393 research outputs found

    Smart Meter Gateways: Options for a BSI-compliant integration of energy management systems

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    The introduction of Smart Meter Gateways (SMGWs) to buildings and households creates new opportunities and challenges for energy management systems. While SMGWs provide interfaces for accessing recorded information and enable communication to external parties, they also restrict data access to protect the privacy of inhabitants and facility owners. This paper presents an analysis of options for integrating automated (Building) Energy Management Systems (EMSs) into the smart meter architecture based on the technical guidelines for SMGWs by the German Federal Office for Information Security (“Bundesamt fĂŒr Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik”, BSI). It shows that there are multiple ways for integrating automated EMSs into the German smart metering architecture, although each option comes with its own advantages and restrictions. By providing a detailed discussion of trade-offs, this paper supports EMS designers that will be confronted with differing freedoms and limitations depending on the integration option

    Shopping centre siting and modal choice in Belgium: a destination based analysis

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    Although modal split is only one of the elements considered in decision-making on new shopping malls, it remarkably often arises in arguments of both proponents and opponents. Today, this is also the case in the debate on the planned development of three major shopping malls in Belgium. Inspired by such debates, the present study focuses on the impact of the location of shopping centres on the travel mode choice of the customers. Our hypothesis is that destination-based variables such as embeddedness in the urban fabric, accessibility and mall size influence the travel mode choice of the visitors. Based on modal split data and location characteristics of seventeen existing shopping centres in Belgium, we develop a model for a more sustainable siting policy. The results show a major influence of the location of the shopping centre in relation to the urban form, and of the size of the mall. Shopping centres that are part of a dense urban fabric, measured through population density, are less car dependent. Smaller sites will attract more cyclists and pedestrians. Interestingly, our results deviate significantly from the figures that have been put forward in public debates on the shopping mall issue in Belgium

    Swiss Sustainability Benchmark-Studie 2023 : Stellenwert, Kommunikation und Massnahmen

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    Nachhaltigkeit lautet der Zeitgeist, der aktuell viele Unternehmen vor Herausforderungen stellt. Richtig an-gegangen kann Nachhaltigkeit Unternehmen aber auch neue Chancen eröffnen und zu mehr Erfolg verhelfen. Schweizer Unternehmen sind sich einig, dass Nachhaltigkeit in den nĂ€chsten zehn Jahren weiter an Bedeutung gewinnen wird. Doch was verstehen Unternehmen unter Nachhaltigkeit? Was treibt Nachhaltigkeit im Unternehmen voran und wo liegen die HĂŒrden? Welche Nachhaltigkeitsmassnahmen werden ergriffen und wie wird das Thema kommuniziert? Diesen und weiteren Fragen widmet sich die vorliegende Studie. In einer Online-Befragung von 361 Schweizer Unternehmen wurde der branchenĂŒbergreifende Status-quo von Nachhaltigkeit untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen: Das Problembewusstsein fĂŒr nachhaltiges Wirtschaften ist vorhanden, allerdings stehen viele Unternehmen noch am Anfang ihrer NachhaltigkeitsbemĂŒhungen. So werden Nachhaltigkeitsziele recht vage formuliert und nur wenigen Unternehmen gelingen die Messung und Erfolgskontrolle der gesetzten Ziele. Zu den wichtigsten Motivatoren hinter den NachhaltigkeitsbemĂŒhungen gehören neben der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung, die Unternehmen immer stĂ€rker ĂŒbernehmen möchten, auch potenzielle Kostensenkungen sowie der Erhöhung der Mitarbeiterzufriedenheit. Nicht zuletzt spĂŒren Unternehmen, dass ihre Kund:innen verstĂ€rkt nachhaltige Lösungen bevorzugen und dass Nachhaltigkeit einen Wettbewerbsvorteil darstellen kann. Kund:innen stellen aber gleichzeitig auch die grösste HĂŒrde bei der Transformation dar. Einerseits, weil sie noch nicht ausreichend sensibilisiert sind und andererseits, weil sie nicht wirklich bereit sind, höhere Preise fĂŒr nachhaltige Produkte und Verpackungen oder Dienstleistungen zu zahlen. Viele Schweizer Unternehmen wollen als nachhaltig wahrgenommen werden. Doch bei der Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation finden sich Unternehmen hĂ€ufig im Spannungsfeld zwischen «Greenwashing» und «Greenhushing» wieder. So liegt die grösste Herausforderung darin, glaubwĂŒrdig zu kommunizieren und nicht dem Vorwurf von «Greenwashing» ausgesetzt zu werden. Als Folge kommunizieren viele Unternehmen nur einen Bruchteil ihrer Nachhaltigkeitsmassnahmen und Resultate, was als «Greenhushing» bezeichnet wird. Der Grossteil der Unternehmen verhĂ€lt sich trotz erreichter Nachhaltigkeitsmeilensteine zurĂŒckhaltend, wenn es um die Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation geht. Die Unternehmenswebseite ist der meistgenutzte Kanal fĂŒr die Nachhaltigkeitskommunikation, aber auch soziale Medien sowie narrative Darstellungen werden als zielfĂŒhrend erachtet. Um die GlaubwĂŒrdigkeit der Unternehmen zu steigern, gewinnt zudem die Aussenkommunikation durch ĂŒberzeugte Mitarbeiter:innen zunehmend an Bedeutung. In puncto Reporting unterscheiden sich Unternehmen nicht nur hinsichtlich der QualitĂ€t und Fortschrittlichkeit ihrer Nachhaltigkeitsberichte, sondern auch in der Relevanz bzw. Notwendigkeit, einen solchen Bericht zu erstellen. Auf dem Weg zur Nachhaltigkeit starten die meisten Unternehmen mit internen Massnahmen, da diese in der Regel schnell umsetzbar sind. In einem nĂ€chsten Schritt werden Nachhaltigkeitstransformationen auf externe Bereiche und die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette ausgeweitet. In den Bereichen nachhaltige GeschĂ€ftsmodelle und Produktdesign werden erst zögerlich Massnahmen umgesetzt, obwohl dort besonders hohes Potenzial vermutet wird. Basierend auf den Studienergebnissen wird empfohlen, kurzfristig die «Low-Hanging Fruits» zu identifizieren und umzusetzen. Dabei handelt es sich um schnell realisierbare Nachhaltigkeitsmassnahmen, die einen Beitrag leisten, aber nicht zwingend in der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie verankert sind. Langfristig ist es wichtig, Nachhaltigkeit strategisch im Unternehmen und der Unternehmenskultur zu verankern und Verbindlichkeiten zu schaffen. Nachhaltigkeit ist kein einmaliges Projekt, sondern ein kontinuierlicher Prozess, der stĂ€ndiger Anpassungen und ÜberprĂŒfungen bedarf. Die interne und externe Kommunikation sollte kontinuierlich und transparent erfolgen, auch Misserfolge und RĂŒckschlĂ€ge dĂŒrfen kommuniziert werden

    "Until death do us part". A multidisciplinary study on human- Animal co- burials from the Late Iron Age necropolis of Seminario Vescovile in Verona (Northern Italy, 3rd-1st c. BCE).

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    Animal remains are a common find in prehistoric and protohistoric funerary contexts. While taphonomic and osteological data provide insights about the proximate (depositional) factors responsible for these findings, the ultimate cultural causes leading to this observed mortuary behavior are obscured by the opacity of the archaeological record and the lack of written sources. Here, we apply an interdisciplinary suite of analytical approaches (zooarchaeological, anthropological, archaeological, paleogenetic, and isotopic) to explore the funerary deposition of animal remains and the nature of joint human-animal burials at Seminario Vescovile (Verona, Northern Italy 3rd-1st c. BCE). This context, culturally attributed to the Cenomane culture, features 161 inhumations, of which only 16 included animal remains in the form of full skeletons, isolated skeletal parts, or food offerings. Of these, four are of particular interest as they contain either horses (Equus caballus) or dogs (Canis lupus familiaris)-animals that did not play a dietary role. Analyses show no demographic, dietary, funerary similarities, or genetic relatedness between individuals buried with animals. Isotopic data from two analyzed dogs suggest differing management strategies for these animals, possibly linked to economic and/or ritual factors. Overall, our results point to the unsuitability of simple, straightforward explanations for the observed funerary variability. At the same time, they connect the evidence from Seminario Vescovile with documented Transalpine cultural traditions possibly influenced by local and Roman customs

    Modelling Hierarchy and Specialization of a System of Cities from an Evolutionary Perspective on Firms' Interactions

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    Despite their great diversity, most systems of cities show remarkably similar patterns when comparing the size distribution and the economic specialization of their constitutive cities. The universality of these patterns sparked the interest of geographers, economists and physicists. However, until now, no economic model has relied on a micro-based and evolutionary approach to reproduce these regularities. In this chapter, we intend to fill this gap by proposing a model where the micro dynamics of localized firms generate the two macro regularities of size distribution and economic specialization. The model is based on boundedly rational firms’ competition and path dependent innovation. We discuss the possible emergence of macro properties from these micro behaviors of firms

    Semantics-based information extraction for detecting economic events

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    As today's financial markets are sensitive to breaking news on economic events, accurate and timely automatic identification of events in news items is crucial. Unstructured news items originating from many heterogeneous sources have to be mined in order to extract knowledge useful for guiding decision making processes. Hence, we propose the Semantics-Based Pipeline for Economic Event Detection (SPEED), focusing on extracting financial events from news articles and annotating these with meta-data at a speed that enables real-time use. In our implementation, we use some components of an existing framework as well as new components, e.g., a high-performance Ontology Gazetteer, a Word Group Look-Up component, a Word Sense Disambiguator, and components for detecting economic events. Through their interaction with a domain-specific ontology, our novel, semantically enabled components constitute a feedback loop which fosters future reuse of acquired knowledge in the event detection process

    Serum estradiol/progesterone ratio on day of embryo transfer may predict reproductive outcome following controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and in vitro fertilization

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    BACKGROUND: To determine whether estradiol-to-progesterone (E(2)/P) ratios at the time of embryo transfer (ET) have an effect on implantation and pregnancy in IVF cycles. METHODS: 239 women consecutively treated by IVF or ICSI were retrospectively analyzed and early luteal serum E(2 )and P were measured on the day of ET. Transfer occurred after a variable in vitro culture period ranging from 4–7 days after ovulation induction (OI). Following ET, serum E(2)/P ratios were calculated for clinical pregnancies, preclinical abortions and non-coneption cycles. RESULTS: Receiver-operator curve analysis demonstrated that the E(2)/P ratio could differentiate between clinical pregnancies and non-pregnant cycles (area under the curve on OI +4 days = 0.70; 95% CI = 0.60–0.80; p = 0.003, on OI +5 days = 0.76; 95% CI = 0.64–0.88; p = 0.001, OI +7 days = 0.85; 95% CI = 0.75–0.96; p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: These retrospective data may hold prognostic value regarding endometrial receptivity as reflected by E(2)/P measurements and may help improve IVF treatment outcome. Further prospective studies should be undertaken to confirm these obersveration

    Redrawing the Map of Great Britain from a Network of Human Interactions

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    Do regional boundaries defined by governments respect the more natural ways that people interact across space? This paper proposes a novel, fine-grained approach to regional delineation, based on analyzing networks of billions of individual human transactions. Given a geographical area and some measure of the strength of links between its inhabitants, we show how to partition the area into smaller, non-overlapping regions while minimizing the disruption to each person's links. We tested our method on the largest non-Internet human network, inferred from a large telecommunications database in Great Britain. Our partitioning algorithm yields geographically cohesive regions that correspond remarkably well with administrative regions, while unveiling unexpected spatial structures that had previously only been hypothesized in the literature. We also quantify the effects of partitioning, showing for instance that the effects of a possible secession of Wales from Great Britain would be twice as disruptive for the human network than that of Scotland.National Science Foundation (U.S.)AT & TAudi AGUnited States. Dept. of Defense (National Defense Science and Engineering Fellowship Program
