435 research outputs found

    Economics of boar taint prevention without surgical castration in the pork chain

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    An economic analyses of boar taint prevention without surgical castration is lacking. This paper explores currently feasible alternatives to surgical castration along the pork chain. The considered alternatives include genetic selection (pig breeding stage); altering management strategies (pig growing stage); slaughter at younger age and lower weight (slaughtering stage). Control measures relevant to these alternatives were designed and examined, using costeffectiveness and cost-benefit analysis. Results show that the option of single-sex raising of entire males is more cost-effective compared to the mixed-sex option. The breeding programs combining selection on boar taint and economics are more cost-effective than programs focusing on boar taint only, and also much more cost-effective than slaughtering at a younger age and lower weigh

    Development of future engineers' critical thinking in foreign language teaching

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    Among the key professional competences of future engineers the most attention is devoted to their abilities for critical analysis of the offered information, putting forward and refuting a hypothesis, establishing cause-and-effect relationships, arguing, and estimating. The paper deals with the actual technologies of students' critical thinking development. A study conducted at Kazan Volga Region Federal University, proved the effectiveness of the following methods of students' critical thinking development in foreign language teaching: the use of questions that guide the course of thinking and develop the future specialists' intellectual skills and project-based learning. © 2013 IEEE

    Development of attention in graders

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    © Medwell Journals, 2015. Objective of this study is a theoretical substantiation and experimental approbation of forms and methods of attention development in graders. The experiment involved 100 pupils from Kazan Secondary General Education School. We have collected information using two variants of tests for determining the scope and level of attention as well as mathematical statistics methods, t-Student test to verify hypotheses about the significance of difference in the averages. The ascertaining experiment results have shown that most test subjects have a low level of attention. After the formative experiment using psychological and educational attention development program "Most Attentive" the graders have shown a significant increase in their attention level. The performed pedagogical experiment has proved the correctness of the hypothesis and theoretical provisions for the implementation of the defined pedagogical conditions for developing the attention in graders

    Interference Errors in the Speech of Hispanic Students Learning Russian Language as Foreign

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    В современном мире знание иностранных языков становится все более востребованным, поэтому перед методистами и преподавателями стоит задача найти способы эффективного обучения иностранному языку, в том числе русскому языку. По мнению автора, сделать этот процесс более продуктивным позволит анализ и классификация ошибок студентов-иностранцев. Цель статьи – описать и охарактеризовать типичные лексико-семантические и грамматические ошибки испаноязычных учащихся в русской речи, возникающие вследствие межъязыковой интерференции, а также представить способы их предупреждения и преодоления. Автор пришел к выводу о том, что наиболее распространенными интерференционными ошибками являются: 1) прямой лексический перенос; 2) неправильный выбор эквивалента, когда испанской лексеме соответствует два коррелята в русском языке; 3) ошибки в управлении; 4) нарушение согласования и сочетаемости слов; 5) искажение грамматической модели вследствие дословного перевода с родного языка на изучаемый язык. По мнению автора, результаты исследования можно использовать при создании национально-ориентированных тестов и учебников по русскому языку как иностранному.In the modern world the knowledge of foreign languages is becoming necessary, therefore, methodologists and teachers face a serious task of finding the effective ways of teaching foreign languages including Russian language. In the author's opinion, the process of teaching Russian language will be more productive when analyzing and classifying errors of foreign students. The purpose of the article is to describe and analyze the typical lexico-semantic and grammatical errors of Hispanic students in Russian speech, caused by cross-language interference and also to present ways of their preventing and overcoming. The author came to the conclusion that the most common interference errors are: 1) direct lexical transfer; 2) incorrect selection of the equivalent, when Spanish lexeme has two correlates in Russian language; 3) errors of words coordination; 4) errors of matching and compatibility of words; 5) distortion of the grammatical model due to a literal translation from the native language to the studied language. In our opinion the results of the research can be used in creation nationally-oriented tests and textbooks on Russian as a foreign language

    Impact of a territory ecological condition on sustainable development of a region (by the example of Volga federal district)

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    Objective: to identify the environmental aspects of sustainable regional development of the Volga Federal district.Methods: multidimensional comparative analysis, method of Euclidean distances.Results: today, environmental factors largely determine the economic potential of regional systems. The article summarizes the concepts of sustainable development and states the need to calculate the integral indicator of environmental aspects of the region. Based on the chosen method, using Rosstat data, environmental, economic and social indicators of sustainable development of the Volga federal district regions are presented. On the basis of these indicators, an integral indicator of the stability of the Volga Federal district regions is determined. The main inhibiting factor of the territories complex sustainable development is identified, i.e., weak or problematic environmental development of the regions. As a result, it is determined that all the Volga Federal district regions have a close to sustainable development, although the spread between the territories is significant.Scientific novelty: the article assesses the impact of a range of environmental factors on sustainable development of territories by the example of the Volga Federal district. Practical significance: the main provisions and conclusions of the article can be used by the regional authorities to identify environmental problems in the regions and to take effective environmental measures to increase sustainable territorial development

    Children’s rights in poland and russia in the context of janusz korczak’s in heritage

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    © 2016 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research.The urgency of the problem under investigation is due to the fact that children’s rights are equally important and binding than those of adults. Even more important, because children need special protection of the state and the international community. The aim of the article is to study the situation with realizing children’s rights in Poland and in Russia in the context of Janusz Korczak’s inheritage. The main methods of the research are systematization, classification, comparative analysis, which allowed to determine the main objectives and results of the historical development of children’s rights; as well as analysis and generalization of Janusz Korczak’s ideas on children’s rights. The implementation of the Convention on Children’s rights in Poland is described on the example of child-refugees. The Russian experience of realization of the named Convention is also described in the article. The results of the research will be useful for the teachers and principals of the educational institutions in realizing children’s rights

    The development of professional mobility of teachers in supplemental education system

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    © 2016 Valeeva and Amirova.Actual continuity of the problems stated in this article caused by the fact that modern education is directed at the formation of a mobile person of the teacher, who is able to transform the educational reality and himself in accordance with the requirements of a developing society, and to provide not only high-quality mastering studying the necessary content, but also the development of their personal qualities. The purpose of the article is to develop content-technological aspects of professional mobility of teachers in supplemental education system. The leading methods of research were: interdisciplinary analysis and data synthesis of the philosophical, sociological, natural-scientific, psychological and educational literature; analysis of foreign and domestic psychological and pedagogical experience for the formation of a mobile person in the educational systems; conversation, written survey, interviewing teachers and heads of educational institutions, the method of expert evaluations and self-evaluations; a method of self-managed adults, summarizing these results and ascertaining the formative experiment. The article reveals the essential characteristics (integrity, complementarity, coherence) and structure (personal activity, willingness to perform social roles, adaptability and creativity), formed the conceptual and categorical apparatus of personal mobility, specifications for the detection of the level of its development are proposed, psychological nature of personal mobility the teacher as a value-semantic constructs are disclosed in content and technological aspects of mobility in the system of supplementary education. The results can be used for the organization and implementation of supplementary educational qualification of teacher’s development programs

    Development of the future mathematics teachers’ constructive skills

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    © 2015 by iSER, International Society of Educational Research. The aim of modern vocational education is the development the individual who is flexible enough to adapt to changing situations, is able to independently acquire the necessary knowledge, and the skill to put them into practice to address a variety of emerging issues. The future specialist should think critically, be able to see emerging real world problems, and to look for rational solutions. He must work competently with information, have abilities to collect the necessary facts in order to solve a particular problem, analyze them, and make reasonable conclusions. This article deals with the development of mathematics teachers’ constructive skills during the process of their methodological training, which is closely connected to the informational, explicating, and stimulating functions of a teacher. The article describes features of the constructive skills. The specificity is revealed and definition is given to the key concept of the research, namely “constructive skills”. This paper deals with the forms and methods of the mathematics teachers’ constructive skills development. The article presents the results of experimental work on the mathematics teachers’ constructive skills development. The materials of this article may be of use to those who are interested in the research of methodology of mathematics teachers’ skills training and to the instructors teaching mathematics at different educational establishments

    Development of the teachers' pedagogical reflection

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    The need for changes in modern education requires formation of teachers' reflexive position in pedagogical activity. The article considers reflection as a pedagogical phenomenon, describes technological conditions and stages of the teachers' pedagogical reflection development. The levels of teachers' pedagogical reflection are characterized, as well as the corresponding types of teachers and pedagogical reflection component structure. The empirical study consisted of ascertaining and formative experiment. Experimental (150 people) and a control group of respondents (170 people) were formed from the teachers of secondary schools in the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. Pedagogical monitoring was performed using the authors' procedures determining the level of pedagogical reflection, questioning, interviewing, as well as A.V. Karpov's procedures for determining the reflexivity. Formative experiment suggested in the implementation of the developed technological conditions. The results of the experimental work confirmed the effectiveness of the development of pedagogical reflection using the reflective learning and technological conditions of its implementation

    Periods of academic mobility development in Russia

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    © 2016 Shakirova & Valeeva.Every year the number of students participating in the mobility programs grows rapidly. This is the main reason of the scientific interest to the problem of academic mobility. In spite of the fact that academic mobility has recently become the subject of study of many researchers, the phenomenon of academic mobility is not a new one. By present time some Russian and foreign researchers have devoted their studies to the problem of the academic mobility periodization. However, most of them cover mostly the XX and XXI centuries. Nevertheless, it does not mean that academic mobility had not existed before that period. Some researchers support the opinion that the beginnings of academic mobility can be found in the Medieval Times. There is a small amount of scientific works devoted to the problem of academic mobility periodization. The analysis of these works is of great importance, as there is no universal variant of academic mobility periodization