2,766 research outputs found

    La dimensión transgubernamental en la integración latinoamericana : el caso de Argentina y Bolivia con sus países limítrofes

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    El presente trabajo se enmarca, dentro de la teoría de las relaciones internacionales, en el llamado “Paradigma de la Interdependencia compleja", por ello adoptamos como concepto de relación transgubernamental el aportado por los principales autores de esta corriente, quienes las definen como “contactos entre las burocracias gubernamentales encargadas de tareas similares" (Keohane R. O. y Nye J. S.: 1988). Para estos autores, la unidad de análisis ya no es el Estado, el cual pierde su carácter de actor principal, sino que serían las organizaciones intergubernamentales (como la ONU y otras), las ONGs, las multinacionales, las organizaciones subestatales e incluso los individuos. Las tres características centrales de ésta teoría serían entonces: 1) analizar los canales múltiples que conectan a las sociedades, a través de relaciones interestatales, transgubernamentales y transnacionales, con la participación de diversas organizaciones no directamente controladas por gobiernos, 2) afirmar que la agenda de las relaciones interestatales se encuentra constituida por múltiples temas sin jerarquía rígida. Los problemas energéticos, de los recursos, del medio ambiente, de la población, del empleo del espacio y de los mares se equiparan ahora con cuestiones de seguridad militar, ideológicas y de rivalidad territorial, las que tradicionalmente habían conformado la agenda diplomática y los análisis realistas, 3) considerar que la fuerza militar no es usada dentro de regiones de influencia de cada Estado sino más bien contra gobiernos fuera de ellas

    Hygrothermal Behaviour of Three Internal Retrofit Prototype Solutions

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    AbstractAlthough the application of internal insulation to existing perimeter walls poses significant challenges in terms of building physics and loss of habitable space, it is sometimes an inevitable choice because of practical or legislative constraints. Innovative solutions are then required to deliver satisfying performances and reduce nuisance to inhabitants of residential buildings in case they are going to remain in their flats during the retrofit works.Three systems for inner thermal retrofitting purposes have been designed and produced as prototypes. Two of them are composed by silica aerogel containing fibrous material: the first one is a rigid flat laminated panel, the second one is a rollable solution with a fabric finishing layer. The third insulating system is a perlite based board with a hydrophobic layer. All the materials composing the retrofit solutions have been characterized by means of laboratory tests in order to measure their main hygrothermal properties. In fact, some parameters are fundamental for determining the hygrothermal performance of the composite systems: thermal conductivity, at dry and wet state (moisture dependant), water vapour diffusion resistance factor, hygroscopic sorption at isotherm condition and water absorption coefficient. All those measured data were necessary for optimizing the solutions, guaranteeing energy efficiency and vapour open layers to systems that are intended for installation on existing walls

    Regenerative approaches for V/UHTS feeder links: system analysis and on-board complexity reduction

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    The dramatically increasing demand for high data rates necessitates the proper dimensioning of the feeder links of very or ultra high throughput satellite (V/UHTS) systems. However, because most of the current solutions rely on transparent payloads, the deployment of a very large number of spatially separated ground stations is necessary to support the total system bandwidth by enabling a full reuse of the scarce available uplink bandwidth. This approach has a significant impact on the complexity and the costs of the ground segment infrastructure. Regenerative payloads could be considered to avoid this design bottleneck. By allowing demodulation and decoding on-board the satellite, the favourable link budget conditions of feeder links compared to the user links can be exploited. Using a spectral efficient transmission technique, the number of ground stations required to support a target sum throughput can be notably reduced. Meanwhile, regenerative solutions have until now barely been used in V/UHTS payloads due to their high on-board power consumption. As a consequence, candidate solutions are proposed in this work to overcome this limitation. A non-coherent modulation technique, known as Differential Amplitude Phase Shift Keying (DAPSK), is introduced to avoid on-board carrier synchronization. Moreover, polar codes are considered to minimize the power consumption of the channel decoder. A preliminary analysis of the expected on-board power consumption compared to that of a standard DVB-S2 approach is conducted using available results in the open literature. Link performance is also evaluated via numerical simulations

    Algoritmo de Optimización Energética Sustentable Para el Habitat en Zonas Semiáridas del Oeste Argentino

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    En este trabajo se han desarrollado una serie de técnicas de optimización para la optimización de recursos energéticos de explotaciones industriales y agroindustriales de los bordes de desiertos y zonas semi-áridas del oeste argentino Basados en el remanente de producción de cultivos energéticos presentados en un trabajo previo (JAIIO 2009 Palma Morel), se intenta aquí utilizar esa energía para el desarrollo de actividades industriales y para mejora en las condiciones de habitabilidad de la región.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    ρ\rho-mass Modification in He3He^3 - a Signal of Restoration of Chiral Symmetry or Test for Nuclear Matter Models ?

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    Two recent experiments have demonstrated that the effective ρ\rho-mass in nuclear medium, as extracted from the 3He(γ,π+π)^3He(\gamma, \pi^+ \pi^-) reaction, is substantially reduced. This has been advocated as an indication of partial restoration of chiral symmetry in nuclear matter. We show that even in the absence of chiral symmetry, effective mean field nuclear matter models can explain these findings quantitatively.Comment: ReVTeX file with 2 postscript figures include

    Mitochondria Are Related to Synaptic Pathology in Alzheimer's Disease

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    Morphological alterations of mitochondria may play an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's disease, been associated with oxidative stress and Aβ-peptide-induced toxicity. We proceeded to estimation of mitochondria on electron micrographs of autopsy specimens of Alzheimer's disease. We found substantial morphological and morphometric changes of the mitochondria in the neurons of the hippocampus, the neocortex, the cerebellar cortex, the thalamus, the globus pallidus, the red nucleus, the locus coeruleus, and the climbing fibers. The alterations consisted of considerable changes of the cristae, accumulation of osmiophilic material, and modification of the shape and size. Mitochondrial alterations were prominent in neurons, which showed a depletion of dendritic spines and loss of dendritic branches. Mitochondrial alterations are not related with the accumulation of amyloid deposits, but are prominent whenever fragmentation of the Golgi apparatus exists. Morphometric analysis showed also that mitochondria are significantly reduced in neurons, which demonstrated synaptic pathology

    Theoretical Interpretation of Low-Mass Dileptons

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    An overview is given of chiral symmetry restoration at finite temperature and baryochemical potential. Within hadronic models of the vector correlator its implications for low-mass dilepton spectra in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions are discussed.Comment: 12 pages LaTeX, incl. 12 ps-/eps-figures and espcrc1.st