1,587 research outputs found

    The combinatorial Mandelbrot set as the quotient of the space of geolaminations

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    We interpret the combinatorial Mandelbrot set in terms of \it{quadratic laminations} (equivalence relations \sim on the unit circle invariant under σ2\sigma_2). To each lamination we associate a particular {\em geolamination} (the collection L\mathcal{L}_\sim of points of the circle and edges of convex hulls of \sim-equivalence classes) so that the closure of the set of all of them is a compact metric space with the Hausdorff metric. Two such geolaminations are said to be {\em minor equivalent} if their {\em minors} (images of their longest chords) intersect. We show that the corresponding quotient space of this topological space is homeomorphic to the boundary of the combinatorial Mandelbrot set. To each equivalence class of these geolaminations we associate a unique lamination and its topological polynomial so that this interpretation can be viewed as a way to endow the space of all quadratic topological polynomials with a suitable topology.Comment: 28 pages; in the new version a few typos are corrected; to appear in Contemporary Mathematic

    Removal of arsenic and metals from groundwater impacted by mine waste using zero-valent iron and organic carbon:Laboratory column experiments

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    Acid mine drainage and the associated contaminants, including As and metals, are ongoing environmental issues. Passive remediation technologies have the potential to remove As from mine waste effluents. A series of laboratory column experiments was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of varying mixtures of organic carbon (OC), zero-valent iron (ZVI), and limestone for the treatment of As, metals, SO42− , and acidity in groundwater from an abandoned gold mine. The onset of bacterially-mediated SO42− reduction was indicated by a decrease in Eh, a decline in aqueous SO42− concentrations coupled with enrichment of δ34S, and the presence of sulfatereducing bacteria and H2S. Removal of As was observed within the first 3 cm of reactive material, to values below 10 µg L− 1, representing > 99.9% removal. An increase in pH from 3.5 to circumneutral values and removal of metals including Al, Cu, and Zn was also observed. Synchrotron results suggest As was removed through precipitation of As-crystalline phases such as realgar and orpiment, or through adsorption as As(V) on ferrihydrite. The results indicate the potential for a mixture of OC and ZVI to remove As from acidic, mine-impacted water

    Microbiological and geochemical characterization of As-bearing tailings and underlying sediments

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    Over the past 100 years, extensive oxidation of As-bearing sulfide-rich tailings from the abandoned Long Lake Gold Mine (Canada) has resulted in the formation of acid mine drainage (pH 2.0-3.9) containing high concentrations of dissolved As (∼400 mg L ), SO , Fe and other metals. Dissolved As is predominantly present as As(III), with increased As(V) near the tailings surface. Pore-gas O is depleted to < 1 vol% in the upper 30-80 cm of the tailings profile. The primary sulfides, pyrite and arsenopyrite, are highly oxidized in the upper portions of the tailings. Elevated proportions of sulfide-oxidizing prokaryotes are present in this zone (mean 32.3% of total reads). The tailings are underlain by sediments rich in organic C. Enrichment in δ S-SO in pore-water samples in the organic C-rich zone is consistent with dissimilatory sulfate reduction. Synchrotron-based spectroscopy indicates an abundance of ferric arsenate phases near the impoundment surface and the presence of secondary arsenic sulfides in the organic-C beneath the tailings. The persistence of elevated As concentrations beneath the tailings indicates precipitation of secondary As sulfides is not sufficient to completely remove dissolved As. The oxidation of sulfides and release of As is expected to continue for decades. The findings will inform future remediation efforts and provide a foundation for the long-term monitoring of the effectiveness of the remediation program. [Abstract copyright: Copyright © 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    A human MAP kinase interactome.

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    Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways form the backbone of signal transduction in the mammalian cell. Here we applied a systematic experimental and computational approach to map 2,269 interactions between human MAPK-related proteins and other cellular machinery and to assemble these data into functional modules. Multiple lines of evidence including conservation with yeast supported a core network of 641 interactions. Using small interfering RNA knockdowns, we observed that approximately one-third of MAPK-interacting proteins modulated MAPK-mediated signaling. We uncovered the Na-H exchanger NHE1 as a potential MAPK scaffold, found links between HSP90 chaperones and MAPK pathways and identified MUC12 as the human analog to the yeast signaling mucin Msb2. This study makes available a large resource of MAPK interactions and clone libraries, and it illustrates a methodology for probing signaling networks based on functional refinement of experimentally derived protein-interaction maps

    Impact of Sleep and Circadian Disruption on Energy Balance and Diabetes: A Summary of Workshop Discussions

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    A workshop was held at the National Institute for Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases with a focus on the impact of sleep and circadian disruption on energy balance and diabetes. The workshop identified a number of key principles for research in this area and a number of specific opportunities. Studies in this area would be facilitated by active collaboration between investigators in sleep/circadian research and investigators in metabolism/diabetes. There is a need to translate the elegant findings from basic research into improving the metabolic health of the American public. There is also a need for investigators studying the impact of sleep/circadian disruption in humans to move beyond measurements of insulin and glucose and conduct more in-depth phenotyping. There is also a need for the assessments of sleep and circadian rhythms as well as assessments for sleep-disordered breathing to be incorporated into all ongoing cohort studies related to diabetes risk. Studies in humans need to complement the elegant short-term laboratory-based human studies of simulated short sleep and shift work etc. with studies in subjects in the general population with these disorders. It is conceivable that chronic adaptations occur, and if so, the mechanisms by which they occur needs to be identified and understood. Particular areas of opportunity that are ready for translation are studies to address whether CPAP treatment of patients with pre-diabetes and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) prevents or delays the onset of diabetes and whether temporal restricted feeding has the same impact on obesity rates in humans as it does in mice

    Practical aspects in the management of hypokalemic periodic paralysis

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    Management considerations in hypokalemic periodic paralysis include accurate diagnosis, potassium dosage for acute attacks, choice of diuretic for prophylaxis, identification of triggers, creating a safe physical environment, peri-operative measures, and issues in pregnancy. A positive genetic test in the context of symptoms is the gold standard for diagnosis. Potassium chloride is the favored potassium salt given at 0.5–1.0 mEq/kg for acute attacks. The oral route is favored, but if necessary, a mannitol solvent can be used for intravenous administration. Avoidance of or potassium prophylaxis for common triggers, such as rest after exercise, high carbohydrate meals, and sodium, can prevent attacks. Chronically, acetazolamide, dichlorphenamide, or potassium-sparing diuretics decrease attack frequency and severity but are of little value acutely. Potassium, water, and a telephone should always be at a patient's bedside, regardless of the presence of weakness. Perioperatively, the patient's clinical status should be checked frequently. Firm data on the management of periodic paralysis during pregnancy is lacking. Patient support can be found at