78 research outputs found

    ShadowTutor: Distributed Partial Distillation for Mobile Video DNN Inference

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    Following the recent success of deep neural networks (DNN) on video computer vision tasks, performing DNN inferences on videos that originate from mobile devices has gained practical significance. As such, previous approaches developed methods to offload DNN inference computations for images to cloud servers to manage the resource constraints of mobile devices. However, when it comes to video data, communicating information of every frame consumes excessive network bandwidth and renders the entire system susceptible to adverse network conditions such as congestion. Thus, in this work, we seek to exploit the temporal coherence between nearby frames of a video stream to mitigate network pressure. That is, we propose ShadowTutor, a distributed video DNN inference framework that reduces the number of network transmissions through intermittent knowledge distillation to a student model. Moreover, we update only a subset of the student's parameters, which we call partial distillation, to reduce the data size of each network transmission. Specifically, the server runs a large and general teacher model, and the mobile device only runs an extremely small but specialized student model. On sparsely selected key frames, the server partially trains the student model by targeting the teacher's response and sends the updated part to the mobile device. We investigate the effectiveness of ShadowTutor with HD video semantic segmentation. Evaluations show that network data transfer is reduced by 95% on average. Moreover, the throughput of the system is improved by over three times and shows robustness to changes in network bandwidth.Comment: Accepted at ICPP 202

    O6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase expression and gene polymorphisms in relation to chemotherapeutic response in metastatic melanoma

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    In a retrospective study, O6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase (MGMT) expression was analysed by immunohistochemistry using monoclonal human anti-MGMT antibody in melanoma metastases in patients receiving dacarbazine (DTIC) as single-drug therapy or as part of combination chemotherapy with DTIC–vindesine or DTIC–vindesine–cisplatin. The correlation of MGMT expression levels with clinical response to chemotherapy was investigated in 79 patients with metastatic melanoma. There was an inverse relationship between MGMT expression and clinical response to DTIC-based chemotherapy (P=0.05). Polymorphisms in the coding region of the MGMT gene were also investigated in tumours from 52 melanoma patients by PCR/SSCP and nucleotide sequence analyses. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in exon 3 (L53L and L84F) and in exon 5 (I143V/K178R) were identified. There were no differences in the frequencies of these polymorphisms between these melanoma patients and patients with familial melanoma or healthy Swedish individuals. Functional analysis of variants MGMT-I143V and -I143V/K178R was performed by in vitro mutagenesis in Escherichia coli. There was no evidence that these variants decreased the MGMT DNA repair activity compared to the wild-type protein. All melanoma patients with the MGMT 53/84 polymorphism except one had tumours with high MGMT expression. There was no significant correlation between any of the MGMT polymorphisms and clinical response to chemotherapy, although an indication of a lower response rate in patients with SNPs in exon 5 was obtained. Thus, MGMT expression appears to be more related to response to chemotherapy than MGMT polymorphisms in patients with metastatic melanoma

    Conservation and divergence of known apicomplexan transcriptional regulons

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The apicomplexans are a diverse phylum of parasites causing an assortment of diseases including malaria in a wide variety of animals and lymphoproliferation in cattle. Little is known about how these varied parasites regulate their transcriptional regulons. Even less is known about how regulon systems, consisting of transcription factors and target genes together with their associated biological process, evolve in these diverse parasites.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In order to obtain insights into the differences in transcriptional regulation between these parasites we compared the orthology profiles of putative malaria transcription factors across species and examined the enrichment patterns of four binding sites across eleven apicomplexans.</p> <p>About three-fifths of the factors are broadly conserved in several phylogenetic orders of sequenced apicomplexans. This observation suggests the existence of regulons whose regulation is conserved across this ancient phylum. Transcription factors not broadly conserved across the phylum are possibly involved in regulon systems that have diverged between species. Examining binding site enrichment patterns in light of transcription factor conservation patterns suggests a second mode via which regulon systems may diverge - rewiring of existing transcription factors and their associated binding sites in specific ways. Integrating binding sites with transcription factor conservation patterns also facilitated prediction of putative regulators for one of the binding sites.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Even though transcription factors are underrepresented in apicomplexans, the distribution of these factors and their associated regulons reflect common and family-specific transcriptional regulatory processes.</p

    Automatically Harnessing Sparse Acceleration

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    Sparse linear algebra is central to many scientific programs, yet compilers fail to optimize it well. High-performance libraries are available, but adoption costs are significant. Moreover, libraries tie programs into vendor-specific software and hardware ecosystems, creating non-portable code. In this paper, we develop a new approach based on our specification Language for implementers of Linear Algebra Computations (LiLAC). Rather than requiring the application developer to (re)write every program for a given library, the burden is shifted to a one-off description by the library implementer. The LiLAC-enabled compiler uses this to insert appropriate library routines without source code changes. LiLAC provides automatic data marshaling, maintaining state between calls and minimizing data transfers. Appropriate places for library insertion are detected in compiler intermediate representation, independent of source languages. We evaluated on large-scale scientific applications written in FORTRAN; standard C/C++ and FORTRAN benchmarks; and C++ graph analytics kernels. Across heterogeneous platforms, applications and data sets we show speedups of 1.1×\times to over 10×\times without user intervention.Comment: Accepted to CC 202

    Escherichia coli genome-wide promoter analysis: Identification of additional AtoC binding target elements

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Studies on bacterial signal transduction systems have revealed complex networks of functional interactions, where the response regulators play a pivotal role. The AtoSC system of <it>E. coli </it>activates the expression of <it>atoDAEB </it>operon genes, and the subsequent catabolism of short-chain fatty acids, upon acetoacetate induction. Transcriptome and phenotypic analyses suggested that <it>atoSC </it>is also involved in several other cellular activities, although we have recently reported a palindromic repeat within the <it>atoDAEB </it>promoter as the single, <it>cis</it>-regulatory binding site of the AtoC response regulator. In this work, we used a computational approach to explore the presence of yet unidentified AtoC binding sites within other parts of the <it>E. coli </it>genome.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Through the implementation of a computational <it>de novo </it>motif detection workflow, a set of candidate motifs was generated, representing putative AtoC binding targets within the <it>E. coli </it>genome. In order to assess the biological relevance of the motifs and to select for experimental validation of those sequences related robustly with distinct cellular functions, we implemented a novel approach that applies Gene Ontology Term Analysis to the motif hits and selected those that were qualified through this procedure. The computational results were validated using Chromatin Immunoprecipitation assays to assess the <it>in vivo </it>binding of AtoC to the predicted sites. This process verified twenty-two additional AtoC binding sites, located not only within intergenic regions, but also within gene-encoding sequences.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study, by tracing a number of putative AtoC binding sites, has indicated an AtoC-related cross-regulatory function. This highlights the significance of computational genome-wide approaches in elucidating complex patterns of bacterial cell regulation.</p