443 research outputs found

    Generalised Moore spectra in a triangulated category

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    In this paper we consider a construction in an arbitrary triangulated category T which resembles the notion of a Moore spectrum in algebraic topology. Namely, given a compact object C of T satisfying some finite tilting assumptions, we obtain a functor which "approximates" objects of the module category of the endomorphism algebra of C in T. This generalises and extends a construction of Jorgensen in connection with lifts of certain homological functors of derived categories. We show that this new functor is well-behaved with respect to short exact sequences and distinguished triangles, and as a consequence we obtain a new way of embedding the module category in a triangulated category. As an example of the theory, we recover Keller's canonical embedding of the module category of a path algebra of a quiver with no oriented cycles into its u-cluster category for u>1.Comment: 26 pages, improvement to exposition of the proof of Theorem 3.

    Vickrey Auctions for Irregular Distributions

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    The classic result of Bulow and Klemperer \cite{BK96} says that in a single-item auction recruiting one more bidder and running the Vickrey auction achieves a higher revenue than the optimal auction's revenue on the original set of bidders, when values are drawn i.i.d. from a regular distribution. We give a version of Bulow and Klemperer's result in settings where bidders' values are drawn from non-i.i.d. irregular distributions. We do this by modeling irregular distributions as some convex combination of regular distributions. The regular distributions that constitute the irregular distribution correspond to different population groups in the bidder population. Drawing a bidder from this collection of population groups is equivalent to drawing from some convex combination of these regular distributions. We show that recruiting one extra bidder from each underlying population group and running the Vickrey auction gives at least half of the optimal auction's revenue on the original set of bidders

    MR imaging–derived oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curves and fetal-placental oxygen-hemoglobin affinities

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    PURPOSE: To generate magnetic resonance (MR) imaging–derived, oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curves and to map fetal-placental oxygen-hemoglobin affinity in pregnant mice noninvasively by combining blood oxygen level–dependent (BOLD) T2* and oxygen-weighted T1 contrast mechanisms under different respiration challenges. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All procedures were approved by the Weizmann Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Pregnant mice were analyzed with MR imaging at 9.4 T on embryonic days 14.5 (eight dams and 58 fetuses; imprinting control region ICR strain) and 17.5 (21 dams and 158 fetuses) under respiration challenges ranging from hyperoxia to hypoxia (10 levels of oxygenation, 100%–10%; total imaging time, 100 minutes). A shorter protocol with normoxia to hyperoxia was also performed (five levels of oxygenation, 20%–100%; total imaging time, 60 minutes). Fast spin-echo anatomic images were obtained, followed by sequential acquisition of three-dimensional gradient-echo T2*- and T1-weighted images. Automated registration was applied to align regions of interest of the entire placenta, fetal liver, and maternal liver. Results were compared by using a two-tailed unpaired Student t test. R1 and R2* values were derived for each tissue. MR imaging–based oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curves were constructed by nonlinear least square fitting of 1 minus the change in R2*divided by R2*at baseline as a function of R1 to a sigmoid-shaped curve. The apparent P50 (oxygen tension at which hemoglobin is 50% saturated) value was derived from the curves, calculated as the R1 scaled value (x) at which the change in R2* divided by R2*at baseline scaled (y) equals 0.5. RESULTS: The apparent P50 values were significantly lower in fetal liver than in maternal liver for both gestation stages (day 14.5: 21% ± 5 [P = .04] and day 17.5: 41% ± 7 [P < .0001]). The placenta showed a reduction of 18% ± 4 in mean apparent P50 values from day 14.5 to day 17.5 (P = .003). Reproduction of the MR imaging–based oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curves with a shorter protocol that excluded the hypoxic periods was demonstrated. CONCLUSION: MR imaging–based oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curves and oxygen-hemoglobin affinity information were derived for pregnant mice by using 9.4-T MR imaging, which suggests a potential to overcome the need for direct sampling of fetal or maternal blood. Online supplemental material is available for this article

    Bounded derived categories of very simple manifolds

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    An unrepresentable cohomological functor of finite type of the bounded derived category of coherent sheaves of a compact complex manifold of dimension greater than one with no proper closed subvariety is given explicitly in categorical terms. This is a partial generalization of an impressive result due to Bondal and Van den Bergh.Comment: 11 pages one important references is added, proof of lemma 2.1 (2) and many typos are correcte

    A Generalization of Martin's Axiom

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    We define the ℵ1.5\aleph_{1.5} chain condition. The corresponding forcing axiom is a generalization of Martin's Axiom and implies certain uniform failures of club--guessing on ω1\omega_1 that don't seem to have been considered in the literature before.Comment: 36 page

    Gorenstein homological algebra and universal coefficient theorems

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    We study criteria for a ring—or more generally, for a small category—to be Gorenstein and for a module over it to be of finite projective dimension. The goal is to unify the universal coefficient theorems found in the literature and to develop machinery for proving new ones. Among the universal coefficient theorems covered by our methods we find, besides all the classic examples, several exotic examples arising from the KK-theory of C*-algebras and also Neeman’s Brown–Adams representability theorem for compactly generated categories

    Derived categories of cubic fourfolds

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    We discuss the structure of the derived category of coherent sheaves on cubic fourfolds of three types: Pfaffian cubics, cubics containing a plane and singular cubics, and discuss its relation to the rationality of these cubics.Comment: 18 page

    The Baum-Connes Conjecture via Localisation of Categories

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    We redefine the Baum-Connes assembly map using simplicial approximation in the equivariant Kasparov category. This new interpretation is ideal for studying functorial properties and gives analogues of the assembly maps for all equivariant homology theories, not just for the K-theory of the crossed product. We extend many of the known techniques for proving the Baum-Connes conjecture to this more general setting
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