Giant fibroadenoma of the breast in late third trimester


Giant fibroadenomas (GFs) occurring during pregnancy are extremely rare, and only a few cases have been reported. Although it is a benign condition, it often requires biopsy or even surgery to exclude malignancy. The authors report a new case of GF in a 29‑year‑old pregnant woman with a family history of breast cancer. She presented at 37 weeks of gestation with a large mass in her left breast. Tru‑cut biopsy was suggestive of fibroadenoma. After delivery, enucleation of the mass was performed, and histology confirmed the previous diagnosis. Benign neoplasms should be suspected in any pregnant woman with a rapidly enlarging breast mass. Early surgical excision should be offered as a standard treatment to avoid structural damage to the breast and the need for reconstructive surgery.Keywords: Breast mass; giant fibroadenoma; pregnancy; Tru‑cut biops

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