389 research outputs found

    Designing YIG Drivers

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    Design aspects of a linear, stabilized voltage to current transducer for driving YIG tuned microwave devices are analysed. Typical circuits with OP AMP interfacial input and bipolar/VMOS current amplifier outputs are sketched. Attention is drawn to such circuit refinements as (i) augmenting differentiator for minimising sweep delay; (ii) linearizer to compensate for nonlinearity due to core saturation; and (iii) low noise, low drift and minimal voltage pushing options

    A Study on Mahavatham

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    Mahavatham is a disease in which the Vatham is deranged extensively. I had seen 100 patients of Mahavatham in O.P.D. Among 100 cases 30 cases are taken for study. Out of 30 cases, 21 cases are observed in OPD and 9 cases in IPD of Ayothidoss Pandithar Hospital, National Institute of Siddha. Chennai – 47. 86.3% of female cases and 56.7% of Vegetarians are documented 53.3% of cases acquired the disease during Kaba kaalam ie; 1-33 years. In Mahavatham the Panbhu of Naadi is Puranadai and Kalathal. 86.7% of cases have Illaithal and Azhunthal. 83.3% of cases have the Naadi Nadai of Valiazhal. 16.7% cases have Azhal vali. The tongue may have maa padinthirutthal or vedippu. 90% of cases have black pigmentation in their tongue along with either redness or pallorness. 83.3% of cases have occasional pulippu taste in their tongue. 70% of cases have increased vaineer ooral. This study reveals most of the Mahavatham patients ie: 87% of cases have kalichchal. In this 70% of cases have seetham in kalichchal. 77% of cases have the past H/o. prolonged constipation. Neerkuri study reveals that 70% cases have venmai nira urine 76.7% of cases have slow spread in their Neikuri. 100% of cases have deranged Pranan, Abanan, Samanan, Viyanan, Kiruharan Vatham. 100% of cases have deranged Analam and Ranjaga Pitham. 100% of cases have deranged Avalambagam, Kilethagam and Pothaga Kabam. 100% of cases have deranged Saarum and Cheneer. 46.7% cases are document under Midunam Raasi. 26.6% of cases are documents under Thiruvathirai Natchathiram. 46.7% of cases have the Hb within the range of 11 – 11.9 gms%. In peripheral smear study of blood, 63.3% of cases have Macrocytic red blood cells, 37% of cases have poikilocytosis ie; Microcytic and Macrocytic red blood cell. The symptoms of Mahavatham may be correlated with Macrocytic anaemia. According to Theraiyar yamakam, Vatha diseases occur in the land neithal. This study also reveals 67% of cases from neithal land. 54% of cases have developed the symptoms of Mahavatham at Kaarkalam in which the vali is extensively deranged. 30% of cases have 9½ V.K. and 26.6% of cases have 10 V.K. alavu of Manikadai nool. This study reveals that vali humour is extensively deranged in Mahavatham. But vali derangement is not alone. It also accompanies Azhal and Iyyam and results in derangement of all the three humour. The basic constituents of human body ie; 96 thathuvam also gets derangement. In Iymbootham, all the bootham gets dearangement results in upper abdominal tenderness, reduced appetite, fear, laziness, poorly nourished blood, increased frequency of defecation, reduced lust, increased anger. In Gnanenthariyam the tongue gets derangement results in altered taste ie; presence of pulippu or kaippu taste. Mei gets derangement results in upper abdominal tenderness. In Kanmentheriyam, the Eruvai gets derangement results in either constipation or diarrhoea. In Mahavatham, there is increased frequency of micturition , but the enjal (alavu) of urine is not altered. The yellowish discoloration of skin occurs in Mahavatham is different from Azhal Iyya Manjal Noi. Azhal Iyya Manjal Noi is acute onset, the first symptom is yellowish discoloration of skin. In later stage only increased frequency of defecation and abdominal distension occurs. Where as in Mahavatham the abdominal distension and increased frequency of defecation occurs first. If not treated it will produce yellowish discoloration of skin in the later stage. CONCLUSION: It was apparent from the study that Mahavatham occurs mostly in Females and Vegetarians. Mahavatham occurs mostly in Kaba kaalam of individual ie: 1-33 years. The tongue of the most of Mahavatham patients have redness with black pigmentation associated with vedippu and increased vai neer ooral. Most of Mahavatham patients have 9 ½ V.K. alavu of manikadainool. Mahavatham occurs mostly in Neithal land the symptoms of the disease also developed mostly in Kaarkaalam. Neikuri study reveals that 76.7% of cases have slow spread in their neikuri, which indicates that this disease will be curable. We can afford to make it a practice to intake specific amount of all taste, water and some food in our daily routine, to be disease resistant. If any of the taste are taken in high proportion in random without specification, would lead to disorder. It’s like the old adage about too much of a good thing being bad. Here increased intake of kaippu thuvarppu, kaarppu, pullippu taste, palaya saatham, naei (ghee), kezhlvaragu and water, increased anger and increased starvation will produce Mahavatham. Though it is a vatha disease, the malam indicates the precence of kapham. It is controversial to the literature, which mentioned that malam is black in colour and hard in consistency in vatha disease. But in Mahavatham, seetham is present in stool which indicates kapham. Due to increased intake of vali producing diet and vali prone activities, vali increased in its level in the abdomen, lower part of the back of the trunk, umbilicus and rectum (where the vatham dwells) results in abdominal distension, abdominal pain, low back pain and constipation. If it is not treated, it alters the udal thee ie; Manthakini is produced. Manthakini (kiletha kabam) alters digestion results in reduced intake of food. Seetham formed in the gastro intestinal tract by kiletha kabam is pushed downwards along with stool by Abana vayu which is increased in quantum due to obstruction of feces

    A comparative study of desflurane and sevoflurane in short surgical procedures like fibroadenoma under general anaesthasia with spontaneous respiration

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    INTRODUCTION: Short surgical procedures like Fibroadenoma excision are commonly performed as a daycare procedure which demands short, safe and effective balanced anaesthesia. Volatile anesthetics are commonly used for the maintenance of anesthesia nowadays. Diethyl ether was the first agent used in the history of volatile anaesthesia followed by Nitrous oxide to the most modern volatile anaesthetics like Desflurane and Sevoflurane1. These modern volatile anaesthetics form an important tool in patients undergoing general anaesthesia by altering central nervous system functions. In 1950, all halogenated older anaesthetics were withdrawn due to their hepatotoxicity except Nitrous oxide. The newer inhaled anaesthetics that are available today are introduced by replacing fluoride to hydrogen atom. Desflurane and Sevoflurane with low blood-gas partition coefficients have facilitated rapid induction of anaesthesia, precise control of end-tidal concentration during maintenance of anaesthesia and rapid recovery and less airway adverse effects at the end of anaesthesia. The rapid induction, recovery and clinical acceptance of Desflurane and Sevoflurane led to their use in daycare surgery. AIM OF THE STUDY: PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: TO compare the emergence, recovery, airway adverse effects of desflurane and sevoflurane in short surgical procedures like fibroadenoma using proseal LMA under general anaesthesia with spontaneous respiration. SECONDARY OBJECTIVE: To compare haemodynamic parameters such intraoperative Heart rate variability and MAP variability. METHODOLOGY AND MATERIALS: It’s a randomized comparative single blinded study conducted among 60 female patients divided into Group D and Group S of 30 each. Both groups are premedicated with Inj.glycopyrrolate 0.004mg/kg,Inj.emeset0.1 mg/kg, Inj.Fentanyl 1.5mcg/kg and preoxygenated for 3 minutes with 6litres of oxygen and induced with inj.propofol 2.5mg/kg and Proseal LMA inserted according to weight by myself and each maintaining with nitrous oxide : oxygen in ratio of 66 : 33 with endtidal desflurane 4% in Group D and endtidal sevoflurane1.2 % in Group S. After LMA removal emergence, recovery, airway adverse effects are all noted. RESULTS: The extent of exposure to anaesthetic was similar in both groups. Desflurane has rapid emergence (Time to response to painful stimulus, Time to response to verbal commands, spontaneous eye opening) and recovery (Time taken to LMA removal, Time taken to recall of names) incompared with sevoflurane and it is clinically significant (p95% and it is clinically significant (p value <0.01) . Conclusion: In our randomized comparative study between Desflurane and sevoflurane in fibroadenoma surgery we concluded that desflurane used for maintaince of a rapid emergence and recovery from anaesthesia with high incidence of cough with no significant heamodynamic changes compared with sevoflurane. PONV and other adverse effects were comparable between two groups

    Transition Metal Complexes of 6-Methyl-2-Amino Benzothiazole -Part III

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    Complexes of the type ML/sub2/X/sub2/ and ML/sub4/X/sub2/ (where M=Cu(II),Ni(II), Co(II), Mn(II), Zin(II), Hg(II) and Cd(II); L=6-methyl-2-aminobenzothiazole;X=-I, -NCS and -OAC have been isolated and characterised on the basis of analytical, magnetic moment, molar conductance, electronic and i.r.spectal data. The antifungal screening of Cu(II) and Hg(II) complexes is also reported

    A clinical study of prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus and associated risk factors at a tertiary care centre in Karnataka, India

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    Background: Women with GDM are at increased risk for adverse obstetric and perinatal outcome .This study was undertaken to evaluate the prevalence of GDM using Diabetes in pregnancy study group India (DIPSI) criteria and associated risk factors in pregnant women.Methods: Universal screening for GDM was done in 200 pregnant women with estimated gestational age between 14 -18 weeks. They were given 75 gm oral glucose irrespective of meals. Diagnosis of GDM was made if 2 hr plasma glucose was ≥140, If plasma glucose is <140 then the test is repeated at 24-28 weeks. If normal, then the test is repeated at 32 weeks. If plasma glucose is <140 mg at 32 weeks, then they are classified as non –GDM group. Prevalence of risk factors like age ≥25, BMI ≥25, family history of DM, bad obstetric history, history of GDM and macrosomia were studied in GDM and non GDM group and results are statistically analysed.Results: The prevalence in this study was 11.5%. The prevalence was more in women with advanced age, high BMI, positive family history of DM, past history of GDM and macrosomia.Conclusions: The prevalence of GDM was found to be 11.5 % and its association with risk factors found to be significant. DIPSI diagnostic procedure is a simple, cost effective and evidence based test

    Mixed Ligand Complexes of N-6 methyl Benzothiazol-2-yl-salicylaldimine and 2-methyl Benzimidazole with Cu(II) Ni(II) Co(II) Mn(II) VO(II) Zn(II) Cd(II) and Hg(II)

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    Mixed-ligand complexes of the type MS/sub2/ (MeBI)/sub2/ (where M=Cu(II), Ni(II), Co(II), Mn(II), Zn(II), Cd(II), Hg(II), SH=N-6-methyl benzothiazol-2-yl-salicyladldimine and MeBI=2-methyl benzimidazole) and VOS/sub2/. MeBI have been synthesised and characterised on the basis of analysis, molar conductance, magnetic moments, electronic and i.r. spectral data. All the complexes, were found to be nonelectrolyte and possessed octahedral geometry

    Determination of gestational age: correlation between foetal biometry and transverse cerebellar diameter in women with uncomplicated pregnancy

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    Background: Transverse Cerebellar Diameter (TCD) serves as a reliable predictor of gestational age in foetus and is a standard against which aberrations in other foetal parameters can be compared, especially when the GA cannot be determined by the date of last menstrual period or early pregnancy scan, TCD is one foetal parameter that has remained consistently superior in predicting gestational age in both singleton and twin gestation. Aim of the study was to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of transverse cerebellar diameter by using ultrasonography for determining the gestational age of the foetus.Methods: A cross-sectional study was done in 100 uncomplicated pregnant patients between the 15th week of gestation to term referred from routine antenatal clinic in outpatient and in-patient department of Obstetrics and Gynecology department of Vinayaka Mission Krupananda Variyar medical college and hospital, Salem during study period April 2015-March 2016. TCD is obtained in the axial plane in the cerebellar view i.e. with a slight rotation of the transducer approximately 30° from the conventional thalamic plane where the biparietal diameter is measured using the cavum septi pellucidi, third ventricle and thalami as landmarks.Results: The correlation of transcerebellar diameter (TCD) with that of BPD (bi-parietal diameter) had shown a perfect positive correlation (r = 0.978) and a similar type of correlation was also seen with HC (head circumference) (r = 0.979), AC (abdominal circumference) (r = 0.966), FL (femur length) (r = 0.976) and USG GA (ultrasonogram gestational age) (r = 0.983).Conclusions: In the normally developing foetus, the TCD increases in a linear fashion with advancing gestational age. The data of this study suggest foetal TCD on ultrasound is a reliable predictive biometric parameter of gestational age

    A Conceptual Studyon Yonivyapada due to today’s sedentary life style

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    A healthy women is a promise of healthy family. The concept of healthy Yoni has been asserted in various phase of women’s life from puberty to marriage to child birth and thereafter. Due to change in lifestyle, modern food habits of fast food, junk food. She is unable to follow the rules of Dinacharya, Rutucharya, Rajaswala, Rutumati and Sutikaparicharya which are explained by Acharyas for womens health. Thus she is prone to various Yoni Rogas. Yonivyapada is a compilation of various disorders of the genital tract ranging from vulva till the uterus. Also the Beeja (Shukra and Artava) has chromosomes with genes representing the future organs to be developed. Any abnormality in the Beeja, Beejabhaga, Beejabhagavayava leads to various congenital abnormalities in fetus. There are twenty types of genital disorders (Yonivyapada) of women

    Is the Scyphozoan jellyfish Lychnorhiza malayensis symbiotically associated with the crucifix crab Charybdis feriatus?

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    Scyphozoan jellyfish (Medusae), the gelatinous invertebrate group, plays a vital role in the global oceanic and coastal ecosystems. By virtue of their floating nature, and horizontal and vertical spread in the water column, they are known to have varied associations with other invertebrates and teleosts, which make them an integral part of the marine ecosystem