4,756 research outputs found

    Arbitrary state controlled-unitary gate by adiabatic passage

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    We propose a robust scheme involving atoms fixed in an optical cavity to directly implement the universal controlled-unitary gate. The present technique based on adiabatic passage uses novel dark states well suited for the controlled-rotation operation. We show that these dark states allow the robust implementation of a gate that is a generalisation of the controlled-unitary gate to the case where the control qubit can be selected to be an arbitrary state. This gate has potential applications to the rapid implementation of quantum algorithms such as of the projective measurement algorithm. This process is decoherence-free since excited atomic states and cavity modes are not populated during the dynamics.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    CNOT gate by adiabatic passage with an optical cavity

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    We propose a scheme for the construction of a CNOT gate by adiabatic passage in an optical cavity. In opposition to a previously proposed method, the technique is not based on fractional adiabatic passage, which requires the control of the ratio of two pulse amplitudes. Moreover, the technique constitutes a decoherence-free method in the sense that spontaneous emission and cavity damping are avoided since the dynamics follows dark states.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitted to EPJ

    Fast SWAP gate by adiabatic passage

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    We present a process for the construction of a SWAP gate which does not require a composition of elementary gates from a universal set. We propose to employ direct techniques adapted to the preparation of this specific gate. The mechanism, based on adiabatic passage, constitutes a decoherence-free method in the sense that spontaneous emission and cavity damping are avoided.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Phys. Re

    Thermal Effects on the Magnetic Field Dependence of Spin Transfer Induced Magnetization Reversal

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    We have developed a self-aligned, high-yield process to fabricate CPP (current perpendicular to the plane) magnetic sensors of sub 100 nm dimensions. A pinned synthetic antiferromagnet (SAF) is used as the reference layer which minimizes dipole coupling to the free layer and field induced rotation of the reference layer. We find that the critical currents for spin transfer induced magnetization reversal of the free layer vary dramatically with relatively small changes the in-plane magnetic field, in contrast to theoretical predictions based on stability analysis of the Gilbert equations of magnetization dynamics including Slonczewski-type spin-torque terms. The discrepancy is believed due to thermal fluctuations over the time scale of the measurements. Once thermal fluctuations are taken into account, we find good quantitative agreement between our experimental results and numerical simulations.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to Appl. Phys. Lett., Comparison of some of these results with a model described by N. Smith in cond-mat/040648

    Magnetic domain wall propagation in a submicron spin-valve stripe: influence of the pinned layer

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    The propagation of a domain wall in a submicron ferromagnetic spin-valve stripe is investigated using giant magnetoresistance. A notch in the stripe efficiently traps an injected wall stopping the domain propagation. The authors show that the magnetic field at which the wall is depinned displays a stochastic nature. Moreover, the depinning statistics are significantly different for head to head and tail-to-tail domain walls. This is attributed to the dipolar field generated in the vicinity of the notch by the pinned layer of the spin-valve

    Unveiling the near-infrared structure of the massive-young stellar object NGC 3603 IRS 9A with sparse aperture masking and spectroastrometry

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    Contemporary theory holds that massive stars gather mass during their initial phases via accreting disk-like structures. However, conclusive evidence for disks has remained elusive for the most massive young objects. This is mainly due to significant observational challenges. Incisive studies, even targeting individual objects, are therefore relevant to the progression of the field. NGC 3603 IRS 9A* is a young massive stellar object still surrounded by an envelope of molecular gas. Previous mid-infrared observations with long-baseline interferometry provided evidence for a disk of 50 mas diameter at its core. This work aims at a comprehensive study of the physics and morphology of IRS 9A at near-infrared wavelengths. New sparse aperture masking interferometry data taken with NACO/VLT at Ks and Lp filters were obtained and analysed together with archival CRIRES spectra of the H2 and BrG lines. The calibrated visibilities recorded at Ks and Lp bands suggest the presence of a partially resolved compact object of 30 mas at the core of IRS 9A, together with the presence of over-resolved flux. The spectroastrometric signal of the H2 line shows that this spectral feature proceeds from the large scale extended emission (300 mas) of IRS 9A, while the BrG line appears to be formed at the core of the object (20 mas). This scenario is consistent with the brightness distribution of the source for near- and mid-infrared wavelengths at various spatial scales. However, our model suffers from remaining inconsistencies between SED modelling and the interferometric data. Moreover, the BrG spectroastrometric signal indicates that the core of IRS 9A exhibits some form of complexity such as asymmetries in the disk. Future high-resolution observations are required to confirm the disk/envelope model and to flesh out the details of the physical form of the inner regions of IRS 9A.Comment: Accepted to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, 13 pages, 14 figure

    An aperture masking mode for the MICADO instrument

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    MICADO is a near-IR camera for the Europea ELT, featuring an extended field (75" diameter) for imaging, and also spectrographic and high contrast imaging capabilities. It has been chosen by ESO as one of the two first-light instruments. Although it is ultimately aimed at being fed by the MCAO module called MAORY, MICADO will come with an internal SCAO system that will be complementary to it and will deliver a high performance on axis correction, suitable for coronagraphic and pupil masking applications. The basis of the pupil masking approach is to ensure the stability of the optical transfer function, even in the case of residual errors after AO correction (due to non common path errors and quasi-static aberrations). Preliminary designs of pupil masks are presented. Trade-offs and technical choices, especially regarding redundancy and pupil tracking, are explained.Comment: SPIE 2014 Proceeding -- Montrea

    CubeSats as pathfinders for planetary detection: the FIRST-S satellite

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    The idea behind FIRST (Fibered Imager foR a Single Telescope) is to use single-mode fibers to combine multiple apertures in a pupil plane as such as to synthesize a bigger aperture. The advantages with respect to a pure imager are i) relaxed tolerance on the pointing and cophasing, ii) higher accuracy in phase measurement, and iii) availability of compact, precise, and active single-mode optics like Lithium Niobate. The latter point being a huge asset in the context of a space mission. One of the problems of DARWIN or SIM-like projects was the difficulty to find low cost pathfinders missions. But the fact that Lithium Niobate optic is small and compact makes it easy to test through small nanosats missions. Moreover, they are commonly used in the telecom industry, and have already been tested on communication satellites. The idea of the FIRST-S demonstrator is to spatialize a 3U CubeSat with a Lithium Niobate nulling interferometer. The technical challenges of the project are: star tracking, beam combination, and nulling capabilities. The optical baseline of the interferometer would be 30 cm, giving a 2.2 AU spatial resolution at distance of 10 pc. The scientific objective of this mission would be to study the visible emission of exozodiacal light in the habitable zone around the closest stars.Comment: SPIE 2014 -- Astronomical telescopes and instrumentation -- Montrea

    360 degree domain wall generation in the soft layer of magnetic tunnel junctions

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    High spatial resolution X-ray photo-emission electron microscopy technique has been used to study the influence of the dipolar coupling taking place between the NiFe and the Co ferromagnetic electrodes of micron sized, elliptical shaped magnetic tunnel junctions. The chemical selectivity of this technique allows to observe independently the magnetic domain structure in each ferromagnetic electrode. The combination of this powerful imaging technique with micromagnetic simulations allows to evidence that a 360 degree domain wall can be stabilized in the NiFe soft layer. In this letter, we discuss the origin and the formation conditions of those 360 degree domain walls evidenced experimentally and numerically
