175 research outputs found

    Paraplégie compliquant une plaie abdominale antérieure par arme blanche

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    Les traumatismes médullaires sont des complications rares des plaies  abdominales antérieures par arme blanche. Son diagnostic est difficile parfoisretardé. L'imagerie par résonance magnétique reste l'examen de choix. Le traitement dépend du tableau clinique et de la gravité de la souffrance médullaire. Le pronostic est corrélé à l'étendue et à la nature de la lésion médullaire. Nous rapportons un cas exceptionnel d'un traumatisme médullaire chez une patiente victime d'une plaie abdominale antérieure par arme  blanche

    360 degree domain wall generation in the soft layer of magnetic tunnel junctions

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    High spatial resolution X-ray photo-emission electron microscopy technique has been used to study the influence of the dipolar coupling taking place between the NiFe and the Co ferromagnetic electrodes of micron sized, elliptical shaped magnetic tunnel junctions. The chemical selectivity of this technique allows to observe independently the magnetic domain structure in each ferromagnetic electrode. The combination of this powerful imaging technique with micromagnetic simulations allows to evidence that a 360 degree domain wall can be stabilized in the NiFe soft layer. In this letter, we discuss the origin and the formation conditions of those 360 degree domain walls evidenced experimentally and numerically

    Giant fibroadenoma of the breast in late third trimester

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    Giant fibroadenomas (GFs) occurring during pregnancy are extremely rare, and only a few cases have been reported. Although it is a benign condition, it often requires biopsy or even surgery to exclude malignancy. The authors report a new case of GF in a 29‑year‑old pregnant woman with a family history of breast cancer. She presented at 37 weeks of gestation with a large mass in her left breast. Tru‑cut biopsy was suggestive of fibroadenoma. After delivery, enucleation of the mass was performed, and histology confirmed the previous diagnosis. Benign neoplasms should be suspected in any pregnant woman with a rapidly enlarging breast mass. Early surgical excision should be offered as a standard treatment to avoid structural damage to the breast and the need for reconstructive surgery.Keywords: Breast mass; giant fibroadenoma; pregnancy; Tru‑cut biops

    Artificial Kagome Arrays of Nanomagnets: A Frozen Dipolar Spin Ice

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    Magnetic frustration effects in artificial kagome arrays of nanomagnets are investigated using x-ray photoemission electron microscopy and Monte Carlo simulations. Spin configurations of demagnetized networks reveal unambiguous signatures of long range, dipolar interaction between the nanomagnets. As soon as the system enters the spin ice manifold, the kagome dipolar spin ice model captures the observed physics, while the short range kagome spin ice model fails.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Les entérobactéries sécrétrices de béta-Lactamases à spectre étendu en urologie à l’Hôpital Ibn Sina de Rabat

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    L’antibiorésistance croissante des bactéries responsables des infections urinaires limite le choix des antibiotiques en chirurgie urologique. Parmi ces germes sont retrouvées les entérobactéries productrices de bétalactamases à spectre élargi (EBLSE) dont la progression devient inquiétante. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la prévalence des entérobactéries sécrétrices de BLSE dans les prélèvements d’urines en péri opératoire de chirurgie urologique. Il s’agissait d’une étude rétrospective réalisée au centre hospitalier universitaire Ibn Sina de Rabat sur une période de 19 mois. N’ont pas été inclus dans cette étude, les prélèvements urinaires réalisés à dans un laboratoire externe. Les données étaient traitées avec le logiciel SPSS, les comparaisons faites par test du Khi deux ou de Student avec un seuil de risque alpha fixé à 5%. Sur 830 prélèvements positifs 656 étaient des entérobactéries soit 79 % des germes isolés. E.coli représentait 53,2%, K.pneumoniae 28%, E.cloacae 7,8% et P.mirabillis 7%. Les producteurs de BLSE représentaient 17,5% de l’échantillon avec: E.coli (12,3%), K.pneumoniae (23,6%), E.cloacae (39,2%) et P.mirabillis (6,7%). On note une augmentation de la prévalence des entérobactéries BLSE entre 2008 et 2009 : respectivement de 14,4% à 22,3% des entérobactéries isolées; pour E.coli de 32,76% à 40,68% et pour K.pneumoniae de 34,48% à 42,37%. Plusieurs facteurs de risque d’acquisition des EBLSE sont rapportés dans la littérature, dont principalement l’utilisation antérieure d’antibiotiques par ces patients. Une politique de gestion rationnelle des antibiotiques en ambulatoire et au sein des établissements de santé contribuera à une réduction de l’émergence des germes résistant

    Towards a multi-platform assimilative system for North Sea biogeochemistry

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    Oceanography has entered an era of new observing platforms, such as biogeochemical-Argo floats and gliders, some of which will provide three-dimensional maps of essential ecosystem variables on the North-West European (NWE) Shelf. In a foreseeable future operational centers will use multi-platform assimilation to integrate those valuable data into ecosystem reanalysis and forecast systems. Here we address some important questions related to glider biogeochemical data assimilation (DA) and introduce multi-platform DA in a preoperational model of the NWE Shelf sea ecosystem. We test the impact of the different multi-platform system components (glider vs. satellite, physical vs. biogeochemical) on the simulated biogeochemical variables. To characterize the model performance, we focus on the period around the phytoplankton spring bloom, since the bloom is a major ecosystem driver on the NWE Shelf. We found that the timing and magnitude of the phytoplankton bloom is insensitive to the physical DA, which is explained in the study. To correct the simulated phytoplankton bloom one needs to assimilate chlorophyll observations from glider or satellite Ocean Color (OC) into the model. Although outperformed by the glider chlorophyll assimilation, we show that OC assimilation has mostly desirable impact on the sub-surface chlorophyll. Since the OC assimilation updates chlorophyll only in the mixed layer, the impact on the sub-surface chlorophyll is the result of the model dynamical response to the assimilation. We demonstrate that the multi-platform assimilation combines the advantages of its components and always performs comparably to its best performing component

    Deep Brain Stimulation in Moroccan Patients With Parkinson's Disease: The Experience of Neurology Department of Rabat

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    Introduction: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) of the subthalamic nucleus (STN) is known as a therapy of choice of advanced Parkinson's disease. The present study aimed to assess the beneficial and side effects of STN DBS in Moroccan Parkinsonian patients.Material and Methods: Thirty five patients underwent bilateral STN DBS from 2008 to 2016 in the Rabat University Hospital. Patients were assessed preoperatively and followed up for 6 to 12 months using the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale in four conditions (stimulation OFF and ON and medication OFF and ON), the levodopa-equivalent daily dose (LEDD), dyskinesia and fluctuation scores and PDQ39 scale for quality of life (QOL). Postoperative side effects were also recorded.Results: The mean age at disease onset was 42.31 ± 7.29 years [28–58] and the mean age at surgery was 54.66 ± 8.51 years [34–70]. The median disease duration was 11.95 ± 4.28 years [5–22]. Sixty-three percentage of patients were male. 11.4% of patients were tremor dominant while 45.71 showed akinetic-rigid form and 42.90 were classified as mixed phenotype. The LEDD before surgery was 1200 mg/day [800-1500]. All patients had motor fluctuations whereas non-motor fluctuations were present in 61.80% of cases. STN DBS decreased the LEDD by 51.72%, as the mean LEDD post-surgery was 450 [188-800]. The UPDRS-III was improved by 52.27%, dyskinesia score by 66.70% and motor fluctuations by 50%, whereas QOL improved by 27.12%. Post-operative side effects were hypophonia (2 cases), infection (3 cases), and pneumocephalus (2 cases).Conclusion: Our results showed that STN DBS is an effective treatment in Moroccan Parkinsonian patients leading to a major improvement of the most disabling symptoms (dyskinesia, motor fluctuation) and a better QOL
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