215 research outputs found

    Atomic contributions to the valence band photoelectron spectra of metal-free, iron and manganese phthalocyanines

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    The present work reports a photoelectron spectroscopy study of the low-energy region of the valence band of metal-free phthalocyanine (H2Pc) compared with those of iron phthalocyanine (FePc) and manganese phthalocyanine (MnPc). Density Functional Theory calculations have been used to resolve the atomic orbital composition of the valence spectra of all the phthalocyanines (Pcs) analyzed in this study. Moreover we show how the atomic character of the Highest Occupied Molecular Orbital (HOMO) is reflected on the outermost valence band binding energy region. The intensity related to the C 2p contributions, resulting in the HOMO for H2Pc and FePc and in the HOMO-1 for MnPc as described by the theoretical predictions is in very good agreement with the experimental results. The DFT simulations, discerning the atomic contribution to the density of states, indicate how the central metal atom interacts with the C and N atoms of the molecule, giving rise to different partial and total density of states for these three different Pc molecules

    Global methylation profiling of lung cancer identifies novel methylated genes

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    Epigenetic changes, including DNA methylation, are a common finding in cancer. In lung cancers methylation of cytosine residues may affect tumor initiation and progression in several ways, including the silencing of tumor suppressor genes through promoter methylation and by providing the targets for adduct formation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons present in combustion products of cigarette smoke. Although the importance of aberrant DNA methylation is well established, the extent of DNA methylation in lung cancers has never been determined. Restriction landmark genomic scanning (RLGS) is a highly reproducible two-dimensional gel electrophoresis that allows the determination of the methylation status of up to 2000 promoter sequences in a single gel. We selected 1184 CpG islands for RLGS analysis and determined their methylation status in 16 primary non-small cell lung cancers. Some tumors did not show methylation whereas others showed up to 5.3% methylation in all CpG islands of the profile. Cloning of 21 methylated loci identified 11 genes and 6 ESTs. We demonstrate that methylation is part of the silencing process of BMP3B in primary tumors and lung cancer cell lines

    Changing risk of environmental Campylobacter exposure with emerging poultry production systems in Ethiopia

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    Campylobacter is a leading cause of diarrhoea, and its presence in chickens is a significant risk for zoonotic infection. Poultry production is becoming increasingly intensive in Ethiopia and is incorporating more high-producing breeds into traditionally managed smallholdings, especially in peri-urban areas. This cross-sectional study sampled 219 household environments in one peri-urban and two rural areas of Ethiopia, and an additional 20 semi-intensive farms in the peri-urban district. Campylobacter was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-specific assays in 44 samples; 16 of which could be identified as C. jejuni. Flocks in the peri-urban area were at significantly greater odds of detection, including those which only kept indigenous birds under a scavenging system. It was also noted that scavenging flocks of exotic high-production birds (Rhode Island Red) were at slightly greater risk, perhaps as exotic birds are under more stress when kept under traditional management systems. We suggest that changes to the system of chicken production may alter the ecology and epidemiology of Campylobacter in the environment, chickens and people, which may drive emergence of new epidemiological patterns of disease. Further research is needed to determine the extent to which the current management intensification and the distribution programmes of exotic and/or improved indigenous birds may alter Campylobacter epidemiology, ecology and public health risk, before their widespread adoption

    Variability in organ-specific EGFR mutational spectra in tumour epithelium and stroma may be the biological basis for differential responses to tyrosine kinase inhibitors

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    Organ-specific differences in epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutational spectra and frequencies were found in lung cancer and sporadic and BRCA1/2-related breast cancers. Additionally, we found a high frequency of EGFR mutations in the tumour stroma of these invasive breast carcinomas. Those organ-specific mutational spectra and potential targets in the cancer-associated stroma might influence the efficacy of TKI therapy

    Quantitative evaluation of oligonucleotide surface concentrations using polymerization-based amplification

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    Quantitative evaluation of minimal polynucleotide concentrations has become a critical analysis among a myriad of applications found in molecular diagnostic technology. Development of high-throughput, nonenzymatic assays that are sensitive, quantitative and yet feasible for point-of-care testing are thus beneficial for routine implementation. Here, we develop a nonenzymatic method for quantifying surface concentrations of labeled DNA targets by coupling regulated amounts of polymer growth to complementary biomolecular binding on array-based biochips. Polymer film thickness measurements in the 20–220 nm range vary logarithmically with labeled DNA surface concentrations over two orders of magnitude with a lower limit of quantitation at 60 molecules/μm2 (∼106 target molecules). In an effort to develop this amplification method towards compatibility with fluorescence-based methods of characterization, incorporation of fluorescent nanoparticles into the polymer films is also evaluated. The resulting gains in fluorescent signal enable quantification using detection instrumentation amenable to point-of-care settings

    Linking the Epigenome to the Genome: Correlation of Different Features to DNA Methylation of CpG Islands

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    DNA methylation of CpG islands plays a crucial role in the regulation of gene expression. More than half of all human promoters contain CpG islands with a tissue-specific methylation pattern in differentiated cells. Still today, the whole process of how DNA methyltransferases determine which region should be methylated is not completely revealed. There are many hypotheses of which genomic features are correlated to the epigenome that have not yet been evaluated. Furthermore, many explorative approaches of measuring DNA methylation are limited to a subset of the genome and thus, cannot be employed, e.g., for genome-wide biomarker prediction methods. In this study, we evaluated the correlation of genetic, epigenetic and hypothesis-driven features to DNA methylation of CpG islands. To this end, various binary classifiers were trained and evaluated by cross-validation on a dataset comprising DNA methylation data for 190 CpG islands in HEPG2, HEK293, fibroblasts and leukocytes. We achieved an accuracy of up to 91% with an MCC of 0.8 using ten-fold cross-validation and ten repetitions. With these models, we extended the existing dataset to the whole genome and thus, predicted the methylation landscape for the given cell types. The method used for these predictions is also validated on another external whole-genome dataset. Our results reveal features correlated to DNA methylation and confirm or disprove various hypotheses of DNA methylation related features. This study confirms correlations between DNA methylation and histone modifications, DNA structure, DNA sequence, genomic attributes and CpG island properties. Furthermore, the method has been validated on a genome-wide dataset from the ENCODE consortium. The developed software, as well as the predicted datasets and a web-service to compare methylation states of CpG islands are available at http://www.cogsys.cs.uni-tuebingen.de/software/dna-methylation/
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