1,855 research outputs found

    I make an oath and say as follows : Yolngu judicial discourse on sacred art and copyright

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    The main claim of this study is that a dynamic repertoire of Indigenous linguistic conducts and judicial strategies exists in Yolngu (Australia) artworks misappropriation cases discussed before Australian courts, and that its examination helps to clarify Indigenous perspectives on the property of sacred art. This essay \u2013 covering an almost untouched field in the literature on \u201cIndigenous intellectual property\u201d \u2013 enlightens Yolngu judicial strategies as their answer to the conundrum between the risk of a loss of their cultural identity and the advantage potentially deriving from a state recognition of Indigenous \u201cintellectual property\u201d rights. This study mainly relies on Yolngu and other subjects\u2019 affidavits released throughout five significant 1990s lawsuits. Affidavits clearly show the two-folded nature of Yolngu judicial discourse on sacred art and copyright, simultaneously insisting on and (implicitly) dismissing an interpretation of Indigenous paintings as \u201cintellectual property\u201d.La principal afirmaci\uf3n de este estudio es que hay un repertorio din\ue1mico de conductas ling\ufc\uedsticas y estrategias judiciales ind\uedgenas en los casos de malversaci\uf3n de obras de arte yolngu (Australia) que se presentaron en juzgados australianos. El an\ue1lisisde esos repertorios ayuda a esclarecer las perspectivas ind\uedgenas sobre la propiedad de arte sagrado. Este art\uedculo \u2013que cubre un campo casi in\ue9dito en la literatura sobre propiedad intelectual ind\uedgena\u2013 arroja luz sobre las estrategias judiciales de los Yolngu como respuesta al dilema entre el peligro de una p\ue9rdida de su identidad cultural y la posible ventaja derivada de un reconocimiento del Estado de los derechos de propiedad intelectual ind\uedgenas. Nuestro estudio se basa principalmente en las declaraciones juradas de miembros del pueblo Yolngu y de otras personas. Dichas declaraciones se realizaron durante cinco casos judiciales significativos de los a\uf1os 90. Las declaraciones juradas demuestran la naturaleza dual del discurso judicial de los Yolngu sobre arte sagrado y derechos de autor, insistiendo simult\ue1neamente en, a la vez que (impl\uedcitamente) rechazando una interpretaci\uf3n de las pinturas ind\uedgenas como \u201cpropiedad intelectual\u201d

    Simultaneous conduction and valence band quantisation in ultra-shallow, high density doping profiles in semiconductors

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    We demonstrate simultaneous quantisation of conduction band (CB) and valence band (VB) states in silicon using ultra-shallow, high density, phosphorus doping profiles (so-called Si:P δ\delta-layers). We show that, in addition to the well known quantisation of CB states within the dopant plane, the confinement of VB-derived states between the sub-surface P dopant layer and the Si surface gives rise to a simultaneous quantisation of VB states in this narrow region. We also show that the VB quantisation can be explained using a simple particle-in-a-box model, and that the number and energy separation of the quantised VB states depend on the depth of the P dopant layer beneath the Si surface. Since the quantised CB states do not show a strong dependence on the dopant depth (but rather on the dopant density), it is straightforward to exhibit control over the properties of the quantised CB and VB states independently of each other by choosing the dopant density and depth accordingly, thus offering new possibilities for engineering quantum matter.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures and supplementary materia


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    This study investigates the reasons that prevent the application of Intellectual Property constructs to Indigenous normative regimes governing sacred knowledge. The research specifically concerns Yolngu people of North-East Arnhem Land (Northern Territory, Australia) norms managing the production and exhange of traditional artworks. What is argued is that Western Property law is unable to conceive the "interconnected" and "cosmological" dimension of Indigenous knowledge, since it cannot adequately conceptualize the relationship between Indigenous people and their land. The first part of the study shows how the notion of "land/real property" (as conceived and developed in Western law and legal philosophy) produces both a "dephisicalization" of land, and an ontological partition between humans and the place they inhabit. The second part of the study describes Yolngu way of conceiving land, particularly focusing on the way in which land is "connected" both to people and sacred artworks. Such connection, as it is shown, is mainly implied by the vision of land as a "physical-cosmological continuum". The last part of the thesis shows how Yolngu have tried to translate their vision of artworks into the Intellectual Property lexicon

    Air transport and tourism flows to islands: A panel analysis for southern European countries

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    Air transport is an essential component of the tourism industry, and the number, frequency, and capacity of flight connections may influence the level of tourism demand, especially for island destinations. This paper evaluates the influence of air transport on tourism arrivals to selected islands in seven southern European Union countries to determine the nature of the relationship between tourist arrivals and air transport, specifically, whether air transport services generate tourism demand or merely enable touristic flows. The paper uses panel data and applies an econometric model with justifications for endogeneity and dynamic issues. Results show a moderate impact of transport infrastructures on generating additional tourist arrivals; however, the model shows that air transport is a prerequisite to developing tourism demand and is not the only determinant in increasing tourist arrivals. Tourist arrivals appear more a determinant than a consequence of changes in-flight connections

    The Atlantic blue crab Callinectes sapidus spreading in the Tyrrhenian sea: evidence of an established population in the Stagnone di Marsala (Sicily, southern Italy)

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    The blue crab Callinectes sapidus is a portunid brachyuran native of the Atlantic coasts of America. In the last decades, the species has greatly expanded its range in invaded areas, currently including the Atlantic coasts of Morocco, the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea as well as the eastern Atlantic coasts of Europe from Portugal to France, Belgium, and Germany. In the present study, several specimens of C. sapidus were collected in May, June and July 2021 in the Stagnone di Marsala, a semi-enclosed basin located in the north-western coast of Sicily (southern Italy, Mediterranean Sea) characterized by low hydrodynamics and water exchange with the adjacent open sea and high salinity conditions. Juveniles at diff erent instar stages and ovigerous females were repeatedly captured, suggesting the presence of an established population of the blue crab, despite the peculiar environmental conditions characterizing the basin. These fi ndings are discussed in the context of the current expansion of the species along the African coasts of the Mediterranean Sea

    A Novel Logic and Approach to Speed up Simulation and Analysis of Production Systems

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    The paper describes a novel logic to model, simulate and analyze production systems using Discrete Event Simulation tools. An adaptable and flexible DES model has been developed to represent different manufacturing environments. The goal of the proposed DES-based parametric model is to offer to industrial analysts a compact, fast and easy way to configure and use decision support tools. The logic is based on elementary structures with a vertical multilayer architecture that permits entities to access and loop in multiple times. Since it has been assumed manufacturing systems are combination of elementary parts, the architecture of the model becomes quite simple since representing few structures only, and the simulation of heterogeneous systems is the result of as many iterations as needed by a user. This approach is adaptable both to SMEs and large companies, permitting to avoid the use of dedicated SW and allocated skilled person

    Combining Top-down and Bottom-up Visual Saliency for Firearms Localization

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    Object detection is one of the most challenging issues for computer vision researchers. The analysis of the human visual attention mechanisms can help automatic inspection systems, in order to discard useless information and improving performances and efficiency. In this paper we proposed our attention based method to estimate firearms position in images of people holding firearms. Both top-down and bottom-up mechanisms are involved in our system. The bottom-up analysis is based on a state-of-the-art approach. The top-down analysis is based on the construction of a probabilistic model of the firearms position with respect to the people\u2019s face position. This model has been created by analyzing information from of a public available database of movie frames representing actors holding firearms

    Funnel plots and choropleth maps in cancer risk communication: a comparison of tools for disseminating population-based incidence data to stakeholders

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    Background: Population-based cancer registries provide epidemiological cancer information, but the indicators are often too complex to be interpreted by local authorities and communities, due to numeracy and literacy limitations. The aim of this paper is to compare the commonly used visual formats to funnel plots to enable local public health authorities and communities to access valid and understandable cancer incidence data obtained at the municipal level. Methods: A funnel plot representation of standardised incidence ratio (SIR) was generated for the 82 municipalities of the Palermo Province with the 2003 2011 data from the Palermo Province Cancer Registry (Sicily, Italy). The properties of the funnel plot and choropleth map methodologies were compared within the context of disseminating epidemiological data to stakeholders. Results: The SIRs of all the municipalities remained within the control limits, except for Palermo city area (SIR=1.12), which was sited outside the upper control limit line of 99.8%. The Palermo Province SIRs funnel plot representation was congruent with the choropleth map generated from the same data, but the former resulted more informative as shown by the comparisons of the weaknesses and strengths of the 2 visual formats. Conclusions: Funnel plot should be used as a complementary valuable tool to communicate epidemiological data of cancer registries to communities and local authorities, visually conveying an efficient and simple way to interpret cancer incidence data

    An Extensive Questionnaire about Metacognition during Emergency Remote Teaching Involving More Than 3000 Engineering Students

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    By 11 March 2020, the phrase “COVID-19” had officially entered everyday life across most of the word. Each level of education suddenly faced new changes and new challenges. Emergency remote teaching became widespread, and new methodologies to deliver classes and courses were adopted by educational institutions. In this paper, we focus on the impact of the remote learning experience of engineering students enrolled at the Politecnico di Milano. The subjects were recruited from all engineering courses from the first to the fifth year and were asked to complete a multidimensional survey. The survey featured 66 items regarding the participants’ perceptions of the challenges of emergency remote teaching compared with pre-COVID-19 in-person teaching. The questionnaire addressed six dimensions: the organization of emergency remote teaching, subjective well-being, metacognition, self-efficacy, identity, and socio-demographic information. In this paper, we describe the entire survey and discuss a preliminary analysis. Using Cronbach’s alpha test, a confirmatory factor analysis, and the t-test, we performed a more in-depth analysis concerning the outcomes of metacognition and self-efficacy. The data analysis suggested a small, unexpected change in the metacognition strategies. The students, in some regards, improved their learning strategies. Some other answers underlined their appreciation of the courses’ organization and the lack of relationships with their peers and teachers
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