95 research outputs found

    Dipolar dynamos in stratified systems

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    Observations of low-mass stars reveal a variety of magnetic field topologies ranging from large-scale, axial dipoles to more complex magnetic fields. At the same time, three-dimensional spherical simulations of convectively driven dynamos reproduce a similar diversity, which is commonly obtained either with Boussinesq models or with more realistic models based on the anelastic approximation, which take into account the variation of the density with depth throughout the convection zone. Nevertheless, a conclusion from different anelastic studies is that dipolar solutions seem more difficult to obtain as soon as substantial stratifications are considered. In this paper, we aim at clarifying this point by investigating in more detail the influence of the density stratification on dipolar dynamos. To that end, we rely on a systematic parameter study that allows us to clearly follow the evolution of the stability domain of the dipolar branch as the density stratification is increased. The impact of the density stratification both on the dynamo onset and the dipole collapse is discussed and compared to previous Boussinesq results. Furthermore, our study indicates that the loss of the dipolar branch does not ensue from a specific modification of the dynamo mechanisms related to the background stratification, but could instead result from a bias as our observations naturally favour a certain domain in the parameter space characterized by moderate values of the Ekman number, owing to current computational limitations. Moreover, we also show that the critical magnetic Reynolds number of the dipolar branch is scarcely modified by the increase of the density stratification, which provides an important insight into the global understanding of the impact of the density stratification on the stability domain of the dipolar dynamo branch

    Topology and field strength in spherical, anelastic dynamo simulations

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    Numerical modelling of convection driven dynamos in the Boussinesq approximation revealed fundamental characteristics of the dynamo-generated magnetic fields and the fluid flow. Because these results were obtained for an incompressible fluid, their validity for gas planets and stars remains to be assessed. A common approach is to take some density stratification into account with the so-called anelastic approximation. The validity of previous results obtained in the Boussinesq approximation is tested for anelastic models. We point out and explain specific differences between both types of models, in particular with respect to the field geometry and the field strength, but we also compare scaling laws for the velocity amplitude, the magnetic dissipation time, and the convective heat flux. Our investigation is based on a systematic parameter study of spherical dynamo models in the anelastic approximation. We make use of a recently developed numerical solver and provide results for the test cases of the anelastic dynamo benchmark. The dichotomy of dipolar and multipolar dynamos identified in Boussinesq simulations is also present in our sample of anelastic models. Dipolar models require that the typical length scale of convection is an order of magnitude larger than the Rossby radius. However, the distinction between both classes of models is somewhat less explicit than in previous studies. This is mainly due to two reasons: we found a number of models with a considerable equatorial dipole contribution and an intermediate overall dipole field strength. Furthermore, a large density stratification may hamper the generation of dipole dominated magnetic fields. Previously proposed scaling laws, such as those for the field strength, are similarly applicable to anelastic models. It is not clear, however, if this consistency necessarily implies similar dynamo processes in both settings.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figure

    Combined inactivation of the Clostridium cellulolyticum lactate and malate dehydrogenase genes substantially increases ethanol yield from cellulose and switchgrass fermentations

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The model bacterium <it>Clostridium cellulolyticum </it>efficiently degrades crystalline cellulose and hemicellulose, using cellulosomes to degrade lignocellulosic biomass. Although it imports and ferments both pentose and hexose sugars to produce a mixture of ethanol, acetate, lactate, H<sub>2 </sub>and CO<sub>2</sub>, the proportion of ethanol is low, which impedes its use in consolidated bioprocessing for biofuels production. Therefore genetic engineering will likely be required to improve the ethanol yield. Plasmid transformation, random mutagenesis and heterologous expression systems have previously been developed for <it>C. cellulolyticum</it>, but targeted mutagenesis has not been reported for this organism, hindering genetic engineering.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The first targeted gene inactivation system was developed for <it>C. cellulolyticum</it>, based on a mobile group II intron originating from the <it>Lactococcus lactis </it>L1.LtrB intron. This markerless mutagenesis system was used to disrupt both the paralogous <smcaps>L</smcaps>-lactate dehydrogenase (<it>Ccel_2485; ldh</it>) and <smcaps>L</smcaps>-malate dehydrogenase (<it>Ccel_0137; mdh</it>) genes, distinguishing the overlapping substrate specificities of these enzymes. Both mutations were then combined in a single strain, resulting in a substantial shift in fermentation toward ethanol production. This double mutant produced 8.5-times more ethanol than wild-type cells growing on crystalline cellulose. Ethanol constituted 93% of the major fermentation products, corresponding to a molar ratio of ethanol to organic acids of 15, versus 0.18 in wild-type cells. During growth on acid-pretreated switchgrass, the double mutant also produced four times as much ethanol as wild-type cells. Detailed metabolomic analyses identified increased flux through the oxidative branch of the mutant's tricarboxylic acid pathway.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The efficient intron-based gene inactivation system produced the first non-random, targeted mutations in <it>C. cellulolyticum</it>. As a key component of the genetic toolbox for this bacterium, markerless targeted mutagenesis enables functional genomic research in <it>C</it>. <it>cellulolyticum </it>and rapid genetic engineering to significantly alter the mixture of fermentation products. The initial application of this system successfully engineered a strain with high ethanol productivity from cellobiose, cellulose and switchgrass.</p

    Gravity darkening in late-type stars

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    Context. Recent interferometric data have been used to constrain the brightness distribution at the surface of nearby stars, in particular the so-called gravity darkening that makes fast rotating stars brighter at their poles than at their equator. However, good models of gravity darkening are missing for stars that posses a convective envelope. Aim. In order to better understand how rotation affects the heat transfer in stellar convective envelopes, we focus on the heat flux distribution in latitude at the outer surface of numerical models. Methods. We carry out a systematic parameter study of three-dimensional, direct numerical simulations of anelastic convection in rotating spherical shells. As a first step, we neglect the centrifugal acceleration and retain only the Coriolis force. The fluid instability is driven by a fixed entropy drop between the inner and outer boundaries where stress-free boundary conditions are applied for the velocity field. Restricting our investigations to hydrodynamical models with a thermal Prandtl number fixed to unity, we consider both thick and thin (solar-like) shells, and vary the stratification over three orders of magnitude. We measure the heat transfer efficiency in terms of the Nusselt number, defined as the output luminosity normalised by the conductive state luminosity. Results. We report diverse Nusselt number profiles in latitude, ranging from brighter (usually at the onset of convection) to darker equator and uniform profiles. We find that the variations of the surface brightness are mainly controlled by the surface value of the local Rossby number: when the Coriolis force dominates the dynamics, the heat flux is weakened in the equatorial region by the zonal wind and enhanced at the poles by convective motions inside the tangent cylinder. In the presence of a strong background density stratification however, as expected in real stars, the increase of the local Rossby number in the outer layers leads to uniformisation of the surface heat flux distribution
