1,057 research outputs found


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    definition of the title Clinical Nurse Specialist, (Business and Professions Code, Division 2. Healin

    Directors' and officers' liability insurance and loan spreads

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    We analyze the effect of directors' and officers' liability insurance (D&O insurance) on the spreads charged on bank loans. We find that higher levels of D&O insurance coverage are associated with higher loan spreads and that this relation depends on loan characteristics in economically sensible ways and is attenuated by monitoring mechanisms. This association between loan spreads and D&O insurance coverage is robust to controlling for endogeneity (because both could be related to firm risk). Our evidence suggests that lenders view D&O insurance coverage as increasing credit risk (potentially via moral hazard or information asymmetry). Further analyses show that higher levels of D&O insurance coverage are associated with greater risk taking and higher probabilities of financial restatement due to aggressive financial reporting. While greater use of D&O insurance increases the cost of debt, we find some evidence that D&O insurance coverage appears to improve the value of large increases in capital expenditure for firms with better internal and external governance. © 2013.postprin

    Benthic Filter Feeding: A Natural Eutrophication Control

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    The importance of the benthic filter feeding community as a natural control on eutrophication is considered. The important environmental factors favorable for such a control are relatively shallow water depths and a dense benthic filter feeding commmunity of small animals. The criteria are summarized in the equivalence of the water recycling time, τρ, for the benthic community and the time constant, τρ, for phytoplankton growth. The criteria are applied specifically to the conditions that exist in South San Francisco bay

    Evaluation of the Benefits to Sustainable Management of Seasonal Closure of the Greencastle Codling (Gadus morhua) Fishery

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    The project examined whether the seasonal closure of the traditional cod fishing grounds off Greencastle, Co. Donegal, could be an effective alternative management measure. The project was instigated by the local fishing industry and operated in cooperation between industry, the Marine Institute and Bord Iascaigh Mhara. The main objectives of the project were to demonstrate the change in yield likely to result from seasonal closure, and, to determine the pattern of movement of cod from the Greencastle fishery. Each winter from 2003 to 2005 the fishery was closed by Statutory Instrument. This was achieved with the voluntary commitment of the local industry. During this period over 13,000 cod were tagged and released by Marine Institute and BIM staff working aboard chartered fishing vessels. The closure itself provided a significant conservation benefit. During 2000-2002 50% of the Irish catch weight of cod in Division VIa (> 60% by number) was taken in the winter. The closure will therefore have markedly reduced the fishing mortality on cod that would otherwise have occurred from 2003 to 2005. As the Greencastle codling fishery is a mixed whitefish fishery, any benefits flowing from the closure are likely to have extended to other whitefish stocks. Growth was extremely variable but averaged around 17 cm per annum for cod at liberty for extended periods. During the winter tagging surveys the repeated recapture of recently tagged cod on the grounds indicated the retention of cod on the grounds during winter. Tagged cod at liberty for extended periods were subsequently recaptured on, or near the Cape grounds. This strong fidelity towards the Cape grounds during winter coupled with high growth rates may mean that a short winter fishing season, with a delayed opening, may yield a similar total weight of codling than the traditional fishery but with the catch of a reduced number of cod. Such schemes may reduce current fishing mortality rates. However, the stock status of Division VIa cod is so poor that a complete closure of the fishery is warranted. It is recommended that continuation of the project be considered as a mechanism for maintaining a closure of most of the Irish fishery, whilst simultaneously improving the quality of data available for stock assessment.Funder: Marine Institut

    Validation of Standard Weights and Raising Coefficients for Discard Estimation: Report of a Survey Aboard MFV Roisin Bairbre

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    This survey was carried out to verify the Marine Institute's discard sampling protocol and the standard weights and conversion factors used when calculating discard rates. The MFV Roisin Bairbre was chartered to fish as normal on the Aran Prawn Grounds using twin rig prawn gear. The entire bulk catch was weighed, as well as the entire retained catch, thereby getting an accurate rate of discarding for this trip, as well as accurate individual basket weights. Retained catch was also weighed by species prior to and after gutting, to check the raising factors used when changing gutted landings back to round. This survey showed that the rate of discarding for this trip was 62% of the total bulk catch. There was no significant difference between the measured bulk catch weighed and the estimated bulk catch derived from using the standard weights. This validates the standard weights used. There was no significant differences between the observed conversion factors (from gutted to whole weight) and those currently used routinely in weight conversions. A standard weight for big baskets of bulk catch on a fish directed trip of 34.5 kg, and 28kg for a Nephrops directed trip were achieved.Funder: Marine Institut

    Radical political unionism reassessed

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    Defections from European social-democratic parties and a resurgence of union militancy have prompted some to diagnose a new left-wing trade unionism across Europe. This comment on the article by Connolly and Darlington scrutinizes trends in France and Germany but primarily analyses recent developments in Britain. While there are some instances of disaffiliation from the Labour Party, support for electoral alternatives, growth in political militancy and emphasis on new forms of internationalism, these have been limited. There is insufficient evidence to suggest that we are witnessing the making of a new radical collectivism

    Reference to index of the High School of Hobart town

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    The High School was founded in 1848 by a group of leading Presbyterians and Free Churchmen, including Rev. John Lillie, Minister of St. Andrews Church, Hobart, G.W.Walker, R. Officer t T.D.Chapman, etc. A grant of land on the Domain was received from the Crown and a building designed by A. Dawson was begun in 1848 by Messrs. Cleghorn and Anderson, costing about $3600. By 1851 there were already 81 pupils, by 1859 boarders were taken and a junior department had been started. Dr. Lillie was the first Rector. In 1857 Rev. R.D.P. Harris took up the appointment of Rector and remained until 1885, leasing the school from the shareholders from 1862. In 1885 the rights were handed over to Christ College and the building sold to the University of Tasmania in 1892. Other papers relating to the High School held by F.C.Wolfhagen were not received. These include some correspondence relating to the land grant, 1846-50, and a printed copy of the petition to the Legislative Council to allow the High School to vest the premises in the University of Tasmania, which includes a note of the history of the school. Other material is held by the Mitchell Library, Sydney, and Christ College Trust. The object of the High School, as originally described, was 'the instruction of youth in the higher branches of learning, as taught in superior classical and mathematical schools in England', the ultimate object being 'to confer on Australian youth the inestimable advantages of an European University'. The school opened in 1850 and 56 boys were enrolled in the first quarter. The number had increased to 81 at the beginning of 1851. By 1859 boarders were being taken and a junior department had been started iIn 1857 Rev. R.D.P. Harris took up the appointment of Rector and remained until 1885, leasing the school from the shareholders from 1862. In 1885 the rights were handed over to Christ College and the building sold to the University of Tasmania in 1892

    Measuring functional ability in healthy ageing: a nationwide cross-sectional survey in the Philippine older population

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    OBJECTIVES: To analyse the empirical support of the functional ability concept in the healthy ageing framework developed by the WHO in a sample of the Philippine older population. According to this framework, environmental factors may enhance or hinder functional ability, which is the person's ability to do what they value, broadly represented by subjective well-being. Moreover, this network of relationships may be moderated by personal characteristics such as gender. DESIGN: Cross-sectional observational study. SETTING: Philippines, general population. PARTICIPANTS: Respondents of the 2016 National Disability Prevalence Survey/Model Functioning Survey aged 50+ (N=2825). PRIMARY AND SECONDARY OUTCOME MEASURES: Latent (unobserved) measures of functional ability, environmental factors (physical environmental factors and social network and support) and subjective well-being (positive affect, negative affect and evaluative well-being) were obtained from different items from the survey questionnaire using a SEM framework. RESULTS: We found that the relationship between environmental factors and the three components of subjective well-being considered in this study was partially explained by differences in functional ability. The portion of those effects accounted for by functional ability was comparatively larger for the physical than for the social environmental factors. We found no evidences of gender differences in this network of relationships. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest the relevance of functional ability at explaining the relationship between environmental factors and subjective well-being in older adults. Future studies may replicate these findings longitudinally and including other relevant measures as the person's objective level of intrinsic capacity
