9,054 research outputs found

    Reducing Causal Ambiguity in Acquisition Integration: Intermediate Goals as Mediators of Integration Decisions and Acquisition Performance

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    Integration is a difficult process, but one that is vital to acquisition performance. One reason acquirers encounter difficulties is that the integration process exhibits high levels of intrafirm linkage ambiguity – a lack of clarity of the causal link between integration decisions and their performance outcomes. We introduce the construct of intermediate goals as a mechanism that reduces intrafirm linkage ambiguity. Our structural model results, based on a sample of 129 horizontal acquisitions, indicate that the achievement of two intermediate goals (internal reorganization and market expansion) fully mediates the relationships between four integration decisions and acquisition performance

    On the digital forensic analysis of the Firefox browser via recovery of SQLite artifacts from unallocated space

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    A technique and supporting tool for the recovery of browsing activity (both stored and deleted) from current and recent versions of the Firefox web-browser is presented. The generality of the technique is discussed: It is applicable to any software that uses the popular SQLite embedded database engine such as the Apple Safari web-browser and many Android apps

    What Americans Think of the New Insurance Marketplaces and Medicaid Expansion: Findings from the Commonwealth Fund Health Insurance Marketplace Survey, 2013

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    The Affordable Care Act's health insurance marketplaces are opening for enrollment on October 1, 2013. The Commonwealth Fund Health Insurance Marketplace Survey, 2013, finds that only two of five adults are aware of the marketplaces or of potential financial help that may be available to them to pay for plans purchased though the marketplaces. However, three of five adults who might be eligible for these new options said they were likely to take advantage of them. The survey also finds broad support for state expansion of the Medicaid program, even in states that have not yet decided to expand their programs. While outreach and education are critical to ensuring that those eligible for the new coverage options will enroll, the survey results suggest that eligible Americans will likely take advantage of the law's insurance reforms in the months and years to come

    Long-Term Impacts of the Oportunidades Conditional Cash Transfer Program on Rural Youth in Mexico

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    This paper studies the long-term effects of participation in the Mexican Oportunidades program on a variety of outcomes and behaviors of rural youth in Mexico. It analyzes data from a social experiment, which randomly phased-in the program in rural Mexican villages. In 1997, 320 villages (the treatment group) were randomly selected for early incorporation into the program and 186 villages (the control group) were designated as a control group to be incorporated eighteen months later. This paper examines whether differential exposure to the program significantly impacted educational attainment, labor market outcomes, marriage, migration and cognitive achievement of youth. The results show positive impacts of longer exposure on grades of schooling attained, but no effects on achievement tests. With respect to work, we find an overall reduction in work for male youth.

    Azobenzene versus 3,3',5,5'-tetra-tert-butyl-azobenzene (TBA) at Au(111): Characterizing the role of spacer groups

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    We present large-scale density-functional theory (DFT) calculations and temperature programmed desorption measurements to characterize the structural, energetic and vibrational properties of the functionalized molecular switch 3,3',5,5'-tetra-tert-butyl-azobenzene (TBA) adsorbed at Au(111). Particular emphasis is placed on exploring the accuracy of the semi-empirical dispersion correction approach to semi-local DFT (DFT-D) in accounting for the substantial van der Waals component in the surface chemical bond. In line with previous findings for benzene and pure azobenzene at coinage metal surfaces, DFT-D significantly overbinds the molecule, but seems to yield an accurate adsorption geometry as far as can be judged from the experimental data. Comparing the trans adsorption geometry of TBA and azobenzene at Au(111) reveals a remarkable insensitivity of the structural and vibrational properties of the -N=N- moiety. This questions the established view of the role of the bulky tert-butyl-spacer groups for the switching of TBA in terms of a mere geometric decoupling of the photochemically active diazo-bridge from the gold substrate.Comment: 9 pages including 6 figures; related publications can be found at http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/th.htm

    Options for transporting Russian gas to Western Europe: A game-theoretic simulation analysis

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    This paper examines the perspectives of Russian gas exports to Western Europe and the strategic options of the CIS gas transiting countries, namely Ukraine and Belarus. The development of a new transit corridor through Belarus (the Yamal-Europe pipeline), depriving Ukraine of its former monopoly, has modified the situation profoundly. The thrust of the paper is an analysis of nthe strategies that Ukraine and Belarus may pursue in transiting Russian gas: non-cooperative duopoly, cooperative duopoly, and individual or collective cooperation with Russia. Using a demand function for Western European gas imports from Russia, we estimate prices and quantities for gas transit, the expected profits for Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, and the resulting import prices for Western Europe. The results indicate that Ukraine suffers a loss of several hundred million USD annually from the market entry of Belarus, Belarus has an incentive to increase its gas transit capacity to at least 56 billion cubic meters, and Russia's profits increase, in particular when it unites its gas sector with Belarus and Ukraine. For Western Europe, all scenarios indicate an increase in welfare through the new pipeline, but also an increasing importance of gas imports from Russia. -- Der Beitrag untersucht die Perspektiven russischer Gasexporte nach Westeuropa und die strategischen Optionen der Gastransitländer Ukraine und Belarus. Durch den Neu- und Ausbau eines Gastransitkorridors durch Belarus (die Jamal-Europa-Pipeline) geht die bisherige Monopolstellung der Ukraine als Transitland verloren. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Modellierung und Quantifizierung unterschiedlicher Wettbewerbsstrategien, wie das nichtkooperative Duopol, das kooperative Duopol, oder die individuelle bzw. kollektive Kooperation der Transitländer mit Russland. Hierfür werden Exportpreise und mengen sowie die resultierenden Gewinne der Spieler geschätzt. Durch den Markteintritt von Belarus ergeben sich erhebliche Verluste für die Ukraine, während sich Belarus mit einem Ausbau seiner Kapazitäten auf 56 Mrd. m3 noch besser stellt. Russlands Gewinne steigen insbesondere durch die vertikale Integration der belarussischen und ukrainischen Gassektoren. Für Westeuropa legen die Ergebnisse erhebliche Wohlfahrtsgewinne durch den Pipelineausbau nahe, gleichzeitig aber auch eine gestiegene Abhängigkeit von Gasimporten aus Russland.Gas,pipelines,strategic behavior,CIS,Russia

    In Vitro Synthesis of Chlorophyll A in the Dark Triggers Accumulation of Chlorophyll A Apoproteins in Barley Etioplasts”

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    An in vitro translation system using lysed etioplasts was developed to test if the accumulation of plastid-encoded chlorophyll a apoproteins is dependent on the de novo synthesis of chlorophyll a. The P700 apoproteins, CP47 and CP43, were not radiolabeled in pulsechase translation assays employing lysed etioplasts in the absence of added chlorophyll precursors. When chlorophyllide a plus phytylpyrophosphate were added to lysed etioplast translation assays in the dark, chlorophyll a was synthesized and radiolabeled P700 apoproteins, CP47 and CP43, and a protein which comigrates with D1 accumulated. Chlorophyllide a or phytylpyrophosphate added separately to the translation assay in darkness did not induce chlorophyll a formation or chlorophyll a apoprotein accumulation. Chlorophyll a formation and chlorophyll a apoprotein accumulation were also induced in the lysed etioplast translation system by the photoreduction of protochlorophyllide to chlorophyllide a in the presence of exogenous phytylpyrophosphate. Accumulation of radiolabeled CP47 was detectable when very low levels of chlorophyll a were synthesized de novo (less than 0.01 nmol/10(7) plastids), and radiolabel increased linearly with increasing de novo chlorophyll a formation. Higher levels of de novo synthesized chlorophyll a were required prior to detection of radiolabel incorporation into the P700 apoproteins and CP43 (greater than 0.01 nmol/10(7) plastids). Radiolabel incorporation into the P700 apoproteins, CP47 and CP43, saturated at a chlorophyll a concentration which corresponds to 50% of the etioplast protochlorophyllide content (0.06 nmol of chlorophyll a/10(7) plastids)

    Frequency‐Dependent Moment Tensors of Induced Microearthquakes

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    Analysis of 984 induced microearthquakes from The Geysers geothermal reservoir in California reveals that the retrieved moment tensors depend on the frequency band of the inverted waveforms. The observed dependence is more significant for the percentages of the double‐couple, compensated linear vector dipole, and isotropic (ISO) components than for the focal mechanisms. The average root‐mean‐square of the moment tensors obtained in different frequency bands is correlated with spectra of ambient noise. The percentages of double‐couple and ISO components tend to decrease and increase with the upper cutoff frequency (fu), respectively. This suggests that shear rupture radiates energy preferentially in a lower frequency band and tensile rupture in a higher frequency band. Events displaying a strong increase of the ISO with fu are confined within the same depth interval as the injection points. This might be related to the strong thermoelastic effects in the vicinity of injection points that promote opening of small cracks adjacent to the main fractures