10 research outputs found

    Use of nanofiltration membrane technology for ceramic industry wastewater treatment

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    A study has been undertaken of an advanced wastewater treatment approach using polymer nanofiltration membranes, in an attempt to obtain water of sufficient quality to allow it to be reused in the same production process or, alternatively, to be discharged without any problems. The study has initially focused on the removal of organic matter (reduction of COD) and the most representative ions present in the wastewater, such as Na+ , Mg2+, Cl- , and SO4 2- . In a first part of the study, with a view to optimising the experimental phase, a simulation has been performed of the nanofiltration process using the NanoFlux software. Among other things, the simulation allows the most suitable membranes to be selected as a function of the permeate flow rate and desired level of retention in the substances to be removed. The subsequent experimentation was carried out in a laboratory tangential filtration system that works with flat membranes. It was found that retention values of about 90% were obtained for the studied substances, with a good permeate flow rate, using low operating pressures. These results demonstrate the feasibility of the studied technology and its potential as a treatment for improving ceramic industry wastewater qualit

    Cerámica y Vidrio Use of nanofiltration membrane technology for ceramic industry wastewater treatment

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    A study has been undertaken of an advanced wastewater treatment approach using polymer nanofiltration membranes, in an attempt to obtain water of sufficient quality to allow it to be reused in the same production process or, alternatively, to be discharged without any problems. The study has initially focused on the removal of organic matter (reduction of COD) and the most representative ions present in the wastewater, such as Na , Cl -, and SO 4 2-. In a first part of the study, with a view to optimising the experimental phase, a simulation has been performed of the nanofiltration process using the NanoFlux software. Among other things, the simulation allows the most suitable membranes to be selected as a function of the permeate flow rate and desired level of retention in the substances to be removed. The subsequent experimentation was carried out in a laboratory tangential filtration system that works with flat membranes. It was found that retention values of about 90% were obtained for the studied substances, with a good permeate flow rate, using low operating pressures. These results demonstrate the feasibility of the studied technology and its potential as a treatment for improving ceramic industry wastewater quality. Key words: Nanofiltration, Membrane, Wastewater, Ceramic Tiles Industry, Red/White Ceramics Uso de la tecnología de nanofiltración a través de membranas para el tratamiento de aguas residuales de la industria cerámica Este estudio ha sido emprendido con el fin de acercar la nanofiltración a través de membranas poliméricas al tratamiento de las aguas residuales industriales de la industria cerámica, esperando obtener un agua con la suficiente calidad como para ser reutilizada en el propio proceso productivo o, alternativamente, poder verterla. El estudio se ha centrado en la eliminación de materia orgánica (reducción de D.Q.O) y algunos iones presentes en las aguas residuales, tales como Na . En primer lugar, se ha realizado una simulación del proceso de nanofiltración usando el software NanoFlux. Entre otras cosas, la simulación permite seleccionar las membranas más apropiadas en función del caudal de permeado obtenido y en función del nivel de retención de la sustancia que se desea eliminar. En una segunda parte, se realizaron los ensayos experimentales en un sistema de laboratorio de filtración tangencial que trabaja con membranas planas. La retención obtenida para las sustancias estudiadas es de aproximadamente el 90%. Todo ello, con un buen caudal de permeado y usando bajas presiones de trabajo. Estos resultados demuestran la viabilidad de la tecnología y su potencial como tratamiento para mejorar la calidad de las aguas residuales de esta industria

    Environmental development of the Spanish ceramic tile manufacturing sector over the period 1992–2007

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    The Spanish tile manufacturing sector has grown steadily over the years covered by the three benchmark studies, carried out in 1992, 2001, and 2007, from which data are compared in this paper. In that period, production output doubled, although since the last study was published, the situation has undergone a radical change and current production output stands at a level similar to that of 1995. Nevertheless, despite the world economic crisis, which has also severely impacted the ceramic wall and floor tile sector, it is worth noting that the sector’s environmental parameters have demonstrated a constant and positive trend, both in companies’ individual environmental performance and in the actual manufacturing processes itself. To a large extent, this situation was forced upon the sector as it had to adapt to numerous environmental regulations, which in general terms call for harsher and more stringent conditions than before. In this sense, the adoption of IPPC regulations, which affect practically the entire ceramic tile sector, and the approval of EU Directive 2003/87 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading were significant factor

    Impactos ambientales del ciclo de vida de las baldosas cerámicas: análisis sectorial, identificación de estrategias de mejora y comunicación (I)

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    El artículo analiza el impacto ambiental que generan las baldosas cerámicas mediante el Análisis de Ciclo de Vida (AC) a nivel sectorial en el que participaron más de 50 empresas españolas. Los resultados han servido para la redacción de las Reglas de Categoría de Producto (RCP) para los recubrimientos de materiales cerámicos, necesarias para la edición de Declaraciones Ambientales de Producto. (Debido a la extensión del artículo recogeremos en esta edición la primera parte, correspondiente a la definición de objetivos y alcance del estudio y el análisis del inventario. La segunda parte, que consta de la evaluación de impactos e interpretación, la identificación de estrategias de mejora, la comunicación ambiental y las conclusiones se publicarán en el número 236 de Piscinas XXI).The article analyses the environmental impact of ceramic tiles by means of a sector-level Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) involving over 50 Spanish firms. The findings were then used to draw up the Product Category Rules (PCR) for ceramic coverings, which are needed to be able to issue Environmental Product Declarations. (Due to the length of the paper, in this edition we will include only the first part, which covers the definition of the aims and scope of the study, as well as the inventory analysis. The second part, which comprises the evaluation of the impacts and interpretation, the identification of the improvement strategies, environmental communication and the conclusions, will be published in issue 236 of Piscinas XXI.

    Characterization of protons accelerated from a 3 TW table-top laser system

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    [EN] We report on benchmark tests of a 3 TW/50 fs, table-top laser system specifically developed for proton acceleration with an intrinsic pump rate up to 100 Hz. In two series of single-shot measurements differing in pulse energy and contrast the successful operation of the diode pumped laser is demonstrated. Protons have been accelerated up to 1.6 MeV in interactions of laser pulses focused on aluminium and mylar foils between 0.8 and 25 mu m thickness. Their spectral distributions and maximum energies are consistent with former experiments under similar conditions. These results show the suitability of our system and provide a reference for studies of laser targets at high repetition rate and possible applications.This project has been funded by Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnologico Industrial (CDTI, Spain) within the INNPRONTA program, grant no. IPT-20111027, by EUROSTARS project E9113, and by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness within the Retos-Colaboracion 2015 initiative, ref. RTC-2015-3278-1.Bellido-Millán, PJ.; Lera, R.; Seimetz, M.; Ruiz-De La Cruz, A.; Torres Peiró, S.; Galán, M.; Mur, P.... (2017). Characterization of protons accelerated from a 3 TW table-top laser system. Journal of Instrumentation. 12:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-0221/12/05/T05001S11212Daido, H., Nishiuchi, M., & Pirozhkov, A. S. (2012). Review of laser-driven ion sources and their applications. Reports on Progress in Physics, 75(5), 056401. doi:10.1088/0034-4885/75/5/056401Macchi, A., Borghesi, M., & Passoni, M. (2013). Ion acceleration by superintense laser-plasma interaction. Reviews of Modern Physics, 85(2), 751-793. doi:10.1103/revmodphys.85.751Ledingham, K., Bolton, P., Shikazono, N., & Ma, C.-M. (2014). Towards Laser Driven Hadron Cancer Radiotherapy: A Review of Progress. Applied Sciences, 4(3), 402-443. doi:10.3390/app4030402Kraft, S. D., Richter, C., Zeil, K., Baumann, M., Beyreuther, E., Bock, S., … Pawelke, J. (2010). Dose-dependent biological damage of tumour cells by laser-accelerated proton beams. New Journal of Physics, 12(8), 085003. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/12/8/085003Yogo, A., Sato, K., Nishikino, M., Mori, M., Teshima, T., Numasaki, H., … Daido, H. (2009). Application of laser-accelerated protons to the demonstration of DNA double-strand breaks in human cancer cells. Applied Physics Letters, 94(18), 181502. doi:10.1063/1.3126452Fritzler, S., Malka, V., Grillon, G., Rousseau, J. P., Burgy, F., Lefebvre, E., … Ledingham, K. W. D. (2003). Proton beams generated with high-intensity lasers: Applications to medical isotope production. Applied Physics Letters, 83(15), 3039-3041. doi:10.1063/1.1616661Kishimura, H., Morishita, H., Okano, Y. H., Okano, Y., Hironaka, Y., Kondo, K., … Nemoto, K. (2004). Enhanced generation of fast protons from a polymer-coated metal foil by a femtosecond intense laser field. Applied Physics Letters, 85(14), 2736-2738. doi:10.1063/1.1803915Nakamura, S., Iwashita, Y., Noda, A., Shirai, T., Tongu, H., Fukumi, A., … Wada, Y. (2006). Real-Time Optimization of Proton Production by Intense Short-Pulse Laser with Time-of-Flight Measurement. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 45(No. 34), L913-L916. doi:10.1143/jjap.45.l913Nishiuchi, M., Fukumi, A., Daido, H., Li, Z., Sagisaka, A., Ogura, K., … Nakamura, S. (2006). The laser proton acceleration in the strong charge separation regime. Physics Letters A, 357(4-5), 339-344. doi:10.1016/j.physleta.2006.04.053Yogo, A., Daido, H., Fukumi, A., Li, Z., Ogura, K., Sagisaka, A., … Itoh, A. (2007). Laser prepulse dependency of proton-energy distributions in ultraintense laser-foil interactions with an online time-of-flight technique. Physics of Plasmas, 14(4), 043104. doi:10.1063/1.2721066Robinson, A. P. L., Foster, P., Adams, D., Carroll, D. C., Dromey, B., Hawkes, S., … Neely, D. (2009). Spectral modification of laser-accelerated proton beams by self-generated magnetic fields. New Journal of Physics, 11(8), 083018. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/11/8/083018Nemoto, K., Maksimchuk, A., Banerjee, S., Flippo, K., Mourou, G., Umstadter, D., & Bychenkov, V. Y. (2001). Laser-triggered ion acceleration and table top isotope production. Applied Physics Letters, 78(5), 595-597. doi:10.1063/1.1343845Lee, K., Park, S. H., Cha, Y.-H., Lee, J. Y., Lee, Y. W., Yea, K.-H., & Jeong, Y. U. (2008). Generation of intense proton beams from plastic targets irradiated by an ultraintense laser pulse. Physical Review E, 78(5). doi:10.1103/physreve.78.056403Yogo, A., Daido, H., Bulanov, S. V., Nemoto, K., Oishi, Y., Nayuki, T., … Tajima, T. (2008). Laser ion acceleration via control of the near-critical density target. Physical Review E, 77(1). doi:10.1103/physreve.77.016401Lee, K., Lee, J. Y., Park, S. H., Cha, Y.-H., Lee, Y. W., Kim, K. N., & Jeong, Y. U. (2011). Dominant front-side acceleration of energetic proton beams from plastic targets irradiated by an ultraintense laser pulse. Physics of Plasmas, 18(1), 013101. doi:10.1063/1.3496058OKIHARA, S., SENTOKU, Y., SUEDA, K., SHIMIZU, S., SATO, F., MIYANAGA, N., … SAKABE, S. (2002). Energetic Proton Generation in a Thin Plastic Foil Irradiated by Intense Femtosecond Lasers. Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 39(1), 1-5. doi:10.1080/18811248.2002.9715150McKenna, P., Ledingham, K. W. D., Spencer, I., McCany, T., Singhal, R. P., Ziener, C., … Clark, E. L. (2002). Characterization of multiterawatt laser-solid interactions for proton acceleration. Review of Scientific Instruments, 73(12), 4176-4184. doi:10.1063/1.1516855Spencer, I., Ledingham, K. W. D., McKenna, P., McCanny, T., Singhal, R. P., Foster, P. S., … Davies, J. R. (2003). Experimental study of proton emission from 60-fs, 200-mJ high-repetition-rate tabletop-laser pulses interacting with solid targets. Physical Review E, 67(4). doi:10.1103/physreve.67.046402Kaluza, M., Schreiber, J., Santala, M. I. K., Tsakiris, G. D., Eidmann, K., Meyer-ter-Vehn, J., & Witte, K. J. (2004). Influence of the Laser Prepulse on Proton Acceleration in Thin-Foil Experiments. Physical Review Letters, 93(4). doi:10.1103/physrevlett.93.045003Ceccotti, T., Lévy, A., Popescu, H., Réau, F., D’Oliveira, P., Monot, P., … Martin, P. (2007). Proton Acceleration with High-Intensity Ultrahigh-Contrast Laser Pulses. Physical Review Letters, 99(18). doi:10.1103/physrevlett.99.185002Neely, D., Foster, P., Robinson, A., Lindau, F., Lundh, O., Persson, A., … McKenna, P. (2006). Enhanced proton beams from ultrathin targets driven by high contrast laser pulses. Applied Physics Letters, 89(2), 021502. doi:10.1063/1.2220011Steinke, S., Henig, A., Schnürer, M., Sokollik, T., Nickles, P. V., Jung, D., … Habs, D. (2010). Efficient ion acceleration by collective laser-driven electron dynamics with ultra-thin foil targets. Laser and Particle Beams, 28(1), 215-221. doi:10.1017/s0263034610000157Strickland, D., & Mourou, G. (1985). Compression of amplified chirped optical pulses. Optics Communications, 56(3), 219-221. doi:10.1016/0030-4018(85)90120-8Yogo, A., Kondo, K., Mori, M., Kiriyama, H., Ogura, K., Shimomura, T., … Bolton, P. R. (2014). Insertable pulse cleaning module with a saturable absorber pair and a compensating amplifier for high-intensity ultrashort-pulse lasers. Optics Express, 22(2), 2060. doi:10.1364/oe.22.002060Trisorio, A., Grabielle, S., Divall, M., Forget, N., & Hauri, C. P. (2012). Self-referenced spectral interferometry for ultrashort infrared pulse characterization. Optics Letters, 37(14), 2892. doi:10.1364/ol.37.002892Seimetz, M., Bellido, P., Soriano, A., Garcia Lopez, J., Jimenez-Ramos, M. C., Fernandez, B., … Benlloch, J. M. (2015). Calibration and Performance Tests of Detectors for Laser-Accelerated Protons. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 62(6), 3216-3224. doi:10.1109/tns.2015.2480682Nürnberg, F., Schollmeier, M., Brambrink, E., Blažević, A., Carroll, D. C., Flippo, K., … Roth, M. (2009). Radiochromic film imaging spectroscopy of laser-accelerated proton beams. Review of Scientific Instruments, 80(3), 033301. doi:10.1063/1.3086424Oishi, Y., Nayuki, T., Fujii, T., Takizawa, Y., Wang, X., Yamazaki, T., … Andreev, A. A. (2005). Dependence on laser intensity and pulse duration in proton acceleration by irradiation of ultrashort laser pulses on a Cu foil target. Physics of Plasmas, 12(7), 073102. doi:10.1063/1.1943436Nishiuchi, M., Daito, I., Ikegami, M., Daido, H., Mori, M., Orimo, S., … Yoshiyuki, T. (2009). Focusing and spectral enhancement of a repetition-rated, laser-driven, divergent multi-MeV proton beam using permanent quadrupole magnets. Applied Physics Letters, 94(6), 061107. doi:10.1063/1.3078291Antici, P., Fuchs, J., d’ Humières, E., Lefebvre, E., Borghesi, M., Brambrink, E., … Pépin, H. (2007). Energetic protons generated by ultrahigh contrast laser pulses interacting with ultrathin targets. Physics of Plasmas, 14(3), 030701. doi:10.1063/1.2480610Green, J. S., Carroll, D. C., Brenner, C., Dromey, B., Foster, P. S., Kar, S., … Zepf, M. (2010). Enhanced proton flux in the MeV range by defocused laser irradiation. New Journal of Physics, 12(8), 085012. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/12/8/085012Zeil, K., Kraft, S. D., Bock, S., Bussmann, M., Cowan, T. E., Kluge, T., … Schramm, U. (2010). The scaling of proton energies in ultrashort pulse laser plasma acceleration. New Journal of Physics, 12(4), 045015. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/12/4/045015Nishiuchi, M., Daido, H., Yogo, A., Orimo, S., Ogura, K., Ma, J., … Azuma, H. (2008). 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Laser-Driven Proton Acceleration Enhancement by Nanostructured Foils. Physical Review Letters, 109(23). doi:10.1103/physrevlett.109.234801Flippo, K. A., d’ Humières, E., Gaillard, S. A., Rassuchine, J., Gautier, D. C., Schollmeier, M., … Hegelich, B. M. (2008). Increased efficiency of short-pulse laser-generated proton beams from novel flat-top cone targets. Physics of Plasmas, 15(5), 056709. doi:10.1063/1.291812

    Environmental development of the Spanish ceramic tile manufacturing sector over the period 1992–2007

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    The Spanish tile manufacturing sector has grown steadily over the years covered by the three benchmark studies, carried out in 1992, 2001, and 2007, from which data are compared in this paper. In that period, production output doubled, although since the last study was published, the situation has undergone a radical change and current production output stands at a level similar to that of 1995.
 Nevertheless, despite the world economic crisis, which has also severely impacted the ceramic wall and floor tile sector, it is worth noting that the sector’s environmental parameters have demonstrated a constant and positive trend, both in companies’ individual environmental performance and in the actual manufacturing processes itself. To a large extent, this situation was forced upon the sector as it had to adapt to numerous environmental regulations, which in general terms call for harsher and more stringent conditions than before. In this sense, the adoption of IPPC regulations, which affect practically the entire ceramic tile sector, and the approval of EU Directive 2003/87 establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading were significant factors.<br><br>El sector de fabricación de baldosas cerámicas ha crecido de forma continuada durante los años que abarcan los tres estudios cuyos datos son comparados en este informe, 1992-2001-2007, ya que la producción se ha duplicado desde el primer al último estudio, aunque si se considera el periodo del último estudio hasta la actualidad, la situación ha sufrido un cambio radical estando ahora mismo en niveles de producción similares al año 1995. 
 No obstante, a pesar de esta crisis económica mundial en la que se ha visto arrastrado el sector cerámico, merece la pena destacar una constante evolución positiva en todos los aspectos relacionados con los temas medioambientales, tanto en aquellos aspectos relacionados con el comportamiento ambiental de las empresas como en los relacionados directamente con el propio proceso de fabricación. Esta situación en gran parte ha sido forzada por la adopción de numerosa normativa medioambiental, que en líneas generales ha supuesto un endurecimiento de la legislación existente. En este sentido merece la pena destacar la adopción de la normativa IPPC, normativa que afecta prácticamente a la totalidad del sector de baldosas cerámicas, y la aprobación de la Directiva 2003/87/CE, de comercio de derechos de emisión de gases de efecto invernadero

    Nanofriltration treatment for boron removal from ceramic industry wastewater

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    Water is a limited natural resource and in many regions of the planet, it is also scarce. Consequently, water management has become a very important issue in many traditional industrial sectors which are water consumers and wastewater generators. The ceramic sector is concerned because it consumes fresh water and generates wastewater in significant quantities. In addition, the main European ceramic sectors, with great importance at the world level, are located in Spain and Italy. For this reason, the present work focused on the application of nanofiltration technology (NF) through polymer membranes to obtain treated wastewater with a Boron concentration equal or less the 3 mg/l needed to comply with legal requirements

    Healthcare operations management: a structured literature review

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