5 research outputs found

    Repeated (4D) marine geophysical surveys as a tool for studying the coastal environment and ground-truthing remote-sensing observations and modeling

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    Sandy beaches and the nearshore environment are dynamic coastal systems characterized by sediment mobilization driven by alternating stormy and mild wave conditions. However, this natural behavior of beaches can be altered by coastal defense structures. Repeated surveys carried out with autonomous surface vehicles (ASVs) may represent an interesting tool for studying nearshore dynamics and testing the effects of mitigation strategies against erosion. We present a one-year experiment involving repeated stratigraphic and morpho-bathymetric surveys of a nearshore environment prone to coastal erosion along the Emilia-Romagna coast (NE Italy), the Lido di Dante beach, carried out between October 2020 and December 2021 using an ASV. Seafloor and subseafloor “snapshots” collected at different time intervals enabled us to delineate the seasonal variability and shed light on key controlling variables, which could be used to integrate and calibrate remote-sensing observations and modeling. The results demonstrated that repeated surveys could be successfully employed for monitoring coastal areas and represent a promising tool for studying coastal dynamics on a medium/short (years/months) timescale

    EGFR mutant-specific immunohistochemistry has high specificity and sensitivity for detecting targeted activating EGFR mutations in lung adenocarcinoma

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    Aim We assessed the diagnostic accuracy of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutant-specific antibodies for detecting two common activating EGFR mutations. Methods Immunohistochemical expression of mutation-specific antibodies against EGFR exon 19 deletion E746-A750 ((c.2235-2249del15 or c.2236-2250del15, p. Glu746-Ala750del) and exon 21 L858R point mutation (c.2573T>G, p.Leu858Arg) were assessed in a cohort of 204 resected early stage node negative lung adenocarcinomas, and protein expression was compared with DNA analysis results from mass spectrometry analysis. Results Of seven cases with L858R point mutation, six were positive by immunohistochemistry (IHC). There were three false positive cases using L858R IHC (sensitivity 85.7%, specificity 98.5%, positive predictive value 66.7%, negative predictive value 99.5%). All seven E746-A750 exon 19 deletions identified by mutation analysis were positive by IHC. Four additional cases were positive for exon 19 IHC but negative by mutation analysis. The sensitivity of exon 19 IHC for E746-A750 was 100%, specificity 98.0%, positive predictive value 63.6% and negative predictive value 100%. Conclusions Mutant-specific EGFR IHC has good specificity and sensitivity for identifying targeted activating EGFR mutations. Although inferior to molecular genetic analysis of the EGFR gene, IHC is highly specific and sensitive for the targeted EGFR mutations. The antibodies are likely to be of clinical value in cases where limited tumour material is available, or in situations where molecular genetic analysis is not readily available

    Progetto SPOT - Sismicit\ue0 Potenzialmente innescabile Offshore e Tsunami. Report integrato di fine progetto

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    Il progetto SPOT (Sismicit\ue0 Potenzialmente innescabile Offshore e Tsunami) \ue8 stato sviluppato con lo scopo di supportare le Autorit\ue0 italiane nell'applicazione della Direttiva Europea sulla sicurezza delle operazioni in mare nel settore degli idrocarburi (2013/30/EU), su fondi di cui art. 35 del Decreto Legge 83/2012, e dei decreti italiani che ne derivano (Antoncecchi et al., 2019). Il progetto, della durata di 21 mesi, \ue8 stato ideato e finanziato dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico italiano \u2013 Direzione Generale per la sicurezza delle attivit\ue0 minerarie ed energetiche (DGS-UNMIG) nell\u2019ambito della rete di ricerca CLYPEA, con il supporto tecnico del Dipartimento della Protezione Civile nazionale