1,681 research outputs found

    Simple computations for near-optimum ascent and abort maneuver targets and deorbit ignition time

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    Closed-form solutions are presented for a two-burn orbit insertion, AOA, and ATO maneuver targets, and for time of ignition of a one-burn deorbit. Based on the assumption that the orbits involved deviate only to the first order about a reference circular orbit, these solutions are nearly fuel-minimum. They are expressed in terms of linear terminal velocity constraint shuttle guidance targets and, thus, are readily applicable to both ground and onboard software use. In addition to potential application to real-time targeting, the equations may be used as a mission design aid in preliminary definition of target loads and definition of abort mode boundaries

    Process for synthesizing and formulating condensed ring polymers

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    Chemical process for forming low molecular weight, fully cyclized heteroaromatic prepolymers under conditions which limit chain extension or branching is described. Exact procedures used in conducting chemical reaction are defined. Advantages of process over conventional methods are presented

    Method for forming pyrrone molding powders and products of said method

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    The formation of pyrrone resins of the ladder or semiladder structure is described. The technique involves initial formation of fully cyclized prepolymers having an average degree of polymerization of about 1.5, one with acidic terminal groups, another with amine terminal groups. Thereafter the prepolymers are intimately admixed on a 1:1 stoichiometric basis. The resulting powder mixture is molded at elevated pressures and temperatures to form a fully cyclized resin

    SMAC2003: The Automatic Iteration of SMAC

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    Copyright © 2003 SAE International In prior studies researchers have been interested in automating the process by which the Simulation Model of Automobile Collisions (SMAC) is used to reconstruct an accident. The SMAC program requires an initial approximation of the impact speeds and the positions and orientations at impact. And with a SMAC reconstruction you can sometimes get a reasonably close match and then spend many hours on iterative runs trying to match as best as possible the overall body of physical evidence. The prior research on automation of SMAC (during the time period 1975-1980) was constrained by computer time and resources. Those research projects were performed on mainframe computers where all applications included charges for CPU time and memory resources. Today with gigahertz Pentium computers and unlimited memory, aside from the initial cost of the computer, the cost per SMAC run is virtually free and the time for a run is measured in seconds rather than minutes. This paper describes an automatic iterative procedure which can quickly and efficiently iterate to a "best match" of the physical evidence with SMAC. Quantitative measures of the overall "fit " to the evidence, which guide the procedure, are discussed. Representative results from applications to experimental tests are presented

    The Prosecution of Rape Under International Law: Justice That Is Long Overdue

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    This Note argues that despite theoretical criticisms, the prosecution of rape and sexual enslavement as crimes against humanity, by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) fits within a larger, emerging picture of international legal jurisprudence. First, the ICTY built upon both its own prior decisions and the decisions of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), especially Prosecutor v. Akayesu, in order to close gaps in the international legal conceptualizations of rape and enslavement, torture, war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity. Second, building upon the example set by the ICTR, the ICTY broadened international protections of civilians of either gender, especially civilians of different ethnicities, from even unsystematic acts of depravity. Third, it fully codified women as legally equal to men in the human community, but it did not unfairly single women out as a weaker gender in need of special protections, nor did it establish a victimology for women in rape cases. In other words, it brought women within the purview of humanity for purposes of prosecuting crimes against humanity. Finally, it established an historic foundation for the prosecution of crimes against humanity by other courts and in other locations, but did not infringe upon the sovereignty of either a state or an individual

    Indigenous Aeta MagbukĂșn self-identity, social-political structures, and self-determination at the local level in the Philippines

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    The Indigenous Aeta MagbukĂșn maintain a primarily nomadic hunter-gatherer lifestyle in their forested ancestral lands. Through the continued encroachment of non-Indigenous populations, the Aeta MagbukĂșn persist at a critical level. Finding it increasingly difficult to sustain their traditional livelihoods, they must engage in informal commerce to procure sufficient food throughout the year. This work explores the basis of self-identity, traditional kinship ties, evolution of sociopolitical organisation, and the developing political options that sustain the small and vulnerable Indigenous population. Despite recent tentative sociopolitical developments, securing cultural protection requires greater effort in developing political communication and representation at a local and national level. In doing so, the Aeta MagbukĂșn can meet their basic needs, secure traditional cultural knowledge, and are able to influence their own development during a time of relatively rapid acculturation within the mainstream Philippine societal complex

    Mainstreaming: Issues and answers

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    Meeting the special needs of exceptional children is a responsibility to be shared by all educators

    Modelling the carbonization process to develop a cost-effective, smokeless, continuous, down-draft rice husk carbonizer suitable for rice growing regions

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    This work discusses modeling of the operational processes occurring in a small-scale, down-draft, continuous rice husk (40 kg h-1) carbonizer suitable for application in poor rice growing regions. The model was used as a tool to optimize the performance of a constructed carbonizer using material and heat balances. The carbonizer technology operating principles are discussed in terms of four operational “zones” and the possible reactions occurring in each zone. The material balance model was used to determine the amounts of each participating material at each zone, and the energy balance was generated using the material balance solutions. The final output of the model for O2, CO, and CO2 was reconciled with testing performance of the constructed carbonizer. The results suggested that 99.2% (weight basis) of the total CO produced during carbonization was burnt at the ignition chamber zone, resulting in only 0.8% CO emission from the chimney. The energy balance determined there was a high potential for the carbonizer to produce useful heat, for rice farm activities, with flue gasses calculated at 724oC. The material and heat balance models were successfully verified by prototype testing
