26 research outputs found

    Perancangan Alat Pendeteksi Banjir Via Gelombang Radio Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atemega 8535

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    Banjir merupakan salah satu bencana alam yang dapat mengancam kelangsungan hidup manusia dan merusak infrastruktur bangunan, sehingga membuat manusia harus berusaha mencegah kemungkinan bencana tersebut terjadi. Baik berupa memberikan pengarahan pada masyarakat untuk menanam pohon dan membuang sampah pada tempatnya. Salah satu altenatif untuk mengantisipasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan membuat alat pendeteksi ketinggian air yang perlu diawasi ketinggian airnya agar tidak terjadi bencana yang tidak diinginkan. Pada perancangan alat pendeteksi banjir via gelombang radio ini menggunakan mikrokontroller Atmega8535 dan juga sensor air yang digunakan untuk mendeteksi ketinggian air. Sensor ketinggian air akan membaca nilai resistansi pada saat sensor terkena air. Sensor akan selalu mengirim data melalui gelombang radio yang terpasang pada unit sensor. Ketika mikrokontroller membaca adanya air pada sensor maka mikrokontroller akan mengaktifkan pemancar (Transmitter) dan mengirimkan data berupa bit sesuai dengan tinggi keadaan air. Data-data yang dibaca akan dipancarkan dan diolah oleh mikrokontroller pada rangkaian penerima. Hasil pembacaan ketinggian air dari tegangan yang terukur, sehingga pada nilai tegangan tertentu alarm akan berbunyi dan dari keadaan sensor tersbut di tampilkan pada LCD dan PC sebagai monitoring ketinggian air

    The Role of Economics Teacher Forum in Improving Economics Teacher Performance in the City of Mojokerto

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    The professionality of teachers can be known through the professional organization in which they participate. One of the professional organizations for teachers is Economics Teacher Forum or Musywarah Guru Mata Pelajaran (MGMP). In the forum, there are various programs where the stimulating and obstructing factors of performance should be accompanied by monitoring and evaluating system. The programmes need to be evaluated in order to know its benefits for the teachers’ performance. The monitoring and evaluation have become a process that is utilized in order to get an overview of the activity and performance of the forum itself in managing and holding activities consistently and continuously. The monitoring and evaluation are arranged to get references toward the factors implemented in the process per se. To know the role of the forum, this research is done by using Discrepancy Evaluation Model (DEM). The data collection uses observation, documentation, and interview techniques, with the subjects being the chairman, secretary, treasurer, field coordinator, and the members of Economics Teacher Forum of Mojokerto. The results showed the input components being effective and efficient through good organization management which is signified by the existence of clear articles of association and planned work programs. The process component were also effective and efficient with there being a routine agenda in every meeting. The consistent forum time frequency is shown by the consistency of forum members’ presence in each meeting. The output component is known by looking at the uniformity of the forum activities’ results with the planned work programs that indicates its effectiveness and efficient. It can be concluded that Economics Teacher Forum has a significant role in improving the performance of Mojokerto’s economics teachers.   Keywords: Professional organization, Economics Teacher Forum, Role of the foru

    The Effectiveness of Massage in Reducing Pain in Phase I of Childbirth

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    Massage is a technique that can relieve pain by blocking the pain signals, increasing blood circulation and oxygenation to the entire tissue. Pregnant women who receive 20 minutes massage during maternity process will be free from pain. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of massage in order to reduce pain at the stage of delivery process for pregnant women This research is a quasi-experiment approach using pre-post test research design. The research location was at BPS Ernita Pekanbaru and conducted in April-June 2014. The number of sample in this study was 30 people with purposive sampling technique. This study is applied primary data which were analyzed by Paired Sample T-Test (Dependent T-Test) with the degree of α = 0.05. The result showed that the average pain scale without receiving a massage was 8.67 and decreasing after pregnant women receive a massage to 5.33. Furthermore, average pain scale without pain killer was 9.47 and after drug administration was 3.07. In other words, massage and medication was effective methods in order to reduce pain with p value : 0.001 To conclude, a massage is quite effective method in reducing pain for pregnant women during her first phase of maternity


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman padi varietas ponelo pada berbagai dosis pupuk nitrogen dan jumlah benih perlubang tanam pada budidaya padi ponelo. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan ± 4 bulan terhitung mulai dari bulan Desember 2019 hingga bulan April 2020 bertempat di Desa Iloheluma Kecamatan Tilongkabila Kabupaten Bonebolango Provinsi Gorontalo. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) faktorial faktor pertama dengan aplikasi pupuk nitrogen yang dan faktor kedua dengan perlakuan jumlah benih perlubang tanam. Setiap perlakuan di ulang sebanyak 3 kali sehingga di peroleh 18 unit plot percobaan, dengan mengamati 15 tanaman sampel disetiap plot, sehingga terdapat 270 tanaman sampel secara keseluruhan. Variabel yang di amati adalah tinggi tanaman dan jumlah anakan produktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan perlakuan dengan 3 benih perlubang tanam memberikan hasil terbaik terhadap jumlah anakan produktif dan perlakuan 150 kg/ha menghasilkan jumlah anakan produktif yang terbanyak


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem tanam yang tepat dalam budidaya padi varietas ponelo lokal Gorontalo. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan ± 4 bulan terhitung mulai dari bulan Desember 2019 hingga bulan April 2020 bertempat Desa Iloheluma Kecamatan Tilongkabila Kabupaten Bone Bolango Provinsi Gorontalo. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK), yang terdiri atas 4 perlakuan yaitu : Jajar tegel sebagai kontrol (ST0), Jajar legowo (2:1) (ST1), Jajar legowo (3:1) (ST2) dan Jajar Legowo (4:1) (ST3). Setiap perlakuan diulang sebanyak 4 kali sehingga diperoleh 16 Plot percobaan dengan ukuran bedengan 3 m x 4 m. Variabel yang diamati adalah tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan, produksi gabah. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa perlakuan sistem tanam jajar legowo memberikan pengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan dan produksi tanaman padi varietas ponelo pada variabel tinggi tanaman dan jumlah anakan Perlakuan sistem tanam jajar legowo 2:1 menunjukan hasil terbaik terhadap pertumbuhan tinggi tanaman, jumlah anakan dan hasil produksi gabah

    Response of germination local rice seed siam kuning from gamma irradiation

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperbaiki karakter fisiologi dan morfologi tanaman padi local “Siam Kuning”. Dosis iradiasi gamma yang digunakan pada benih padi adalah 0 Gy, 200 Gy, 300 Gy dan 400 Gy. Iradiasi gamma yang dilakukan menghasilkan pengaruh yang signifikan. Peningkatan dosis iradiasi menurunkan daya kecambah dan keserempakan tumbuh benih padi.  Pada perlakuan 0 Gy dihasilkan 78% benih yang tumbuh, perlakuan 200 Gy menghasilkan 70% yang tumbuh, perlakuan 300 Gy menghasilkan 64% benih yang tumbuh dan perlakuan 400 Gy menghasilkan 31% benih yang tumbuh. Selanjutnya parameter laju perkecambahan yang paling cepat adalah perlakuan 0 Gy, 200 Gy dan 300 Gy didapatkan 4 hari  sedangkan perlakuan 400 Gy selama 5 hari. Sedangkan untuk mutasi klorofil daun didapatkan beberapa tipe mutasi antara lain Albino, Clorina dan Striata. Dari perlakuan Iradiasi sinar gamma dapat diperoleh nformasi tentang perbaikan karakter benih padi siam kuning.The aims of this study were improve the physiological and morphological characters of the local rice plant "Siam Kuning". The doses of gamma irradiation used in rice seeds were 0 Gy, 200 Gy, 300 Gy and 400 Gy. Gamma irradiation is performed to produce a significant effect. Increasing the irradiation dose decreased the germination and the simultaneous growth of rice seeds. In the 0 Gy treatment, 78% of the seeds grew, the 200 Gy treatment produced 70% that grew, the 300 Gy treatment produced 64% of the seeds that grew and the 400 Gy treatment produced 31% of the seeds that grew. Furthermore, the fastest germination rate parameters were 0 Gy, 200 Gy and 300 Gy treatment obtained for 4 days while the 400 Gy treatment was for 5 days. As for the leaf chlorophyll mutations, several types of mutations were obtained, including Albino, Clorina and Striata. From the gamma ray irradiation treatment, information about improving the varian resistance of yellow Siamese rice seeds can be obtained

    Pengaruh media tongkol jagung dan air cucian beras terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman Zinnia (Zinnia elegans Jaqc)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah 1) untuk mengetahui pengaruh komposisi media tongkol jagung terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman zinnia, 2) untuk mengetahui pengaruh konsentrasi air cucian beras terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman zinnia dan 3) untuk mengetahui interaksi komposisi tongkol jagung dan air cucian beras terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman zinnia.  Penelitian ini berlangsung dari bulan Oktober hingga Desember 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan factorial dua faktor (F2F) dalam RAK dan diulang sebanyak 3 kali. Faktor pertama adalah komposisi media tanam yaitu ; tanah : pupuk kandang : tongkol jagung (M); yang terdiri dari 3 taraf antara lain; M1 = 2:2:2 ; M2 = 2:1:1 ; dan M3 = 1:1:1. Faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi air cucian beras (P) yang terdiri 4 taraf yaitu; P0 = control ; P1 = 50% ; P2 = 75% ; P3 = 100%. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah komposisi media tanam dan konsentrasi air cucian beras tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap pertumbuhan tanaman zinnia, sedangkan Interaksi antar keduanya memberikan pengaruh yang nyata terhadap perttumbuhan tanaman zinnia pada parameter jumlah daun tanaman terbanyak terdapat pada perlakuan komposisi media tanam 2:2:2 dengan pemberian air cucian beras 75%.The aims of this study were 1) to determine the effect of corncob media composition on zinnia plant growth, 2) to determine the effect of rice washing water concentration on zinnia plant growth and 3) to determine the interaction of corncob composition and rice washing water on zinnia plant growth. This study took place from October to December 2019. This study used a two-factor factorial design (F2F) in the RAK and was repeated 3 times. The first factor is the composition of the growing media, namely; soil : manure : corn cobs (M); which consists of 3 levels, among others; M1 = 2:2:2 ; M2 = 2:1:1 ; and M3 = 1:1:1. The second factor is the concentration of rice washing water (P) which consists of 4 levels, namely; P0 = control ; P1 = 50% ; P2 = 75% ; P3 = 100%. The results obtained were that the composition of the planting medium and the concentration of rice washing water did not have a significant effect on the growth of the zinnia plant, while the interaction between the two gave a significant effect on the growth of the zinnia plant on the parameter of the highest number of plant leaves found in the treatment composition of the planting media 2:2: 2 with 75% rice washing water

    AI programming by children using Snap! block programming in a developing country

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    The development of human civilization today can’t be separated from the Artificial Intelligence. To prepare for this, early education on Artificial intel-ligent should be done. Some activities have been done to support students making AI programs, for example Google AIY, Machine Learning for Kids website, the Wolfram Language, and the eCraft2Learn project. One of the new block pro-gramming languages Snap! has been extended to provide an easy-to-use interface that provides AI cloud services as well as other AI functions. However, there is little research about AI programming learning for children in developing coun-tries. This paper presents how the learning of AI programming using Snap! pro-gramming in Indonesia. The learning process was evaluated with 40 Senior High Schools and Vocational students. 84% students had some basic programming ex-perience but others had none. 70% students who had basic programming experi-ence felt that AI programming using Snap! was easy to understand, yet the stu-dents with no programming experience found it difficult. Even though mostly the students can answer the evaluation question about how AI works and all the stu-dents were keen on creating AI programs using Snap!. We concluded that Snap! programing worked to introduce AI to children and has encouraged children to explore AI programming. However, some improvements are required to improve the learning process of AI programing using Snap! in developing country. The improvements are presented in this paper as the result of this research