M.) and Wellcome Trust (110138/Z/15/Z, to D.C.F.)

    Long-read sequencing reveals the complex splicing profile of the psychiatric risk gene CACNA1C in human brain

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    RNA splicing is a key mechanism linking genetic variation with psychiatric disorders. Splicing profiles are particularly diverse in brain and difficult to accurately identify and quantify. We developed a new approach to address this challenge, combining long-range PCR and nanopore sequencing with a novel bioinformatics pipeline. We identify the full-length coding transcripts of CACNA1C in human brain. CACNA1C is a psychiatric risk gene that encodes the voltage-gated calcium channel CaV1.2. We show that CACNA1C’s transcript profile is substantially more complex than appreciated, identifying 38 novel exons and 241 novel transcripts. Importantly, many of the novel variants are abundant, and predicted to encode channels with altered function. The splicing profile varies between brain regions, especially in cerebellum. We demonstrate that human transcript diversity (and thereby protein isoform diversity) remains under-characterised, and provide a feasible and cost-effective methodology to address this. A detailed understanding of isoform diversity will be essential for the translation of psychiatric genomic findings into pathophysiological insights and novel psychopharmacological targets

    Cost analysis of TEOAE-based universalnewborn hearing screening

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    Although more and more hospitals are implementing universal newborn hearing screening programs, there is still very little information available about the costs of newborn hearing screening programs. The few articles which have been published evaluate technologies or protocols which are no longer used, are incomplete, or are based on hypothetical estimates of the costs and time necessary to do screening. After briefly reviewing the extant literature, this article describes a cost analysis of a TEOAE-based universal newborn hearing screening program. Reasons why the cost per baby ($7.42) is lower than in previous reports are explained, and the benefits of having accurate cost analysis data are summarized
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