708 research outputs found


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    Objective: The present investigation comprises, in vitro antidiabetic activity such as α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities and in vivo antidiabetic activity of methanolic extract of Pleurotus florida.Methods: The fruiting bodies of Pleurotus florida were obtained from Mushroom Unit, Department of Biology, Gandhigram Rural Institute-Deemed University, Gandhigram, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India. Sample preparation, qualitative phytochemical analysis, in vitro antidiabetic activities namely α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity and in vivo antidiabetic activity namely evaluation of alloxan induced diabetic rats were carried out following the methods reported previously.Results: In vitro and in vivo antidiabetic activity of P. florida exhibited significant results for its α-amylase (94.93±1.75 % at 1000 µg/ml) and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity (84.90±0.42 % at 1000 µg/ml) in a dose-dependent manner. The extract also showed significant antidiabetic activity on in vivo (p<0.05) at the tested dose level (200 mg/kg b. w) this was comparable to Glibenclamide, a standard antidiabetic drug.Conclusion: The presence of phytochemicals namely phenols, flavonoids, saponins, tannins and terpenoids may be responsible for such antidiabetic activity. These results reveal that P. florida can be used as a potential antidiabetic agent

    Heavy landings of juveniles of Indian scad, Decapterus russelli at Munambam Fisheries Harbour

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    Among the carangid fishes, the Indian scad, Decapterus russelli is an important pelagic fish and a major commercial species contributing to the marine fisheries of Kerala. The fish is locally called “kozhuchala” and it forms a regular fishery. The species is often caught as by-catch in shrimp trawl nets having cod-end mesh sizes ranging from 15 mm to 20 mm that is operated in the depth range of 55- 90 m almost throughout the year. They are consumed fresh as well as sun dried form

    Analisa Hasil Acidizing Treatment Untuk Menanggulangi Scale Caco3 Dalam Upaya Mengoptimalkan Kemampuan Berproduksi Sumur R-11 PT. Pertamina Ep Asset 2 Limau Field

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    Seiring berjalannya waktu, produksi minyak pada sumur R-11 mengalami penurunan dimana laju produksi padatanggal 5 Februari 2013 sebesar 600 BLPD menjadi 264 BLPD pada 11 Februari 2013. Salah satu penyebabterjadinya penurunan produksi adalah terbentuknya endapan scale yang dapat menghambat aliran fluida baik padazona perforasi, tubing atau flowline, maupun pada peralatan permukaan. Scale merupakan endapan yang terbentukkarena proses kristalisasi dan pengendapan mineral yang terkandung pada air formasi. Untuk mengatasi scale dandiharapkan dapat meningkatkan produksi maka dilakukan stimulasi dengan metode acidizing. Acidizing adalah prosespelarutan material batuan yang terdapat disekitar zona perforasi. Dalam pelaksanaan acidizing terdapat 3 tahaputama yaitu pickle job, acid job dan swab. Pickle job merupakan kegiatan membersihkan tubing dari endapan ataukorosi sebelum dilakukannya acidizing. Chemical yang digunakan adalah KCl dengan konsentrasi 2% . Setelah picklejob maka selanjutnya melakukan acid job, yang bertujuan untuk menghilangkan scale pada zona perforasi. Chemicalyang digunakan adalah HCl dengan konsentrasi 15%. Setelah acid bereaksi dengan scale, maka selanjutnya dilakukanswab untuk mengeluarkan chemical acid. Apabila air formasi bernilai PH : 7 dan Cl- : 11k maka swab selesai. Setelahmelakukan proses acidizing maka scale yang menghambat fluida menjadi larut, sehingga aliran fluida menjadi lancardan produksi pun meningkat menjadi 1248 BLPD. Indikator keberhasilan pelaksanaan stimulasi acidizing dapat dilihatdari peningkatan laju produksi (Q), kurva Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR), dan Productivity Index (PI)

    Evaluasi Persiapan Dan Pelaksanaan Proyek Komersialisasi Gas Lapangan X Untuk Memenuhi Syarat Volume Dan Tekanan Pada Kontrak Perjanjian Jual Beli Gas (Pjbg) Di PT Pertamina Ep Asset 1 Field Jambi

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    PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Jambi saat ini sedang melaksanakan kerjasama dengan BUMD Muaro Jambi berupa kegiatan jual beli gas, ditandai dengan dibuatnya kontrak Perjanjian Jual Beli Gas (PJBG) antara pihak PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Jambi selaku penjual dan pihak BUMD Muaro Jambi selaku pembeli. Pertamina Jambi akan memproduksi gas sesuai dengan syarat dan spesifikasi yang tertera pada kontrak Perjanjian Jual Beli Gas (PJBG), yaitu volume gas sebesar 2,5-2,8 MMSCFD dan tekanan gas sebesar 100-200 psig, dimana persyaratan ini menyesuaikan dengan spesifikasi fasilitas yang ada di CNG Station milik BUMD Muaro Jambi. Guna memenuhi kontrak Perjanjian Jual Beli Gas (PJBG) yang telah disepakati tersebut, pihak Pertamina Jambi melaksanakan Proyek Komersialisasi Gas pada Lapangan X. Persiapan yang matang diperlukan agar pelaksanaan proyek ini berjalan dengan baik dan sesuai dengan persyaratan pada perjanjian, maka dari itu diperlukan evaluasi pada tahap persiapan dan pelaksanaan Proyek Komersialisasi Gas pada Lapangan X. Persiapan Proyek Komersialisasi Gas telah berjalan dengan baik. Persiapan tersebut yaitu pada fasilitas produksi, berupa separator, gas scrubber dan gas filter separator yang telah dapat memisahkan dan menyalurkan gas yang sesuai dengan permintaan konsumen serta persiapan pada sumur produksi berupa pemilihan bean 13 mm untuk memproduksikan gas sebesar 2,8389 MMSCFD dan tekanan sebesar 140 psig sesuai dengan permintaan konsumen. Dengan persiapan yang baik tersebut maka pelaksanaan Proyek Komersialisasi Gas pada Lapangan X berjalan dengan lancar dengan dialirkannya gas sesuai dengan syarat dan spesifikasi yang tertera pada kontrak Perjanjian Jual Beli Gas (PJBG) antara PT Pertamina EP Asset 1 Field Jambi selaku penjual dan BUMD Muaro Jambi selaku pembeli


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    Objective: The present study is focussed on the synthesis and evaluation of the antibacterial activity of nano zero-valent iron (NZVI) impregnated cashew nut shell (NZVI-CNS). Antibacterial activity was determined by adopting agar well diffusion method against selected bacteria.Methods: The preparation was carried out by simple liquid-phase reduction method, namely, borohydride reduction method. The anti-bacterial activity of the NZVI-CNS was studied against by adopting well diffusion assay method. Superparamagnetism behaviour has been studied using a permanent bar ferro magnet.Results: The nanoparticles obtained have been characterized with various techniques like Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Transmission Electron microscope (TEM) analyses. These techniques showed that the formations of NZVI with an average size of 50 to 100 nm and also it was found to be hexagonal and spherical in shape. The obtained NZVI impregnated CNS exhibits better superparamagnetism phenomenon. The synthesized cashew nut shell impregnated NZVI had the potential to inhibit the bacterial strains Escherichia coli, Klebsiella and Serratia marcescens.Conclusion: The synthesis process for NZVI nanoparticles impregnated CNS is simple, cost-effective, and eco-friendly. The synthesized NZVI impregnated CNS had the greater potential as effective growth inhibitors in the various microorganisms and this can be applied to the diverse pharmacological applications.Â

    Analysis of Pleated Discrete Pore Non Woven Layer Type Filter Element for Naval Applications

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        In naval applications generally, the pleated discrete pore non-woven layer filter element is used. Filters used for such applications require maximized filtration rate, lower pressure drop, higher permeability, effective pore size distribution and good filtration efficiency. In other most common wire mesh filter element types, the geometric parameters are well defined and can easily be modelled. In the case of non-woven layer filter elements the pores are arranged in a randomly distributed manner and the modelling becomes difficult. In this present study a new approach was contemplated for modelling the same. The fluid flow through the filter element is by percolation phenomenon. Using Darcy’s law approach, the pressure drop across the filter element for different flow rates, were found analytically by considering the flow resistance in axial, radial and circumferential directions. The theoretical prediction made by CFD analysis is correlated with actual model behaviour and a good degree of correlation is obtained which shows the efficacy of this method for wider use in similar application.    &nbsp

    FSL-BM: Fuzzy Supervised Learning with Binary Meta-Feature for Classification

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    This paper introduces a novel real-time Fuzzy Supervised Learning with Binary Meta-Feature (FSL-BM) for big data classification task. The study of real-time algorithms addresses several major concerns, which are namely: accuracy, memory consumption, and ability to stretch assumptions and time complexity. Attaining a fast computational model providing fuzzy logic and supervised learning is one of the main challenges in the machine learning. In this research paper, we present FSL-BM algorithm as an efficient solution of supervised learning with fuzzy logic processing using binary meta-feature representation using Hamming Distance and Hash function to relax assumptions. While many studies focused on reducing time complexity and increasing accuracy during the last decade, the novel contribution of this proposed solution comes through integration of Hamming Distance, Hash function, binary meta-features, binary classification to provide real time supervised method. Hash Tables (HT) component gives a fast access to existing indices; and therefore, the generation of new indices in a constant time complexity, which supersedes existing fuzzy supervised algorithms with better or comparable results. To summarize, the main contribution of this technique for real-time Fuzzy Supervised Learning is to represent hypothesis through binary input as meta-feature space and creating the Fuzzy Supervised Hash table to train and validate model.Comment: FICC201