4 research outputs found

    Zmiana barwy zasadniczej skórki w okresie zbioru jako wskaźnik dojrzałości zbiorczej jabłek

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    The CIELab colour system is used to evaluate food colours. Its advantage is that the base skin colour of bicoloured apples can be measured on the same fruit before and on the optimum harvest date. Additionally, it makes it possible to take many measurements within a short time. The changes of skin colour (yellowing) are caused by chlorophyll degradation. During fruit development and maturation chlorophyll breakdown is observed, which results in decreasing intensity of green coloration. The aim of the fiveyear study was to evaluate a fast and non-destructive method of determining the optimum harvest date of apples intended for long storage based on changes observed in the base skin colour. Apples of ‘Ligol’ and ‘Jonagored’ cultivars were collected every 4–5 days starting some weeks before the estimated OHD. On the last four or five sampling dates in all years of the study, apples were collected for cold storage. The storability of apples was evaluated after the same number of days of storage respectively to their harvest date. Storage efficiency was evaluated based on judgment that involved sensoric tests and checking of the incidence of diseases and disorders in apples, as well as on measurement of fruit mass loss and internal qualities (firmness, TSS, TA). From among the evaluated colour indicators L*, a*, b*, Hueab angle and chroma, changes in the base colour were best illustrated by the a* coordinate value and the Hueab angle value. Based on the evaluation of the quality of apples after storage, it can be stated that the apples had the best quality when the a* coordinate during harvest ranged between -13.5 and -15.5 for ‘Ligol’ and between -4.9 and -5.7 for ‘Jonagored’. The Hueab angle assumed a value between 107 and 109 for ‘Ligol’ and between 98 and 99 for ‘Jonagored’ during the optimum harvest date. Therefore, the a* coordinate and the Hueab angle can be used as indicators of harvest maturity.System barw CIELab jest stosowany do oceny żywności. Jego zaletą przy pomiarze barwy skórki jabłek dwubarwnych jest możliwość pomiaru barwy tego samego owocu przed okresem dojrzałości zbiorczej i w czasie tego okresu. Celem pięcioletnich badań była ocena szybkiej i niedestrukcyjnej metody wyznaczania dojrzałości zbiorczej jabłek przeznaczonych do długotrwałego przechowywania na podstawie obserwacji zmian barwy zasadniczej skórki. Owoce odmian jabłoni ‘Ligol’ i ‘Jonagored’ zbierano co 4–5 dni, zaczynając kilka tygodni przed orientacyjna datą zbioru. W okresie ostatnich czterech z pięciu pomiarów zbierano także owoce przeznaczone do przechowywania w chłodni. Ocenę zdolności przechowalniczej przeprowadzono po tym samym czasie przechowywana, w zależności od daty zbioru. Oceniano smak owoców, występowanie chorób fizjologicznych i grzybowych, a także mierzono parametry jakości wewnętrznej (jędrność, zawartość ekstraktów, kwasowość) oraz straty spowodowane transpiracją. Spośród analizowanych parametrów barwy (L*, a*, b*, Hueab i chroma) zmiany barwy zasadniczej najlepiej odzwierciedlała wartość koordynaty a* oraz wartość kąta Hueab. Na podstawie oceny jakości owoców po przechowywaniu stwierdzono, Īe jabáka mają największą zdolność przechowalniczą, jeśli koordynata a* w czasie zbioru zawarta jest w zakresie pomiędzy - 13,5 a -15,5 dla odmiany ‘Ligol’ oraz pomiędzy -4,9 a -5,7 dla odmiany ‘Jonagored’. Wartość kąta Hueab powinna wynieść pomiędzy 107 a 109 dla odmiany ‘Ligol’ oraz pomiędzy 98 a 99 dla odmiany ‘Jonagored’. Uznano, że koordynata a* i wartość kąta Hueab mogą był stosowane jako wskaźniki wyznaczania dojrzałości zbiorczej

    Exogenus ‘Ga<sub>3</sub>’ and ‘Ga<sub>4+7</sub>’ effects on phenological indices, frost hardiness and quality properties of ‘English morello’ sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.)

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    Exogenous gibberellins GA3 and GA4+7 treatments on ‘English Morello’ sour cherry trees 58 days after anthesis were evaluated in relation to their effect on fruit firmness, size distribution, colour development, titratable acidity to firmness ratio, yield, efficiency indices as well as leaf fall senescence. Moreover in the season following the applications their effect on flower bud characteristics including frost hardiness, fruit set and fruit drop, were examined. Foliar GA3 treatment had the most positive effect on ‘English Morello’ fruit size in the year of application and in the following season. GA4+7 treatment in the first experimental year increased sour cherry fruit firmness. Both GA3 and GA4+7 delayed leaf senescence process in the autumn. GA3 application had a positive effect on flower buds survival in comparison to control trees after frost occurred in spring. No GAs subsequent effect on next year fruit set and yield compared to control was found

    A Conceptual Framework for Multi-Regional Climate Change Assessments for International Market Systems with Long-Term Investments

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    A conceptual framework for climate change assessments of international market systems that involve long-term investments is proposed. The framework is a hybrid of dynamic and static modeling. Dynamic modeling is used for those system components for which temporally continuous modeling is possible, while fixed time slices are used for other system components where it can be assumed that underlying assumptions are held constant within the time slices but allowed to vary between slices. An important component of the framework is the assessment of the “metauncertainty” arising from the structural uncertainties of a linked sequence of climate, production, trade and decision-making models. The impetus for proposing the framework is the paucity of industry-wide assessments for market systems with multiple production regions and long-term capital investments that are vulnerable to climate variations and change, especially climate extremes. The proposed framework is pragmatic, eschewing the ideal for the tractable. Even so, numerous implementation challenges are expected, which are illustrated using an example industry. The conceptual framework is offered as a starting point for further discussions of strategies and approaches for climate change impact, vulnerability and adaptation assessments for international market systems