318 research outputs found

    Foliar diseases of wheat.

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    Glasshouse screening for resistance to septoria nodorum and pyrenophora tritici repentis. Assessment of Interstate Variety Trial \u27B\u27 1985. Glasshouse assessment of a novel selection technique. Duration of leaf wetness incubation as it affects glasshouse screening. Effect of leaf disease in multiple wheat cropping. M1, M2, E1, E2, E3. An inoculum for inducing s. Nodorum epidemics in the field

    Quantifying loss of yield potential due to leaf disease.

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    To determine the impact of Septoria and barley yellow dwarf virus on wheat grown under the package approach on the south coast using different levels of fungicide and insecticide control on a susceptible variety of an appropriate maturity for early sowing. Examine if there is any benefit for disease control of S. tritici from Baytan seed dressing. 92AL16. Time of sowing and variety effects on the Septoria diseases of wheat. 92AL17. Time of sowing effect on barley foliar diseases. 92AL19. Evaluating variety mixtures to reduce Septoria using a range of lines. 92AL24. Fungicides for control of Septoria nodorum of wheat. 92BA19. Evaluating variety mixtures to reduce Septoria using a range of lines. 92BA20. Effects of Septoria avenae blotch on oat lines and cultivars varying in resistance, maturity and height. 92BA21. Fungicide control of leaf disease in early sown spear wheat. 92ES44 Effects of straw inoculum on leaf disease of wheat. 92BA52. Fungicide control of leaf disease in early sown spear wheat. 92ES44. Rates and timing of fungicides for control of leaf rust and Septoria. 92ES48. To evaluate a range of fungicides for control of leaf rust and other leaf diseases. 92GE90. To evaluate different rates and spray volumes of fungicide for control of leaf rust and Septoria. 92LG62. To evaluate different rates of fungicides for control of leaf rust and other Septoria. 92LG63. Evaluating variety mixtures to reduce Septoria using a range of lines. 92MT34. Effects of Septoria avenae blotch on oat lines and cultivars varying in resistance, maturity and height. 92MT35. Inoculum potential of 18 month old wheat stubbles. 92PE24.\ Response of elite breeding lines to Septoria nodorum. 92PE31. Fungicide control of leaf rust in Corrigin wheat. 92NA79. Fungicide control of wheat leaf rust. 92NO82. Effects of fungicide application on leaf rust and other diseases. 92NO99. Effect of fungicide on wheat leaf rust and Septoria in early sown dagger wheat. 92NO101. Rates and timing of tilt for control of leaf rust and Septoria in early sown spear. 92TS42. Rates and timing of tilt for control of leaf rust in late sown kulin. 92TS43

    Foliar wheat diseases and cereal smuts.

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    Chemical control of leaf spots of wheat, 86BA41, 86MT49. Semi-natural inoculum for plant breeders plots, 86MD2. Chemical control of soil-borne flag smut, 86ME73, 86M032. Chemical control of barley loose smut, 86AL50, 86KA59, 86MT47. Chemical control of loose smut in barley with different levels of seed infections, 86MT48. Disease characterisation of cereal variety trial stage 4 sites

    Genetics of rust resistance in the Australian wheat germplasm

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    Genetics of rust resistance in the Australian wheat germplasm

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    The aim of this naturalistic study was to identify pretreatment predictors of response to cognitive behaviour therapy in treatment-seeking patients with binge eating disorder (BED; N=304). Furthermore, we examined end-of-treatment factors that predict treatment outcome 6months later (N=190). We assessed eating disorder psychopathology, general psychopathology, personality characteristics and demographic variables using self-report questionnaires. Treatment outcome was measured using the bulimia subscale of the Eating Disorder Inventory 1. Predictors were determined using hierarchical linear regression analyses. Several variables significantly predicted outcome, four of which were found to be both baseline predictors of treatment outcome and end-of-treatment predictors of follow-up: Higher levels of drive for thinness, higher levels of interoceptive awareness, lower levels of binge eating pathology and, in women, lower levels of body dissatisfaction predicted better outcome in the short and longer term. Based on these results, several suggestions are made to improve treatment outcome for BED patients

    Experimental summary 1988.

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    Disease complexes in wheat field screening trials. Glasshouse screening for wheat leaf disease resistance Effect of phosphate, stand density and Rovral on Pleiochaeta setosa in lupins. Genotype and Rovral for Pleiochaeta setosa in lupins. Control of Septoria in early sown wheat. Controlling Pyrenophora graminea leaf stripe in barley. Effect of environment on leaf stripe in barley Unusual seed quality problems