674 research outputs found

    Two-component Fermi systems: II. Superfluid coupled cluster theory

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    Bacterial computing: A form of natural computing and its applications

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    The capability to establish adaptive relationships with the environment is an essential characteristic of living cells. Both bacterial computing and bacterial intelligence are two general traits manifested along adaptive behaviors that respond to surrounding environmental conditions. These two traits have generated a variety of theoretical and applied approaches. Since the different systems of bacterial signaling and the different ways of genetic change are better known and more carefully explored, the whole adaptive possibilities of bacteria may be studied under new angles. For instance, there appear instances of molecular "learning" along the mechanisms of evolution. More in concrete, and looking specifically at the time dimension, the bacterial mechanisms of learning and evolution appear as two different and related mechanisms for adaptation to the environment; in somatic time the former and in evolutionary time the latter. In the present chapter it will be reviewed the possible application of both kinds of mechanisms to prokaryotic molecular computing schemes as well as to the solution of real world problems

    Data assimilation of stratospheric constituents: a review

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    International audienceThe data assimilation of stratospheric constituents is reviewed. The data assimilation method is introduced, with particular consideration to its application to stratospheric constituent measurements. Differences from meteorological data assimilation are outlined. Historically, two approaches have been used to carry out constituent assimilation. One approach has carried constituent assimilation out as part of a numerical weather prediction system; the other has carried it out in a standalone chemical model, often with a more sophisticated representation of chemical processes. Whereas the aim of the numerical weather prediction approach has been to improve weather forecasts, the aims of the chemical model approach have included providing chemical forecasts and analyses of chemical constituents. A range of constituent assimilation systems developed in these two areas is presented and strengths and weaknesses discussed. The use of stratospheric constituent data assimilation to evaluate models, observations and analyses, and to provide analyses of constituents, monitor ozone, and make ozone forecasts is discussed. Finally, the current state of affairs is assessed, future directions are discussed, and potential key drivers identified

    Eye evolution simulation with a genetic algorithm based on the hypothesis of Nilsson and Pelger

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    The present work addresses for the first time the simulation of the evolution of an elemental eye by means of a simple genetic algorithm. The problem of the gradual evolution of a structure as complex as the eye was raised by Darwin, being still at the beginning of the 21st century a source of controversy between creationists and evolutionists. Taking as a starting point the paper of Nilsson and Pelger and their hypothesis that the evolution of the eye can be studied if we limit ourselves to its optical geometry, we show how eye evolution could take place gradually applying the principle of natural selection. Our model is limited to studying how an array of photosensitive epithelial cells is bent gradually to achieve a camera obscura

    Optimization of laser-patterned YSZ-LSM composite cathode-electrolyte interfaces for solid oxide fuel cells

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    Patterned cathode/electrolyte interfaces formed by a hexagonal array of ~22 µm deep wells with 24 µm lattice parameter have been prepared by pulsed laser machining to enlarge the contact surface and, consequently, to reduce the cathode polarization of Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. These new interfaces have been tested in YSZ-LSM/YSZ/YSZ-LSM symmetrical cells, where the cathode is deposited by dip-coating. Appropriate ceramic suspensions have been formulated to penetrate into deep wells without presenting interfacial delamination after sintering. We analyse their applicability by comparing their rheology with the microstructure and electrochemical performance of the cells. The activation component of the polarization resistance is reduced by ~50% using ethanol-based suspensions with 20 wt% solids loading, although the gas diffusion component increases due to excessive densification. Alternative ceramic suspensions with 17.5 wt% solids loading provide optimum electrode gas diffusion but lower activation components, resulting in an overall decrease of ~20% in polarization resistance

    Insectivorous bats are less active near freeways

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    Traffic disturbances (i.e. pollution, light, noise, and vibrations) often extend into the area surrounding a road creating a 'road-effect zone'. Habitat within the road-effect zone is degraded or, in severe cases, completely unsuitable for wildlife, resulting in indirect habitat loss. This can have a disproportionate impact on wildlife in highly modified landscapes, where remaining habitat is scarce or occurs predominantly along roadside reserves. In this study, we investigated the road-effect zone for insectivorous bats in highly cleared agricultural landscapes by quantifying the change in call activity with proximity to three major freeways. The activity of seven out of 10 species of bat significantly decreased with proximity to the freeway. We defined the road-effect zone to be the proximity at which call activity declined by at least 20% relative to the maximum detected activity. The overall road-effect zone for bats in this region was 307 m, varying between 123 and 890 m for individual species. Given that this road-effect zone exceeds the typical width of the roadside verges (<50 m), it is possible that much of the vegetation adjacent to freeways in this and similar landscapes provides low-quality habitat for bats. Without accounting for the road-effect zone, the amount of habitat lost or degraded due to roads is underestimated, potentially resulting in the loss of wildlife, ecosystem services and key ecosystem processes (e.g. predator-prey or plant-pollinator interactions) from the landscape. We suggest all future environmental impact assessments include quantifying the road-effect zone for sensitive wildlife, in order to best plan and mitigate the impact of roads on the environment. Mitigating the effects of new and existing roads on wildlife is essential to ensure enough high-quality habitat persists to maintain wildlife populations

    Plausibility of a Neural Network Classifier-Based Neuroprosthesis for Depression Detection via Laughter Records

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    The present work explores the diagnostic performance for depression of neural network classifiers analyzing the sound structures of laughter as registered from clinical patients and healthy controls. The main methodological novelty of this work is that simple sound variables of laughter are used as inputs, instead of electrophysiological signals or local field potentials (LFPs) or spoken language utterances, which are the usual protocols up-to-date. In the present study, involving 934 laughs from 30 patients and 20 controls, four different neural networks models were tested for sensitivity analysis, and were additionally trained for depression detection. Some elementary sound variables were extracted from the records: timing, fundamental frequency mean, first three formants, average power, and the Shannon-Wiener entropy. In the results obtained, two of the neural networks show a diagnostic discrimination capability of 93.02 and 91.15% respectively, while the third and fourth ones have an 87.96 and 82.40% percentage of success. Remarkably, entropy turns out to be a fundamental variable to distinguish between patients and controls, and this is a significant factor which becomes essential to understand the deep neurocognitive relationships between laughter and depression. In biomedical terms, our neural network classifier-based neuroprosthesis opens up the possibility of applying the same methodology to other mental-health and neuropsychiatric pathologies. Indeed, exploring the application of laughter in the early detection and prognosis of Alzheimer and Parkinson would represent an enticing possibility, both from the biomedical and the computational points of view

    Pulsed laser ablation and incubation of nickel, iron and tungsten in liquids and air

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    Incubation effects in the nanosecond laser ablation of metals exhibit a strong dependence on the thermal and mechanical properties of both the target material and the background gas or liquid. The incubation in air is controlled mainly by thermal properties such as the heat of vaporization. In liquid, the correlation of the incubation and the ultimate tensile stress of the metals suggests that incubation may be related to the mechanical impact on the solid material by the cavitation bubble collapse, causing accumulation of voids and cracks in the subsurface region of the ablation craters. At high ultimate tensile stress, however, the low sensitivity to the environment suggests that the mechanical impact is likely to play a negligible role in the incubation. Finally, the correlation between the incubation and the carbon content of alcoholic liquids may be explained by an absorptivity increase of the cavity surfaces due to carbonaceous deposits generated by laser-induced pyrolysis, or by the mechanical impact of long-living bubbles at higher dynamic viscosity of liquids

    ToF-SIMS and -Raman measurements on laser cleaned bronze archaeological artefacts

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    n this study, ToF-SIMS and -Raman analyses have been employed to assess the feasibility of laser treatments as a selective, non invasive cleaning methodology for archaeological metallic artefacts. A Q-switched Yb:YAG fibre laser, operating at 1064 nm, has been used for the cleaning treatments, carried out in air and 18O rich atmosphere on an ancient bronze coin. The preliminary results show that laser cleaning treatment selectively removes the dangerous oxyhydroxy chlorides corrosion products without affecting the cuprite protective patina grown directly in contact with the metallic surface
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