2,285 research outputs found

    Pulse profiles from thermally emitting neutron stars

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    The problem of computing the pulse profiles from thermally emitting spots on the surface of a neutron star in general relativity is reconsidered. We show that it is possible to extend Beloborodov (2002) approach to include (multiple) spots of finite size in different positions on the star surface. Results for the pulse profiles are expressed by comparatively simple analytical formulas which involve only elementary functions.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    On the Mathematical Character of the Relativistic Transfer Moment Equations

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    General--relativistic, frequency--dependent radiative transfer in spherical, differentially--moving media is considered. In particular we investigate the character of the differential operator defined by the first two moment equations in the stationary case. We prove that the moment equations form a hyperbolic system when the logarithmic velocity gradient is positive, provided that a reasonable condition on the Eddington factors is met. The operator, however, may become elliptic in accretion flows and, in general, when gravity is taken into account. Finally we show that, in an optically thick medium, one of the characteristics becomes infinite when the flow velocity equals ±c/3\pm c/\sqrt 3. Both high--speed, stationary inflows and outflows may therefore contain regions which are ``causally'' disconnected.Comment: 16 pages, PlainTex, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Dynamical Comptonization in spherical flows: black hole accretion and stellar winds

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    The transport of photons in steady, spherical, scattering flows is investigated. The moment equations are solved analytically for accretion onto a Schwarzschild black hole, taking into full account relativistic effects. We show that the emergent radiation spectrum is a power law at high frequencies with a spectral index smaller (harder spectrum) than in the non--relativistic case. Radiative transfer in an expanding envelope is also analyzed. We find that adiabatic expansion produces a drift of injected monochromatic photons towards lower frequencies and the formation of a power--law, low--energy tail with spectral index −3-3.Comment: 11 pages with 3 ps figures, MNRAS to appea

    Maintenance of heterozygosity at the mt locus after autogamy in Euplotes minuta (Ciliata Hypotrichida).

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    The genetic consequences of autogamy have been analysed in the autogamous strain A-25 of E. minuta. During autogamy as well as during conjugation four pronuclei (two genetically identical pairs) are formed in each individual. In conjugating pairs, any two of the four pronuclei of the autogamous conjugant may participate in synkaryon formation. Consequently, an 8:13 segregation ratio of clonal and synclonal mating-type inheritance has been found to occur in the progeny obtained by crossing A-25 animals with non-autogamous animals. During autogamy, synkaryon formation appears to be brought about by a preferential karyogamy of genetically dissimilar nuclei more often than is expected on a random basis. Therefore, heterozygosity is usually maintained after autogamy in spite of the extreme inbreeding characteristics of this sexual process

    An unified timing and spectral model for the Anomalous X-ray Pulsars XTE J1810-197 and CXOU J164710.2-455216

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    Anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) and soft gamma repeaters (SGRs) are two small classes of X-ray sources strongly suspected to host a magnetar, i.e. an ultra-magnetized neutron star with $B\approx 10^14-10^15 G. Many SGRs/AXPs are known to be variable, and recently the existence of genuinely "transient" magnetars was discovered. Here we present a comprehensive study of the pulse profile and spectral evolution of the two transient AXPs (TAXPs) XTE J1810-197 and CXOU J164710.2-455216. Our analysis was carried out in the framework of the twisted magnetosphere model for magnetar emission. Starting from 3D Monte Carlo simulations of the emerging spectrum, we produced a large database of synthetic pulse profiles which was fitted to observed lightcurves in different spectral bands and at different epochs. This allowed us to derive the physical parameters of the model and their evolution with time, together with the geometry of the two sources, i.e. the inclination of the line-of-sight and of the magnetic axis with respect to the rotation axis. We then fitted the (phase-averaged) spectra of the two TAXPs at different epochs using a model similar to that used to calculate the pulse profiles ntzang in XSPEC) freezing all parameters to the values obtained from the timing analysis, and leaving only the normalization free to vary. This provided acceptable fits to XMM-Newton data in all the observations we analyzed. Our results support a picture in which a limited portion of the star surface close to one of the magnetic poles is heated at the outburst onset. The subsequent evolution is driven both by the cooling/varying size of the heated cap and by a progressive untwisting of the magnetosphere.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The chaotic behavior of the black hole system GRS 1915+105

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    A modified non-linear time series analysis technique, which computes the correlation dimension D2D_2, is used to analyze the X-ray light curves of the black hole system GRS 1915+105 in all twelve temporal classes. For four of these temporal classes D2D_2 saturates to ≈4−5\approx 4-5 which indicates that the underlying dynamical mechanism is a low dimensional chaotic system. Of the other eight classes, three show stochastic behavior while five show deviation from randomness. The light curves for four classes which depict chaotic behavior have the smallest ratio of the expected Poisson noise to the variability (<0.05 < 0.05) while those for the three classes which depict stochastic behavior is the highest (>0.2 > 0.2). This suggests that the temporal behavior of the black hole system is governed by a low dimensional chaotic system, whose nature is detectable only when the Poisson fluctuations are much smaller than the variability.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journa


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    Current analysis of nonlinear distortion phenomena is often based on the perturbation approximation assumption that the response of the basilar membrane (BM) to a pair of input tones is a simple superposition of the responses to the tones as if they were separately inputted [1]. Moreover, the estimate of the phase delays between the distortion product (DP) responses on the BM and those detected as frequency components of otoacoustic emissions are based on the concept that the cochlear partition behaves as a transmission line. Frequency-domain simulations based on a nonlinear hydrodynamic model of the human cochlea [2,3] lead to results that contrast both such beliefs

    Does Alumina Coating Alter the Solid Permeable Interphase Dynamics in LiMn2O4 Cathodes?

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    It is well known that the Al2O3 coating of the LiMn2O4 cathodes leads to improvement of the performance of these electrodes. However, the effect of the coating on the fundamental processes occurring on the interface with the active material which results in the formation of the solid permeable interphase is yet to be investigated. These effects should be more pronounced in the first cycle when a dynamic interaction of the active material at high voltage with the electrolyte and binder leads to the formation of this passivation layer. Here, we present a detailed investigation of the solid permeable interphase formation in alumina-coated and uncoated LiMn2O4 electrodes using X-ray absorption spectroscopy and analysis on the electrodes at the predesigned charging/ discharging states. We demonstrate that the alumina coating leads to modification of the solid permeable layer and its dynamics. We also discuss the possible influences of interface modifications via coating on the battery performance
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