53 research outputs found

    Identification by Virtual Screening and In Vitro Testing of Human DOPA Decarboxylase Inhibitors

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    Dopa decarboxylase (DDC), a pyridoxal 5′-phosphate (PLP) enzyme responsible for the biosynthesis of dopamine and serotonin, is involved in Parkinson's disease (PD). PD is a neurodegenerative disease mainly due to a progressive loss of dopamine-producing cells in the midbrain. Co-administration of L-Dopa with peripheral DDC inhibitors (carbidopa or benserazide) is the most effective symptomatic treatment for PD. Although carbidopa and trihydroxybenzylhydrazine (the in vivo hydrolysis product of benserazide) are both powerful irreversible DDC inhibitors, they are not selective because they irreversibly bind to free PLP and PLP-enzymes, thus inducing diverse side effects. Therefore, the main goals of this study were (a) to use virtual screening to identify potential human DDC inhibitors and (b) to evaluate the reliability of our virtual-screening (VS) protocol by experimentally testing the “in vitro” activity of selected molecules. Starting from the crystal structure of the DDC-carbidopa complex, a new VS protocol, integrating pharmacophore searches and molecular docking, was developed. Analysis of 15 selected compounds, obtained by filtering the public ZINC database, yielded two molecules that bind to the active site of human DDC and behave as competitive inhibitors with Ki values ≥10 µM. By performing in silico similarity search on the latter compounds followed by a substructure search using the core of the most active compound we identified several competitive inhibitors of human DDC with Ki values in the low micromolar range, unable to bind free PLP, and predicted to not cross the blood-brain barrier. The most potent inhibitor with a Ki value of 500 nM represents a new lead compound, targeting human DDC, that may be the basis for lead optimization in the development of new DDC inhibitors. To our knowledge, a similar approach has not been reported yet in the field of DDC inhibitors discovery

    Human liver peroxisomal alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase: Characterization of the two allelic forms and their pathogenic variants.

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    The hepatic peroxisomal alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGT) is a pyridoxal 5\u2032-phosphate (PLP)-enzyme whose deficiency is responsible for Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1 (PH1), an autosomal recessive disorder. In the last few years the knowledge of the characteristics of AGT and the transfer of this information into some pathogenic variants have significantly contributed to the improvement of the understanding at the molecular level of the PH1 pathogenesis. In this review, the spectroscopic features, the coenzyme's binding affinity, the steady-state kinetic parameters as well as the sensitivity to thermal and chemical stress of the two allelic forms of AGT, the major (AGT-Ma) and the minor (AGT-Mi) allele, have been described. Moreover, we summarize the characterization obtained by means of biochemical and bioinformatic analyses of the following PH1-causing variants in the recombinant purified forms: G82E associated with the major allele, F152I encoded on the background of the minor allele, and the G41 mutants which co-segregate either with the major allele (G41R-Ma and G41V-Ma) or with the minor allele (G41R-Mi). The data have been correlated with previous clinical and cell biology results, which allow us to (i) highlight the functional differences between AGT-Ma and AGT-Mi, (ii) identify the structural and functional molecular defects of the pathogenic variants, (iii) improve the correlation between the genotype and the enzymatic phenotype, (iv) foresee or understand the molecular basis of the responsiveness to pyridoxine treatment of patients bearing these mutations, and (v) pave the way for new treatment strategies. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Pyridoxal Phospate Enzymology. \ua9 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Molecular insights into the pathogenicity of variants associated with the aromatic amino acid decarboxylase deficiency.

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    Dopa decarboxylase (DDC or AADC) is a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme that catalyzes the decarboxylation of L-aromatic amino acids into the corresponding aromatic amines. AADC deficiency is an inborn error of neurotransmitters biosynthesis with an autosomal recessive inheritance. About 30 pathogenic mutations have been identified, but the enzymatic phenotypes causing AADC deficiency are unknown, and the therapeutic management is challenging. Here, we report biochemical and bioinformatic analyses of the human wild-type DDC and the pathogenic variants G102S, F309L, S147R and A275T whose mutations concern amino acid residues at or near the active site. We found that the mutations cause, even if to different extents, a decreased PLP binding affinity (in the range 1.4-170-fold), an altered state of the bound coenzyme and of its microenvironment, and a reduced catalytic efficiency (in the range 17-930-fold). Moreover, as compared to wild-type, the external aldimines formed by the variants with L-aromatic amino acids exhibit different spectroscopic features, do not protect against limited proteolysis, and lead to the formation, in addition to aromatic amines, of cyclic-substrate adducts. This suggests that these external Schiff bases are not properly oriented and anchored, i.e., in a conformation not completely productive for decarboxylation. The external aldimines that the variants form with D-Dopa also appear not to be correctly located at their active site, as suggested by the rate constants of PLP-L-Dopa adduct production higher than that of the wild-type. The possible therapeutic implications of the data are discussed in the light of the molecular defects of the pathogenic variants. \ua9 2011 SSIEM and Springer

    Insights into the mechanism of oxidative deamination catalyzed by Dopa decarboxylase

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    The unusual oxygen-consuming oxidative deamination reaction catalyzed by the pyridoxal 5\u2032-phosphate (PLP) enzyme DOPA decarboxylase (DDC) was here investigated. Either wild-type or Y332F DDC variant is able to perform such oxidation toward aromatic amines or aromatic L-amino acids, respectively, without the aid of any cofactor related to oxygen chemistry. Oxidative deamination produces, in equivalent amounts, a carbonyl compound and ammonia, accompanied by dioxygen consumption in a 1:2 molar ratio with respect to the products. Kinetic studies either in the pre-steady or in the steady state, together with HPLC analyses of reaction mixtures under varying experimental conditions, revealed that a ketimine accumulates during the linear phase of product formation. This species is reactive since it is converted back to PLP when the substrate is consumed. Rapid-mixing chemical quench studies provide evidence that the ketimine is indeed an intermediate formed during the first catalytic cycle. Moreover, superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide are both generated during the catalytic cycles. On this basis, a mechanism of oxidative deamination consistent with the present data is proposed. Furthermore, the catalytic properties of the T246A DDC mutant together with those previously obtained with H192Q mutant allow us to propose that the Thr246-His192 dyad could act as a general base in promoting the first step of the oxidative deamination of aromatic amines

    Probing the role of Tyr 64 of Treponema denticola cystalysin by site-directed mutagenesis and kinetic studies

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    Tyr 64, hydrogen-bonded to coenzyme phosphate in Treponema denticola cystalysin, was changed to alanine by site-directed mutagenesis. Spectroscopic and kinetic properties of the Tyr 64 mutant were investigated in an effort to explore the differences in coenzyme structure and kinetic mechanism relative to those of the wild-type enzyme. The wild type displays coenzyme absorbance bands at 418 and 320 nm, previously attributed to ketoenamine and substituted aldamine, respectively. The Tyr 64 mutant exhibits absorption maxima at 412 and 325 nm. However, the fluorescence characteristics of the latter band are consistent with its assignment to the enolimine form of the Schiff base. pK spec values of 3c8.3 and 3c6.5 were observed in a pH titration of the wild-type and mutant coenzyme absorbances, respectively. Thus, Tyr 64 is probably the residue involved in the nucleophilic attack on C4\u2032 of pyridoxal 5\u2032-phosphate (PLP) in the internal aldimine. Although the Tyr 64 mutant exhibits a lower affinity for PLP and lower turnover numbers for \u3b1,\u3b2-elimination and racemization than the wild type, the pH profiles for their Kd(PLP) and kinetic parameters are very similar. Rapid scanning stopped-flow and chemical quench experiments suggest that, in contrast to the wild type, for which the rate-determining step of \u3b1,\u3b2- elimination of \u3b2-chloro-L-alanine is the release of pyruvate, the rate-determining step for the mutant in the same reaction is the formation of \u3b1-aminoacrylate. Altogether, these results provide new insights into the catalytic mechanism of cystalysin and highlight the functional role of Tyr 64. \ua9 2005 American Chemical Society

    Molecular insights into primary hyperoxaluria Type I pathogenesis.

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    Primary hyperoxaluria type 1 (PH1) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder of glyoxylate metabolism caused by the deficiency of liver peroxisomal alanine:glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGT), a pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme. The PH1 pathogenesis is mostly due to single point mutations (more than 150 so far identified) on the AGXT gene, and is characterized by a marked heterogeneity in terms of genotype, enzymatic and clinical phenotypes. This article presents an up to date review of selected aspects of the biochemical properties of the two allelic forms of AGT and of some PH1-causing variants. These recent discoveries highlight the effects at the protein level of the pathogenic mutations, and, together with previous cell biology and clinical data, (i) improve the understanding of the molecular basis of PH1 pathogenesis, and (ii) help to delineate perspectives for predicting the response to pyridoxine treatment or for suggesting new strategies for PH1 patients bearing the analyzed mutations
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