1,880 research outputs found

    Disorder regimes and equivalence of disorder types in artificial spin ice

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    The field-induced dynamics of artificial spin ice are determined in part by interactions between magnetic islands, and the switching characteristics of each island. Disorder in either of these affects the response to applied fields. Numerical simulations are used to show that disorder effects are determined primarily by the strength of disorder relative to inter-island interactions, rather than by the type of disorder. Weak and strong disorder regimes exist and can be defined in a quantitative way.Comment: The following article has been submitted to J. Appl. Phys. After it is published, it will be found at http://link.aip.org/link/?ja

    Diversity enabling equilibration: disorder and the ground state in artificial spin ice

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    We report a novel approach to the question of whether and how the ground state can be achieved in square artificial spin ices where frustration is incomplete. We identify two types of disorder: quenched disorder in the island response to fields and disorder in the sequence of driving fields. Numerical simulations show that quenched disorder can lead to final states with lower energy, and disorder in the driving fields always lowers the final energy attained by the system. We use a network picture to understand these two effects: disorder in island responses creates new dynamical pathways, and disorder in driving fields allows more pathways to be followed.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Vertex dynamics in finite two dimensional square spin ices

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    Local magnetic ordering in artificial spin ices is discussed from the point of view of how geometrical frustration controls dynamics and the approach to steady state. We discuss the possibility of using a particle picture based on vertex configurations to interpret time evolution of magnetic configurations. Analysis of possible vertex processes allows us to anticipate different behaviors for open and closed edges and the existence of different field regimes. Numerical simulations confirm these results and also demonstrate the importance of correlations and long range interactions in understanding particle population evolution. We also show that a mean field model of vertex dynamics gives important insights into finite size effects.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures; v2: minor changes to text and figures. Accepted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Coupled transport in rotor models

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    Acknowledgement One of us (AP) wishes to acknowledge S. Flach for enlightening discussions about the relationship between the DNLS equation and the rotor model.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Dipolar ground state of planar spins on triangular lattices

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    An infinite triangular lattice of classical dipolar spins is usually considered to have a ferromagnetic ground state. We examine the validity of this statement for finite lattices and in the limit of large lattices. We find that the ground state of rectangular arrays is strongly dependent on size and aspect ratio. Three results emerge that are significant for understanding the ground state properties: i) formation of domain walls is energetically favored for aspect ratios below a critical valu e; ii) the vortex state is always energetically favored in the thermodynamic limit of an infinite number of spins, but nevertheless such a configuration may not be observed even in very large lattices if the aspect ratio is large; iii) finite range approximations to actual dipole sums may not provide the correct ground sta te configuration because the ferromagnetic state is linearly unstable and the domain wall energy is negative for any finite range cutoff.Comment: Several short parts have been rewritten. Accepted for publication as a Rapid Communication in Phys. Rev.

    Negative Temperature States in the Discrete Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation

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    We explore the statistical behavior of the discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equation. We find a parameter region where the system evolves towards a state characterized by a finite density of breathers and a negative temperature. Such a state is metastable but the convergence to equilibrium occurs on astronomical time scales and becomes increasingly slower as a result of a coarsening processes. Stationary negative-temperature states can be experimentally generated via boundary dissipation or from free expansions of wave packets initially at positive temperature equilibrium.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Emergence of chaotic behaviour in linearly stable systems

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    Strong nonlinear effects combined with diffusive coupling may give rise to unpredictable evolution in spatially extended deterministic dynamical systems even in the presence of a fully negative spectrum of Lyapunov exponents. This regime, denoted as ``stable chaos'', has been so far mainly characterized by numerical studies. In this manuscript we investigate the mechanisms that are at the basis of this form of unpredictable evolution generated by a nonlinear information flow through the boundaries. In order to clarify how linear stability can coexist with nonlinear instability, we construct a suitable stochastic model. In the absence of spatial coupling, the model does not reveal the existence of any self-sustained chaotic phase. Nevertheless, already this simple regime reveals peculiar differences between the behaviour of finite-size and that of infinitesimal perturbations. A mean-field analysis of the truly spatially extended case clarifies that the onset of chaotic behaviour can be traced back to the diffusion process that tends to shift the growth rate of finite perturbations from the quenched to the annealed average. The possible characterization of the transition as the onset of directed percolation is also briefly discussed as well as the connections with a synchronization transition.Comment: 30 pages, 8 figures, Submitted to Journal of Physics