634 research outputs found

    The Anderson model of localization: a challenge for modern eigenvalue methods

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    We present a comparative study of the application of modern eigenvalue algorithms to an eigenvalue problem arising in quantum physics, namely, the computation of a few interior eigenvalues and their associated eigenvectors for the large, sparse, real, symmetric, and indefinite matrices of the Anderson model of localization. We compare the Lanczos algorithm in the 1987 implementation of Cullum and Willoughby with the implicitly restarted Arnoldi method coupled with polynomial and several shift-and-invert convergence accelerators as well as with a sparse hybrid tridiagonalization method. We demonstrate that for our problem the Lanczos implementation is faster and more memory efficient than the other approaches. This seemingly innocuous problem presents a major challenge for all modern eigenvalue algorithms.Comment: 16 LaTeX pages with 3 figures include

    Stabilization of collapse and revival dynamics by a non-Markovian phonon bath

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    Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) have been demonstrated to be versatile candidates to study the fundamentals of light-matter interaction [1-3]. In contrast with atom optics, dissipative processes are induced by the inherent coupling to the environment and are typically perceived as a major obstacle towards stable performances in experiments and applications [4]. In this paper we show that this is not necessarily the case. In fact, the memory of the environment can enhance coherent quantum optical effects. In particular, we demonstrate that the non-Markovian coupling to an incoherent phonon bath has a stabilizing effect on the coherent QD cavity-quantum electrodynamics (cQED) by inhibiting irregular oscillations and boosting regular collapse and revival patterns. For low photon numbers we predict QD dynamics that deviate dramatically from the well-known atomic Jaynes-Cummings model. Our proposal opens the way to a systematic and deliberate design of photon quantum effects via specifically engineered solid-state environments.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Diâmetro médio ponderado de partículas para estimativa de propriedades físico-hídricas dos solos.

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    O principal objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar características físico-hídricas do solo de difícil obtenção, através de modelos matemáticos baseados em variáveis das análises de rotina. Foram selecionados, em áreas de plantações florestais, 13 solos variando de 40 a 590 g kg-1 de conteúdo de argila. Nestes solos, foram obtidas amostras deformadas e indeformadas na camada de 5 cm a 15 cm, e realizadas, em laboratório, análises químicas (complexo sortivo, pH, acidez potencial) e físicas (densidade do solo, curva de retenção de umidade e porosidades). Estabeleceram-se correlações entre as variáveis umidade ótima do solo para compactação e umidade na capacidade de campo com todos os parâmetros químicos e físicos analisados. A característica do solo que apresentou o maior índice de correlação com umidade ótima (r = 0,95) e com capacidade de campo (r = 0,93) foi o diâmetro médio ponderado de partículas (DMPP). O DMPP pode ser obtido em todos os levantamentos de solo já realizados e é a soma da multiplicação entre o diâmetro médio das quatro frações granulométricas e suas concentrações no solo. A umidade do solo à -1500 kPa também se correlacionou com o DMPP (r = 0,93), o que permite estimar a quantidade de água disponível para as plantas

    Expression des "activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule" im Mammakarzinom: Prädiktivität für das Ansprechen auf eine taxanfreie Chemotherapie

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    Zusammenfassung: Ziele: "Activated leukocyte cell adhesion molecule" (ALCAM) ist ein Oberflächenimmunglobulin und wird in vielen Mammakarzinomen exprimiert. Es wird vermutet, dass ALCAM in der Tumorgenese und -progression eine Rolle spielt. Die Bedeutung des Adhäsionsmoleküls ALCAM für das Ansprechen auf eine taxanfreie adjuvante Chemotherapie wurde untersucht. Material und Methoden: Gewebeproben von 162Patientinnen mit Mammakarzinomen wurden im Hinblick auf die Expression des ALCAM-Proteins untersucht. Immunhistologische Untersuchungen (IHC) und Western-Blot-Analysen (WB) wurden mit einem monoklonalen Antikörper gegen ALCAM durchgeführt. Die Proteinmengen im WB wurden densitometrisch quantifiziert und mit klinischen sowie histologischen Parametern korreliert. Die Ergebnisse wurden auf mRNA-Ebene mithilfe der Microarray-Analysen (Affymetrix) validiert. Ergebnisse: In der normalen Brustdrüse wird ALCAM in den luminalen und den basalen Epithelzellen exprimiert. Die WB-Analysen von Mammakarzinomen zeigen eine positive Korrelation der ALCAM-Expression mit dem Östrogenrezeptorstatus (p=0,04). Bei Patientinnen, die eine taxanfreie Chemotherapie erhalten haben, ist eine hohe ALCAM-Expression (WB, Affymetrix) prädikitiv für das Ansprechen einer Chemotherapie. Der mediane mRNA-Level von ALCAM war bei Patientinnen, die während des Beobachtungszeitraums noch lebten, 4,5-fach höher als bei Patientinnen, die verstarben. Schlussfolgerung: Ein hoher ALCAM-Gehalt korreliert positiv mit dem Östrogenrezeptorstatus. Außerdem ist ALCAM ein prädiktiver Faktor für das Ansprechen einer taxanfreien Chemotherapi

    The three-dimensional Anderson model of localization with binary random potential

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    We study the three-dimensional two-band Anderson model of localization and compare our results to experimental results for amorphous metallic alloys (AMA). Using the transfer-matrix method, we identify and characterize the metal-insulator transitions as functions of Fermi level position, band broadening due to disorder and concentration of alloy composition. The appropriate phase diagrams of regions of extended and localized electronic states are studied and qualitative agreement with AMA such as Ti-Ni and Ti-Cu metallic glasses is found. We estimate the critical exponents nu_W, nu_E and nu_x when either disorder W, energy E or concentration x is varied, respectively. All our results are compatible with the universal value nu ~ 1.6 obtained in the single-band Anderson model.Comment: 9 RevTeX4 pages with 11 .eps figures included, submitted to PR

    Effects of Scale-Free Disorder on the Anderson Metal-Insulator Transition

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    We investigate the three-dimensional Anderson model of localization via a modified transfer-matrix method in the presence of scale-free diagonal disorder characterized by a disorder correlation function g(r)g(r) decaying asymptotically as rαr^{-\alpha}. We study the dependence of the localization-length exponent ν\nu on the correlation-strength exponent α\alpha. % For fixed disorder WW, there is a critical αc\alpha_{\rm c}, such that for α<αc\alpha < \alpha_{\rm c}, ν=2/α\nu=2/\alpha and for α>αc\alpha > \alpha_{\rm c}, ν\nu remains that of the uncorrelated system in accordance with the extended Harris criterion. At the band center, ν\nu is independent of α\alpha but equal to that of the uncorrelated system. The physical mechanisms leading to this different behavior are discussed.Comment: submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Epitaxial Growth of Pentacene on Alkali Halide Surfaces Studied by Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy

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    In the field of molecular electronics thin films of molecules adsorbed on insulating surfaces are used as the functional building blocks of electronic devices. A control of the structural and electronic properties of the thin films is required for a reliable operating mode of such devices. Here, noncontact atomic force and Kelvin probe force microscopies have been used to investigate the growth and electronic properties of pentacene on KBr(001) and KCl(001) surfaces. Mainly molecular islands of upright standing pentacene are formed, whereas a new phase of tilted molecules appear near step edges on some KBr samples. Local contact potential differences (LCPD) have been studied with both Kelvin experiments and density-functional theory calculations. Large LCPD are found between the substrate and the differently oriented molecules, which may be explained by a partial charge transfer from the pentacene to the surface. The monitoring of the changes of the pentacene islands during dewetting shows that multilayers build up at the expense of monolayers. Moreover, in the Kelvin images, previously unknown line defects appear, which unveil the epitaxial growth of pentacene crystals.Comment: This document is the unedited author's version of a Submitted Work that was subsequently accepted for publication in ACSNano, copyright American Chemical Society after peer review. To access the final edited and published work see doi belo

    In vitro degradation and mechanical properties of PLA-PCL copolymer unit cell scaffolds generated by two-photon polymerization

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    The manufacture of 3D scaffolds with specific controlled porous architecture, defined microstructure and an adjustable degradation profile was achieved using two-photon polymerization (TPP) with a size of 2 × 4 × 2 mm3. Scaffolds made from poly(D,L-lactide-co-ε-caprolactone) copolymer with varying lactic acid (LA) and ε -caprolactone (CL) ratios (LC16:4, 18:2 and 9:1) were generated via ring-opening-polymerization and photoactivation. The reactivity was quantified using photo-DSC, yielding a double bond conversion ranging from 70% to 90%. The pore sizes for all LC scaffolds were see 300 μm and throat sizes varied from 152 to 177 μm. In vitro degradation was conducted at different temperatures; 37, 50 and 65°C. Change in compressive properties immersed at 37°C over time was also measured. Variations in thermal, degradation and mechanical properties of the LC scaffolds were related to the LA/CL ratio. Scaffold LC16:4 showed significantly lower glass transition temperature (T g) (4.8°C) in comparison with the LC 18:2 and 9:1 (see 32°C). Rates of mass loss for the LC16:4 scaffolds at all temperatures were significantly lower than that for LC18:2 and 9:1. The degradation activation energies for scaffold materials ranged from 82.7 to 94.9 kJ mol-1. A prediction for degradation time was applied through a correlation between long-term degradation studies at 37°C and short-term studies at elevated temperatures (50 and 65°C) using the half-life of mass loss (Time (M1/2)) parameter. However, the initial compressive moduli for LC18:2 and 9:1 scaffolds were 7 to 14 times higher than LC16:4 (see 0.27) which was suggested to be due to its higher CL content (20%). All scaffolds showed a gradual loss in their compressive strength and modulus over time as a result of progressive mass loss over time. The manufacturing process utilized and the scaffolds produced have potential for use in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine applications