94 research outputs found

    Internal conflicts of the characters in the following novels Lady Chatterley`s lover, Women in love and Sons and lovers, David H. Lawrence ; Внутренние конфликты героев в романах Д. Х. Лоуренса Любовник леди Чаттерлей, Влюблённые женщины и Сыновья и любовники

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    Предмет ове докторске дисертације јесте осветљивање доминантних сукоба унутар главних јунака у три Лоренсова романа: Љубавник леди Четерли, Заљубљене жене и Синови и љубавници. Нагласак је на расветљавању почетака сукоба, мотивима њиховог настанка као и њиховом развоју у светлу психоаналитичке критике, Фројдових и Јунгових сагледавања људске душе, њених стања и њеног мрачног и ирационалног дела. Колико су јунаци Лоренсових романа спремни да се кроз другог реализују и досегну јединство психе на путу индивидуације најјасније показује Лаканова концепција појмова жеље и другости у закључку. Сагледавањем Лоренсове поетике, његових уметничких начела и биографије, наметнула се повезаност дела и живота. Снажна везаност за мајку, отпор према оцу, сагледавање љубави као једине могућности опстанка и саморазвоја, све су то елементи које ћемо налазити и у његовом уметничком стваралаштву; елементи који ће битно утицати на Лоренса сликара и Лоренса писца. Специфичност тема па и целе грађе ових романа лежи у преплитању психологизације ликова са пишчевим животом и биографијом. Деликатне немире сопствене душе транспоновао је у сукобе својих јунака. Нагласак и акценат је стављен на оне јунаке, који кроз сопствене сукобе и кризне ситуације досежу јединство психе, односно на путу су ка успешној индивидуацији. За разлику од њих, јунаци који у томе не успеју, ни кроз љубавни однос са другим, ни кроз самоспознају, остају заувек заглављени у сопственим душевним сукобима, или спас проналазе у смрти. Код мушких јунака доминантан је комплекс мајке препознатљив у Фројдовом термину - Едипов комплекс. Неки ће се кроз теже душевне процесе и кризне ситуације решити успешно тог комплекса, док ће неки остати под његовим снажним утицајем. Код женских јунакиња, у сва три Лоренсова романа, видећемо да њиховом психом влада одређени женски архетип. Циљ њихове индивидуације и прихватања женске улоге, јесте спознаја сопственог архетипа који руководи њиховим женским идентитетом.The subject of this Doctoral dissertation is the clarification of the dominant conflicts of the main characters in three novels by Lawrence, Lady Chatterly’s Lover, Women in Love and Sons and Lovers. In all three novels the focus is on understanding the roots of these conflicts, their motifs and development in the light of psychoanalytic criticism of Jung and Freud’s comprehension of human soul, its conditions and its dark, irrational part. Lacan’s concept of desire and the Other will help us to understand the extent of Lawrence’s characters readiness to realize themselves through the others and reach the unity of psycho on their way to individuation. Some will be ready for the goal, some will not. By studying Lawrence’s poetics and his artistic principles as well as his biography we may come to conclusion that his life and work are interlaced tightly. His attachment to his mother, resistance to father and the understanding of love as the only possibility of survival and self-development are the elements we find in his artistic work as well. These elements will significantly affect Lawrence, both as a painter and a writer. The specificity of themes and the whole structure of these novels lie in the interweaving of characters’ psychology with the writer’s life and biography that is characteristic for all three novels related to Lawrence’s life. The mirror of his personal conflicts and his life is reflected in the psychology of his main heroes so the writer transposed delicate unrest of his own soul into his heroes’ conflicts. The stress is put on the heroes who can reach the unity of psycho through their own struggles and crisis, in other words, they are on the way to successful individuation. Unlike them, the heroes who are not able to achieve the goal whether through love relationship or through self-knowledge stay for long imprisoned in their own mental conflicts or they find peace in death. Male characters suffer from Oedipus complex therefore the attention in the dissertation is paid to Freud’s definition of Oedipus complex. Some characters will successfully rid themselves of the complex during hard mental processes and crisis while the others will stay under its strong influence for long. On the other hand, female characters and their psycho in all three novels are ruled by certain female archetype. The aim of their individuation and acceptance of the female role lie in the comprehension of their own archetype which manages their female identity

    Effect of nitrogen salts on the growth of Ceratonia siliqua L. Shoot cultures

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    Effects of reduced nitrogen salt nutriton on the growth, lenticel hypertrophy and anthocyanin accumulation of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) shoot cultures were investigated in conditions of light and darkness. Growth of shoot cultures was not significantly affected until nitrogen salts were reduced to less than ¼ of full-strength MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) values. Cultures in darkness were less affected and their main shoots even increased in length. Appearance of hypertrophied lenticels in light decreased, while in darkness they were absent in all treatments. Reduced nitrogen salt nutrition strongly affected anthocyanin accumulation of shoots and leaves, which greatly increased in both light and darkness. .Kod kultura izdanaka rogača ispitivani su efekti smanjenja koncentracije azotnih soli u podlozi MS mineralnog rastvora na multiplikaciju i izduživanje izdanaka, hipertrofiju lenticela i sintezu i akumulaciju antocijanina na svetlosti i u mraku. Smanjenje koncentracije N u podlozi bitno menja parametre rastenja izdanaka (multiplikaciju i izduživanje) tek na ¼ (na svetlosti) tj. 1/10 (u mraku). Hipertrofirane lenticele se ne razvijaju na etioliranim izdancima gajenim u mraku dok su kod izdanaka gajenim na svetlosti brojne. Smanjenjem koncentracije N u podlozi broj HL se smanjuje kao i njihovo akropetalno prostiranje. Sinteza i akumulacija antocijanina u izdancima i listovima rogača bila je direktno zavisna od koncentracije N u podlozi i na svetlosti i u mraku. .nul

    The effect of aminoguanidine, an inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor, on AlCl3 toxicity in the rat hippocampus

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    The presented experiment was carried out to determine the effectiveness of the inducible nitric oxide synthase inhibitor - aminoguanidine in modulating the toxicity of aluminum chloride on the nitrite levels, malondialdehyde concentration, reduced glutathione content, as well as cytochrome c oxidase activity of Wistar rats. The animals were killed 3 h and 30 days after treatment and the hippocampus was removed. The biochemical results show that aluminum acts as a pro-oxidant, while aminoguanidine exerts an antioxidant action in aluminum chloride-treated animals. We have also applied immunohistochemical techniques to identify iNOS expression after the treatment. Our data suggest that aminoguanidine can be effective in the protection of toxicity induced by aluminum chloride.U eksperimentu je određivana efikasnost inhibitora inducibilne forme azot oksid sintaze - aminogvanidina, u modulaciji toksičnosti aluminijum hlorida na nivo nitrita, koncentraciju malondialdehida, sadržaj redukovanog glutationa, kao i aktivnost citohrom c oksidaze kod Wistar pacova. Životinje su dekapitovane 3 časa i 30 dana nakon odgovarajućeg tretmana i izolovan je hipokampus. Rezultati dobijeni na biohemijskom nivou pokazuju da aluminijum deluje kao pro-oksidant, dok aminogvanidin pokazuje antioksidativno dejstvo kod životinja tretiranih aluminijum hloridom. Pored toga, korišćene su i imunohistohemijske tehnike za identifikaciju iNOS ekspresije, 3 časa nakon primene odgovarajućeg tretmana. Naši rezultati pokazuju da aminogvanidin može sprečiti toksičnost indukovanu aluminijum hloridom.nul

    Can the Benzene-Benzene and Water-Water Interactions be Similar?

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    Benzene and water are quite different by nature, benzene molecule does not have a dipole moment, while water molecule does. Considering these properties of water and benzene molecules, one can expect very different benzene/benzene and water/water interactions. We have analyzed the benzene/benzene and water/water interactions found in crystal structures from CSD and we found that both benzene/benzene and water/water can form antiparallel interactions. Data from crystal structures in CSD shows that most benzene/benzene interactions are stacking interactions with large horizontal displacements, not the geometries that are minima on benzene/benzene potential surface. In these antiparallel interactions, the dipole moment of the C-H bond plays an important role. Also, in water/water interactions, there are a significant number of antiparallel interactions. Antiparallel interactions account for 20% of all attractive water/water contacts in the CSD. These antiparallel interactions result from the interaction of two O-H bonds in which dipoles are in antiparallel orientation. This shows that although these two molecules are very different, they can have similar interactions concerning the local dipole moment. The deciding factor for these two important interactions is antiparallel dipole moments of the O-H and C-H bond

    Structure of water molecule and water hydrogen bonding: joint Cambridge Structural Database and ab-initio calculations study

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    In this study we performed analysis of non-coordinated water containing structures archived in Cambridge Structural Database (CSD), as well as ab-initio calculations on a range of bond lengths and bond angles of water molecule and water dimers

    Effect of nitrogen salts on the growth of Ceratonia siliqua L. Shoot cultures

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    Effects of reduced nitrogen salt nutriton on the growth, lenticel hypertrophy and anthocyanin accumulation of carob (Ceratonia siliqua L.) shoot cultures were investigated in conditions of light and darkness. Growth of shoot cultures was not significantly affected until nitrogen salts were reduced to less than ¼ of full-strength MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) values. Cultures in darkness were less affected and their main shoots even increased in length. Appearance of hypertrophied lenticels in light decreased, while in darkness they were absent in all treatments. Reduced nitrogen salt nutrition strongly affected anthocyanin accumulation of shoots and leaves, which greatly increased in both light and darkness. .Kod kultura izdanaka rogača ispitivani su efekti smanjenja koncentracije azotnih soli u podlozi MS mineralnog rastvora na multiplikaciju i izduživanje izdanaka, hipertrofiju lenticela i sintezu i akumulaciju antocijanina na svetlosti i u mraku. Smanjenje koncentracije N u podlozi bitno menja parametre rastenja izdanaka (multiplikaciju i izduživanje) tek na ¼ (na svetlosti) tj. 1/10 (u mraku). Hipertrofirane lenticele se ne razvijaju na etioliranim izdancima gajenim u mraku dok su kod izdanaka gajenim na svetlosti brojne. Smanjenjem koncentracije N u podlozi broj HL se smanjuje kao i njihovo akropetalno prostiranje. Sinteza i akumulacija antocijanina u izdancima i listovima rogača bila je direktno zavisna od koncentracije N u podlozi i na svetlosti i u mraku. .nul

    Synthesis and Characterization of 3-(1-((3,4-Dihydroxyphenethyl)amino)ethylidene)-chroman-2,4-dione as a Potential Antitumor Agent

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    The newly synthesized coumarin derivative with dopamine, 3-(1-((3,4-dihydroxyphenethyDamino)ethylidene)-chroman-2,4-dione, was completely structurally characterized by X-ray crystallography. It was shown that several types of hydrogen bonds are present, which additionally stabilize the structure. The compound was tested in vitro against different cell lines, healthy human keratinocyte HaCaT, cervical squamous cell carcinoma SiHa, breast carcinoma MCF7, and hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2. Compared to control, the new derivate showed a stronger effect on both healthy and carcinoma cell lines, with the most prominent effect on the breast carcinoma MCF7 cell line. The molecular docking study, obtained for ten different conformations of the new compound, showed its inhibitory nature against CDKS protein. Lower inhibition constant, relative to one of 4-OH-coumarine, proved stronger and more numerous interactions with CDKS protein. These interactions were carefully examined for both parent molecule and derivative and explained from a structural point of view

    Repulsive water-water contacts from Cambridge Structural Database

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    Water is one of the most important molecules on the Earth. Since water plays a crucial role in many life processes, it is of great importance to understand every aspect of its behavior and interactions with itself and its surroundings. It is known that water molecules can interact via classical hydrogen bonds and antiparallel interactions, with interaction energies of - 5.02 kcal/mol and -4.22 kcal/mol, respectively. Besides these attractive interactions, repulsive interactions were also noticed. In this work, we analyzed repulsive water-water contacts from the Cambridge Structural Database. All interaction energies were calculated at the so- called gold standard, i.e., CCSD(T)/CBS level of theory. It was found that among all water-water contacts, ca. 20% (2035 contacts) are repulsive with interaction energies mainly up to 2 kcal/mol. Most of these repulsive contacts do not belong to two main groups of water-water contacts. Namely, 12.8% of all repulsive contacts can be classified as classical hydrogen bonds, 2.1% to the antiparallel interactions, and the rest (85.3%) as remaining contacts. This study points out that additional attention should be paid when one deals with contacts including water or, eventually, hydrogen atoms in general

    Benzene and water – different or similar?

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    Considering the properties of water and benzene molecules, one can expect very different benzene/benzene and water/water interactions. Benzene does not have a dipole moment, while water does. Analysis of the data in the crystal structures in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) revealed the most frequent benzene/benzene and water/water geometries. The majority of the benzene/benzene interactions in the crystal structures in the CSD are stacking interactions with large horizontal displacements, and not geometries that are minima on benzene/benzene potential surface. A large number of the water/water contacts in the CSD are hydrogen bonds, 70% of all attractive water/water interactions. In addition, water/water contacts with two water forming antiparallel interactions are 20% of all attractive water/water contacts. In these contacts, the O-H bonds of water molecules are in antiparallel orientation. In benzene/benzene interactions at large horizontal displacements, two C-H bonds also are in the antiparallel orientation. This shows that although the two molecules are different, both of them form antiparallel interactions with a local O-H and C-H dipole moments

    Antiparallel Noncovalent Interactions

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    In spite of being quite different substances, benzene and water can form similar noncovalent interactions. Analysis of the data in the crystal structures in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) revealed similarities in benzene/benzene and water/water interactions, since both benzene/benzene and water/water can form antiparallel interactions. The quantum chemical calculations of potential surface of water/water interactions showed that the minimum is hydrogen bond. Analysis of the data in the crystal structures in the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) revealed antiparallel water/water interactions, in addition to classical hydrogen bonds (1). The geometries of all water/water contacts in the CSD were analyzed and for all contacts interaction energies were calculated at accurate CCSD(T)/CBS level. The results showed that the most frequent water/water contacts are hydrogen bonds; hydrogen bonds are 70% of all attractive water/water interactions. In addition, water/water contacts with antiparallel interactions are 20% of all attractive water/water contacts. In these contacts O-H bonds of water molecules are in antiparallel orientation (Figure). The quantum chemical calculations of potential surface of benzene/benzene interactions showed two minima stacking (parallel displaced) geometry and T-shaped geometry. Analysis of all benzene/benzene contacts in the crystal structures in the CSD revealed the most frequent benzene/benzene geometries (2). Majority of the benzene/benzene interactions in the CSD are stacking interactions with large horizontal displacements, and not geometries that are minima on benzene/benzene potential surface. In benzene/benzene interactions at large horizontal displacements two C-H bonds are in the antiparallel orientation (Figure). In these O-H and C-H antiparallel interactions two dipoles are in antiparallel orientation enabling close contact of positive and negative regions of the dipoles. Symmetry Adapted Perturbation Theory (SAPT) analysis showed that electrostatic is the largest attractive force in the antiparallel interactions. Antiparallel interactions are also possible between O-H and C-H bonds; in the crystal structures from the CSD these interactions are observed as one of the types of water benzene interactions (3)