142 research outputs found

    A technique for determining daytime atmospheric oxide above 50 km from backscattered ultraviolet measurements

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    Airglow from gamma band resonance fluorescence of nitric oxide near 255 nm is calculated at several solar zenith angles. Data from the Nimbus 4 BUV wavelengths 273.5 to 287.6 nm is used to estimate the Rayleigh and ozone scattering contributions to the BUV 255.5 nm data and the remaining signal is attributed to NO airglow. The low solar zenith angle contributions by NO is less than 0.5%, and the high latitude/high zenith angle contribution exceeds 5%. This technique allows for estimating NO content above 50 km, as well as partitioning that content between the mesosphere and thermosphere

    Ozone measurements from the NOAA-9 and the Nimbus-7 satellites: Implications of short and long term variabilities

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    An overview is given of the measurements of total ozne and ozone profiles by the SBUV/2 instrument on the NOAA-9 spacecraft relative to similar measurements from the SBUV and TOMS instruments on Nimbus-7. It is shown that during the three year period from March 14, 1985, to February 28, 1988, when these data sets overlap, there have been significant changes in the calibrations of the three instruments which may be attributed to the drift of the NOSS-9 orbit to later equator crossing times (for SBUV/2). These changes in instrument characteristics have affected the absolute values of the trends derived from the three instruments, but their geophysical characteristics and response to short term variations are accurate and correlate well among the three instruments. For example, the total column ozone measured by the three instruments shows excellent agreement with respect to its day to day, seasonal, and latitudinal variabilities. At high latitudes, the day to day fluctuations in total ozone show a strong positive correlation with temperature in the lower stratosphere, as one might expect from the dynamical coupling of the two parameters at these latitudes

    The threee-dimensional morphology of the Antarctic ozone hole

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    The three-dimensional morphology of the spring antarctic ozone distribution as determined by the Nimbus 7 Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV) spectrometer instrument is presented for the period 1 to 11 October in 1986. The data show that a clearly defined minimum in ozone relative to the local ozone field extends throughout the stratosphere from the tropopause to above 50 km, though decreasing in intensity with altitude. Near 18 km ozone in the ozone hole is 50 percent less than the average surrounding ozone. But even at 50 km the ozone is 20 percent less than the surrounding ozone field. The ozone minimum in the upper stratosphere is displaced about 6 degrees toward the equator so that observations at a fixed station may provide the illusion that the ozone minimum is restricted only to low altitudes. While the ozone minimum is spatially coherent throughout the stratosphere, there are differences in the behavior of ozone at different altitudes that suggest the existence of at least three distinct altitude domains. Below 30 km ozone is characterized by classic ozone hole behavior. Between 33 and 43 km ozone is more stable, actually increasing during September and October. Above 43 km ozone has always decreased during September to a minimum in October, but it has suffered a long term decrease of 7 to 12 percent since 1979 similar to that seen at low altitudes

    Initial estimate of NOAA-9 SBUV/2 total ozone drift: Based on comparison with re-calibrated TOMS measurements and pair justification of SBUV/2

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    Newly recalibrated version 6 Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) data are used as a reference measurement in a comparison of monthly means of total ozone in 10 degree latitude zones from SBUV/2 and the nadir measurements from TOMS. These comparisons indicate a roughly linear long-term drift in SBUV/2 total ozone relative to TOMS of about 2.5 Dobson units per year at the equator over the first three years of SBUV/2. The pari justification technique is also applied to the SBUV/2 measurements in a manner similar to that used for SBUV and TOMS. The higher solar zenith angles associated with the afternoon orbit of NOAA-9 and the large changes in solar zenith angle associated with its changing equator crossing time degrade the accuracy of the pair justification method relative to its application to SBUV and TOMS, but the results are consistent with the SBUV/2-TOMS comparisons, and show a roughly linear drift in SBUV/2 of 2.5 to 4.5 Dobson units per year in equatorial ozone

    The global distribution of ozone destruction rates obtained from 13 years of Nimbus/TOMS data (1979-1991)

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    Long-term ozone trends (percentage change) have been computed from 13 years of Nimbus/TOMS (Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer) data as a function of latitude, longitude, and month for the period January 1, 1979 to December 31, 1991. In both hemispheres, the ozone column content has decreased at latitudes above 30 deg by amounts that are larger than predicted by homogeneous chemistry models for the 13-year time period. The largest rates of ozone decrease occur in the Southern Hemisphere during winter and spring, with recovery during the summer and autumn. The large winter ozone loss rates are consistent with observed low stratospheric temperatures, ice-cloud formation, and heterogeneous chemistry at middle and high latitudes. There are similar, but smaller changes observed in the Northern Hemisphere. At midlatitudes, (40 deg N to 50 deg N) there are increased zonal average ozone depletion rates that correspond to 5 geographically localized regions of increased ozone depletion rates. Only the equatorial band between plus or minus 20 deg shows little or no long-term ozone change since January, 1979. The long-term winter ozone depletion rate data for both hemispheres suggests that heterogeneous chemistry processes may operate over a wide range of latitudes during half of the year

    Trends in total column ozone measurements

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    It is important to ensure the best available data are used in any determination of possible trends in total ozone in order to have the most accurate estimates of any trends and the associated uncertainties. Accordingly, the existing total ozone records were examined in considerable detail. Once the best data set has been produced, the statistical analysis must examine the data for any effects that might indicate changes in the behavior of global total ozone. The changes at any individual measuring station could be local in nature, and herein, particular attention was paid to the seasonal and latitudinal variations of total ozone, because two dimensional photochemical models indicate that any changes in total ozone would be most pronounced at high latitudes during the winter months. The conclusions derived from this detailed examination of available total ozone can be split into two categories, one concerning the quality and the other the statistical analysis of the total ozone record

    Performance evaluation of the solar backscatter ultraviolet radiometer, model 2 (SBUV/2) inflight calibration system

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    The Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet Radiometer, Model 2 (SBUV/2) instruments, as part of their regular operation, deploy ground aluminum reflective diffusers to deflect solar irradiance into the instrument's field-of-view. Previous SBUV instrument diffusers have shown a tendency to degrade in their reflective efficiencies. This degradation will add a trend to the ozone measurements if left uncorrected. An extensive in-flight calibration system was designed into the SBUV/2 instruments to effectively measure the degradation of the solar diffuser (Ball Aerospace Systems Division 1981). Soon after launch, the NOAA-9 SBUV/2 calibration system was unable to track the diffuser's reflectivity changes due, in part, to design flows (Frederick et al. 1986). Subsequently, the NOAA-11 SBUV/2 calibration system was redesigned and an analysis of the first 2 years of data (Weiss et al. 1991) indicated the NOAA-11 SBUV/2 onboard calibration system's performance to be exceeding preflight expectations. This paper will describe the analysis of the first three years NOAA-11 SBUV/2 calibration system data

    Characterization and analysis of the Nimbus-7 SBUV data in the non-sync period (February 1987 - June 1990)

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    The SBUV instrument, on Nimbus-7, measures the backscatter ultraviolet radiance at 12 wavelengths. The radiance data from these wavelengths was used to deduce the ozone profile and the total column ozone. In February 1987, there was an instrument malfunction. The purpose of this paper is to describe the malfunction, to determine the effect of the malfunction on the data quality, and if possible, to correct for the effects of the malfunction on the data from the SBUV instrument

    Procedures to validate/correct calibration error in solar backscattered ultraviolet instruments

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    The Nimbus 7 SBUV measures the same latitude ozone at widely different sun angle conditions at the ascent and descent part of the orbit during the summer solstice. This situation is used in a particular procedure (Ascent/Descent) to obtain the relative channel-to-channel calibration error for channels 273 nm to 306 nm. These estimated errors are combined with results from the Pair Justification procedure to correct the sun-view diffuser drift in calibration from November 1978 to February 1987 for the shorter wavelength channels that measure upper stratospheric ozone. Some preliminary re-calirated Nimbus 7 SBUV data in 1989 is compared with the first set of SBUV measurements flown on the Space Shuttle

    External comparisons of reprocessed SBUV/TOMS ozone data

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    Ozone Retrievals from the Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV) Instrument on-board the Nimbus-7 Satellite have been reprocessed using an improved internal calibration. The resulting data set covering November, 1978 through January, 1987 has been archived at the National Space Science Data Center in Greenbelt, Maryland. The reprocessed SBUV total ozone data as well as recalibrated Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) data are compared with total ozone measurements from a network of ground based Dobson spectrophotometers. The SBUV also measures the vertical distribution of ozone, and these measurements are compared with external measurements made by SAGE II, Umkehr, and Ozonesondes. Special attention is paid to long-term changes in ozone bias
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