103 research outputs found

    A Prograding Margin during Global Sea-Level Maxima: An Example from Mahajanga Basin, Northwest Madagascar

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    The Mesozoic shelf margin in the Mahajanga Basin, northwest Madagascar, provides an example where inherited palaeobathymetry, coupled with sea-level changes, high sediment supply and fluctuations in accommodation influenced the stacking patterns and geometry of clinoforms that accreted onto a passive rifted margin. Two-dimensional (2D) seismic profiles are integrated with existing field data and geological maps to study the evolution of the margin. The basin contains complete records of transgression, highstand, regression and lowstand phases that took place from Jurassic to Cretaceous. Of particular interest is the Cretaceous, Albian to Turonian (ca. 113-93 Ma), siliciclastic shelf margin that prograded above a drowned Middle Jurassic carbonate platform. The siliciclastic phase of the shelf margin advanced ca. 70 km within ca. 20 My, and contains 10 distinct clinoforms mapped along a 2D seismic reflection data set. The clinoforms show a progressive decrease in height and slope length, and a fairly constant slope gradient through time. The successive shelf edges begin with a persistent flat to slightly downward-directed shelf-edge trajectory that changes to an ascending trajectory at the end of clinoform progradation. The progressive decrease in clinoform height and slope length is attributed to a decrease in accommodation. The prograding margin is interpreted to have formed when siliciclastic input increased as eastern Madagascar was uplifted. This work highlights the importance of sediment supply and inherited palaeobathymetry as controls on the evolution of shelf margins and it provides a new understanding of the evolution of the Mahajanga Basin during the Mesozoic

    Present-day stress orientations and tectonic provinces of the NW Borneo collisional margin

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    Extent: 15p.Borehole failure observed on image and dipmeter logs from 55 petroleum wells across the NW Borneo collisional margin were used to determine maximum horizontal stress (σH) orientations; combined with seismic and outcrop data, they define seven tectonic provinces. The Baram Delta–Deepwater Fold-Thrust Belt exhibits three tectonic provinces: its inner shelf inverted province (σH is NW-SE, margin-normal), its outer shelf extension province (σH is NE-SW, margin-parallel), and its slope to basin floor compression province (σH is NW-SE, margin-normal). In the inverted province, σH reflects inversion of deltaic normal faults. The σH orientations in the extension and compression provinces reflect deltaic gravitational tectonics. The shale and minibasin provinces have been recognized in offshore Sabah. In the shale province, σH is N010°E, which aligns around the boundary of a massif of mobile shale. Currently, no data are available to determine σH in the minibasin province. In the Balingian province, σH is ESE-WNW, reflecting ESE absolute Sunda plate motions due to the absence of a thick detachment seen elsewhere in NW Borneo. The Central Luconia province demonstrates poorly constrained and variable σH orientations. These seven provinces result from the heterogeneous structural and stratigraphic development of the NW Borneo margin and formed due to complex collisional tectonics and the varied distribution and thicknesses of stratigraphic packages.Rosalind C. King, Mark R. P. Tingay, Richard R. Hillis, Christopher K. Morley, and James Clar

    Evidence for Supercurrent Connectivity in Conglomerate Particles in NdFeAsO1-d

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    Here we use global and local magnetometry and Hall probe imaging to investigate the electromagnetic connectivity of the superconducting current path in the oxygen-deficient fluorine-free Nd-based oxypnictides. High resolution transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy show strongly-layered crystallites, evidence for a ~ 5nm amorphous oxide around individual particles, and second phase neodymium oxide which may be responsible for the large paramagnetic background at high field and at high temperatures. From global magnetometry and electrical transport measurements it is clear that there is a small supercurrent flowing on macroscopic sample dimensions (mm), with a lower bound for the average (over this length scale) critical current density of the order of 103 A/cm2. From magnetometry of powder samples and local Hall probe imaging of a single large conglomerate particle ~120 microns it is clear that on smaller scales, there is better current connectivity with a critical current density of the order of 5 x 104 A/cm2. We find enhanced flux creep around the second peak anomaly in the magnetisation curve and an irreversibility line significantly below Hc2(T) as determined by ac calorimetry.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Competitive valuation effects of Australian IPOs

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    \ua9 2012 Elsevier Inc. This study examines the valuation effects that Australian initial public offerings (IPOs) have on industry competitors and to what extent this can be explained by the IPO firm\u27s corporate governance profile and the intended use of their offer proceeds. Using a sample of 106 IPOs between 1999 and 2009, the results indicate that companies experience negative stock price reactions to the completion of an IPO in their industry on days leading up to and including the event date. The multivariate results show that in relation to corporate governance factors, both board size and CEO share ownership exhibit negative relationships with rival firm abnormal returns. Moreover, IPOs which disclose either investment, or both debt reduction and investment as the intended use of proceeds result in a greater negative price impact upon rival firms

    Light-triggered enzymatic reactions in nested vesicle reactors

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    Cell-sized vesicles have tremendous potential both as miniaturised pL reaction vessels and in bottom-up synthetic biology as chassis for artificial cells. In both these areas the introduction of light-responsive modules affords increased functionality, for example, to initiate enzymatic reactions in the vesicle interior with spatiotemporal control. Here we report a system composed of nested vesicles where the inner compartments act as phototransducers, responding to ultraviolet irradiation through diacetylene polymerisation-induced pore formation to initiate enzymatic reactions. The controlled release and hydrolysis of a fluorogenic ÎČ-galactosidase substrate in the external compartment is demonstrated, where the rate of reaction can be modulated by varying ultraviolet exposure time. Such cell-like nested microreactor structures could be utilised in fields from biocatalysis through to drug delivery
