1,042 research outputs found

    Analisis Penawaran Dan Permintaan Kredit Serta Identifikasi Peluang Ekspansi Pembiayaan Kredit Sektoral Di Wilayah Kerja Kbi Malang

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    This research aimed to identify the factors of demand and banking loan offer in KBIMalang by using panel data. The estimation result showed that not optimal function of bankingintermediacy in KBI Malang was caused more by the lack of demand for credit than creditcrunch. While analysis using plot revealed credit worthiness had a conclusion that some certainsectors in KBI Malang tended to be unmarketable for credit/fund. On the contrary, in somesectors, there were potencies of credit/fund distribution. However, the research result wasaggregate so it did not reflect the characteristic of bank condition precisely and economiccondition individually

    Identifikasi Karakteristik Sampah Elektronik (E-waste) dan Implikasinya pada Kebijakan Daerah di Kota YOGYAKARTA

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    Perkembangan teknologi informasi / information technology (IT) telah menjadikan sampah elektronik menjadi isu permasalahan serius seluruh di negara-negara maju namun belum mendapat perhatian yang cukup di negara berkembang. Sampah elektronik (e-waste) adalah dampak yang dihasilkan dari penggunaan barang elektronik secara masif di era teknologi informasi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasikan regulasi pengelolaan sampah elektronik dan permasalahan pengelolaan sampah elektronik yang ada di Kota Yogyakarta. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui karakteristik sampah elektronik (e-waste) di Kota Yogyakarta berupa komponen – komponen kecil yang tidak terpakai dan tidak memiliki nilai ekonomi yang terkumpul di tingkat pelaku reparasi barang elektronik, pengepul hingga pelaku daur ulang sampah elektronik. Semua informan menyatakan bahwa sampah elektronik perlu dikelola dan diatur melalui aturan yang legal. Solusi untuk mengatasi sampah elektronik (e-waste) di Kota Yogyakarta dapat dilakukan dengan membuat aturan terlebih dahulu dan diikuti dengan sosialisasi mengenai bahaya sampah elektronik (e-waste) kepada masyarakat Kota Yogyakarta serta penggunaan teknologi lanjut untuk mengolah sampah elektronik agar tidak membahayakan terhadap lingkungan

    N-Sulfonylation of amines, imides, amides and anilides using p-TsCl in presence of atomized sodium in EtOH-THF under sonic condition

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    A simple, facile and an efficient procedure for the N-sulfonylation of amines, imides, amides and anilides using p-TsCl in the presence of atomized sodium in a mixture of EtOH-THF under sonic condition is developed. The method is rapid, mild and inexpensive; yields are high and the reactions go to completion within 2-8 min. © 2015 Elsevier B.V

    Meglumine catalyzed one-pot green synthesis of novel 4,7-dihydro-1H-pyrazolo3,4-bpyridin-6-amines

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    Meglumine efficiently catalyzes the one-pot, five-component reaction of hydrazine, ethyl acetoacetate, aryl aldehydes, substituted phenylacetonitriles and ammonium acetate in ethanol at room temperature to afford novel 4,7-dihydro-1H-pyrazolo3,4-bpyridin-6-amine derivatives. The present approach offers several advantages such as shorter reaction durations, low cost, excellent yields, milder reaction conditions, simple workup procedure and is environment friendly. All the synthesized derivatives are characterized by IR,1H NMR,13C NMR, HRMS and CHN analysis. � 2016 Mohamed Afzal Pash

    An efficient sonochemical oxidation of benzyl alcohols into benzaldehydes by FeCl3/HNO3 in acetone

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    Sonochemical oxidation of benzyl alcohols into corresponding aldehydes by FeCl3/HNO3 in acetone at room temperature has been reported. All substrates give good yield of the products within 10-25 min. The reaction of selected substrates were also studied under reflux and at the room temperature. Further, various Lewis acids were used to evaluate their catalytic efficacy. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Profile of serious adverse drug events in a tertiary care hospital of South India - a five years experience

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    Background: Adverse drug event (ADE) is said to be serious, when it is life-threatening, leads to hospitalization, disability, congenital anomaly, death or requires intervention to prevent permanent impairment or damage. The present study aimed to determine the pattern, causality, preventability of serious ADEs.Methods: This retrospective study was carried out to profile serious ADEs reported from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute to Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Monitoring Centre, under Pharmacovigilance Programme of India from 2012 to 2016. Patient demographics, clinical and drug data, details of the ADE, onset time, causal drug details, outcome and severity were collected as per CDSCO form. Causality was assessed by WHO-ADR probability scale, preventability by modified Schumock and Thornton scale.Results: A total of 809 ADEs were reported, of which 50 (6.18%) were serious in nature. Male preponderance (74%) was observed, with 42% among patients aged 20-40 years. 56% of serious ADEs were reported from department of Dermatology. Steven Johnson Syndrome (SJS) (20%) contributed for most of the ADEs. Antiepileptics caused maximum number of serious ADEs (32%). 76% of the ADEs were found to be ‘probable’ and 4% were definitely preventable. 56% of them was life threatening and 86% required intensive interventions. 16% patients experienced serious ADEs during hospital stay.Conclusions: Serious ADEs constituted 6.18% of all ADEs reported. SJS was commonly seen with antimicrobials and hepatotoxicity with ATT. Antiepileptics and ATT contributed for majority of them. This study highlights the importance of monitoring and timely management of serious ADEs to commonly prescribed medications

    Palm Oil and Rice Bran Oil: Current Status and Future Prospects

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    The continued demand for edible oils by the ever increasing population makes it pertinent to explore new sources. In this direction, two new edible oils namely palm oil and rice bran oil have been subjected to nutritional and toxicological evaluations of their chemicals constituents. An attempt has been made in this article to assess the acceptability of the two oils based on the various investigations that have been carried out so far

    An Ayurvedic approach to the management of Shushkakshipaka w.s.r. to Dry Eye Syndrome - A Case Report

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    Introduction: Sushkakshipaka is one among the Sarvagata, Sadhya Netrarogas described in in classical Ayurveda texts. A feature of Shushkakshipaka includes hard and dry eye lids, found drooping; blurred vision and difficulty to open the eyes with irritation and foreign body sensation. The Lakshanas of Shushkakshipaka can be equated with the signs and symptoms of Dry Eye Syndrome. Dry eye is a multifactorial ocular surface disease characterized by symptoms of discomfort, irritation, and visual disturbance. Here the patient presenting with signs and symptoms of dry eye disease was treated according to the treatment principles of Shushkakshipaka as explained in Ayurvedic classics. Erandamoola Kheera Seka and Shatavari Ghrita was selected for the treatment and the same has been presented in the article. Materials and Methods: The subject who approached Shalakya Tantra OPD of Sri Jayachamarajendra Institute of Indian Medicine Hospital, Bengaluru, with signs and symptoms of dry eye disease was thoroughly examined and systematically reviewed. Treatment was planned based on the Chikitsasutra of Shushkakshipaka. Result: The patient showed considerable improvement subjectively and objectively. Improvement in Schirmer’s reading, visual acuity improvement was observed in both eyes. Conclusion: The maintenance of stability of tear film is the main challenge in this pandemic time due to the increased screen time. This can be achieved up to an extend by proper administration of treatment techniques described in classical Ayurveda texts along with Pathyasevana

    Hybridizing Micro - B4C with Carbon nanotubes to Enhance the Mechanical Properties of Aluminium Matrix Composites

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    In present work, the effects of hybridizing micron sized B4C particles with multi walled carbon nanotubes on the microstructural and mechanical properties of Al - B4C composite were investigated. Microstructure reveals grain refinement ascribed to the presence of uniformly distributed micron sized B4C particles with multi walled carbon nanotubes. The Al - (B4C + MWCNT) hybrid composite indicates the alliance of mechanical properties such as hardness, tensile strength and ductility. The enhanced attribute of Al - (B4C + MWCNT) hybrid composite when compared to Al - B4C is the increased content and uniform distribution of MWCNTs. © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd
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